View Full Version : STOP THE WORLD I WANT TO GET OFF! by YellowDog

November 15th, 2007, 06:21 PM

I sit here after watching an interview with doctors, educated types, and political figures debating health care, and education. It’s at this point that I realize they are a lot like me, but smarter. They think the whole systems screwed up, the Republicans and the Democrats are just playing politics and not really trying to solve anything, and so on. It wasn’t too long into this Interview that I realized something. There’s no hope for us, and here’s why.

We have a country with a declining education system, it’s overcrowded, understaffed, and lacking in quality teachers. What does this have to do with health care, good question? I will draw a simple picture, after all I am simple minded. I only have a high school education. We are in Small town America, the plants that use to support a significant portion of the population have long since closed, and moved to Mexico, China and the Like “Thanks NAFTA!”. Now you have people that were not very smart to start with. You know the kind of people that could push the button, load and unload the machine, stamp the box, then pass it off to be loaded on the truck. I too was one of these people; I worked in a plant that produced spiral tubing. It was a dumb job, it didn’t take much thinking, but you could squeeze out a modest living at it. So don’t think for one second I am looking down on the working class by calling them dumb. I think in this world there is a need for the “working class” these are the people who do the jobs no one thinks about.

OK, back on the subject. The population in this Small Town America has all of a sudden absorbed a tremendous increase in unemployed, lose in the tax base, and loss in general income all around. The businesses that use to depend on the money spent by the worker are no longer there. The businesses close and move somewhere else, after all they are smart enough to leave town when the well dries up. Now we have a population on unemployment that eventually runs out, and then comes welfare, and government housing for the poor. “Witch they now are” and so on.

I hope by now you can see where this is going, if not… you may be one of the dumb people. The local government now has a greater percentage of unemployed that are not paying taxes, and in fact are a burden on what’s left of the tax base. So what do you have to do in order to keep your high paying salary as the governing authority of small town America? Cut expenses of course. So we cut out the funding that was going to the school’s in that area, after all kids don’t vote, it’s the parents that do, so we will keep them on the government cheese, keep them happy, and dumb down their kids. It seems to me, at least from what I’ve seen in my small town America, this is the case. We have generation number two now getting caught up in the cycle, and its getting even worse. The parents, who use to have a job, are now fat and lazy, sitting on their buts waiting for the government to solve their problems, after all they stepped in and put them in a house, gave them food, and free health care “after all you get that” if you’re on government cheese. You can continue to have babies; after all you get more cheese if you do. You can send them to the over populated school for 6 hour a day. Its great day care 5 days out of the week, and it’s free. Yea, this is the life, just sit here on my but, smoke a little crack, you picked up that habit after you lost your job, and let the government take care of it all.

Now what we have here.... is a failure… to educate…. I love that line from Cool Hand Luke.

So basically, now were back to the health care situation. We have populations in small town Americas everywhere that are uneducated, underfunded, and ignorant. These same people can take their kids to federally support “not for profit hospital” and have their kids cold treated at the emergency room. Who’s going to pick up the tab? Of course the government’s not, and certainly not the hospitals. The cost is passed on to the guy who has insurance, and who is still paying taxes. Well, at this point, that’s me, Joe America, and I am sick of it.

In closing, I am reminded by all the other issue faced by me, absorbed by me, and placed upon my back by someone other than me. Then my thoughts go back to when I was child and road my first roller coaster, when I got to the top and screamed, stop the ride I want to get off! Not knowing this was impossible. So now I am nearing the apex of this ride call reality and all I am screaming is


November 16th, 2007, 06:48 PM
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/FkHE0KjPzMQ&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/FkHE0KjPzMQ&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

November 16th, 2007, 11:10 PM
OMG!! My point exactly!!!

Forgive me for my late night rant,,I just went off on this dam ETV interview I saw.. It just plain pissed me off.. so the rant followed.

November 17th, 2007, 09:20 AM
No worries dude...It just reminded me of the movie. thought you'd enjoy it.

November 17th, 2007, 09:46 AM
But that film is exactly what is going on in the world.. except in South Carolina its more the black population thats breading like a bunch of retarded rabbits that cant speak proper English.. and some cant speak it at all... AND! Their not from another country.... I can at least credit the Mexican population with the ability to speak their native language.. and at least attempting to speak English. Our welfare sucking, drug dealing, drain on society black population cant even speak the language they were born into. I must add though.. yes their is a degree of the white population as well.. like the ones depictied in the film you posted.. but here.. thats not the "REAL" problem.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
November 17th, 2007, 10:34 AM
Joe Rogan does a stand up bit about sorta the same thing. The end result is the dumb people just out F the smart people.

November 17th, 2007, 02:03 PM
Parker, you bring up the same points that I often think, but don't speak. I am ready to get off this rollercoaster too. I do the only thing I can and that is vote, but hell, look at who we are voting for (and I am not just talking about the presidential runners) in the hopes that there is change for the good. And on the opposite side, those people cannot do what we voted them in for to do for the bullcrap organizations out there that says they can't. Sheesh.

November 25th, 2007, 10:05 PM
There's not much we can do......Too bad the ppl now-a-days don't have the courage to stand up to thier government like the founders of this country did back in the Revolutionary War...... Every now and then.....the bed sheets need to be changed...... Unfortunately, No one seems to realize this is only getting worse....and we are leaving this system for our children.....forget "getting off" I want it to change.....I want a better country for my daugter....and every other child that we are leaving this world to.....I wish that we could take every polititian that is found to be making choices to benefit himself.....and put him or her in cage an let them rot....

November 27th, 2007, 07:20 PM
so...this is what really happened to the Aztecs...There was no alien influence..they just got super dumb and faded into the night...man that sucks!
