View Full Version : My First Trip to Los Angeles Cali. By YellowDog:)

November 4th, 2007, 09:34 PM
Well, where do I start.. I guess with the reason I went.

My company "SimplexGrinnell" sent me there for a class on small panel programing. basically I work on fire alarm systems for commercial environments, its not the most glamorous job in the world but it pays the bills. I was scheduled to fly out October 28th at 7:00am... well the first flight was fine, just a small hop from Florence to Charlotte N.C. However, the second flight from Charlotte N.C to Los Angeles C.A. is where things got interesting.

"The Second Flight"

Now keep in mind I've really never flown before... other than a couple of times over Florence in a single engine plane. So the first big question in my mind is "Who do I have to sit with for 5 1/2 hours on a direct fight to LA. Is is going to be some smelly guy.. an over weight old lady with a breathing problem.. you just never know about these things..... Well my fears were soon put to rest when a somewhat provocatively dressed young lady comes to my row of 3 seats. I am in coach as you probably guessed by now. Right behind her is another young lady with less clothing than the first girl, so sure enough they they take the seats :).... So now it don't take a rocket scientist to figure out these girls are into some kind of adult industry. All I could think to myself is... I cant believe my luck.. of all the people on this over booked flight.. I get to ride with 2 HAWT chicks that obliviously are into some kind adult entertainment. Now, me being the nice guy, and gentleman, am not about to ask them what they do for a living, I already knew that. so I just enjoyed the fact they were nice eye candy.. and smelled nice :) Now its not to far into the fight, I start talking with these girls.. about anything and everything from in flight food.. to the movie that was on... blah Blah Blah.. you know the Idle stuff.. After our in flight meal, I get out my laptop and start watching the movie I had "Super Man Returns" Well, its not 2 minutes later "Shay" ask me if she can watch the movie with me... So I'm like sure, I gave her one of my headphones... and started the movie up. Its not to long after that she wants to know if she can lean on my shoulder... Why not.. so she has her little pillow propped up and laying her head on my shoulder, watching the movie... not to long after this her friend Teagan asked Shay if she can lay her head in Shays lap.. of course she does... "Now I must add that Teagan has some serious silicone Enhancement going on" Not to mention they were barley contained in her black lace bra. SO picture this.. I have Shay, leaning on my shoulder enjoying the moive.. I have Teagan laying on Shay... facing my direction.. and I have the window seat... Needless to say... I had some great scenery to look at... all the way to LA. Of course by the end of the flight... I get their Full "Professional names.. and of course where I can find them on the Net...

Digitalplayground.com "Shay Jordan (http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s320/bishoptv1/shay_jordan-01.jpg)" and "Teagan Presley (http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q165/karlyos/040.jpg)" They are both in the pRoN industry, and very good at what they do:)

Now for the rest of the trip.

I make it into LA on time, with plans to Link up with LA_MERC_CFH "Scott" my good friend.. who is such a great example of what a MERC brother should do for his fellow MERC's. I wait for my luggage to show up... it never does..seams it got left behind... and according to the baggage claim people it should show up on the next flight from Charlotte. 6 hours later. Scott planed on picking me up at the airport so I would not have to take the Shuttle bus to my hotel... and show me around Los Angeles.... What a great guy! So Scott's on time at least, I say Fvckit! to the lost luggage and off we go to to check out L.A. Scott takes me to see Venice beach.. and the Pacific ocean,, for someone from the east coast.. just to be able to lay my eyes on the Pacific ocean.. that was enough... then we road around, I get see the the whiskey A Go Go bar, the Hollywood Wax Museum, "the HOLLYWOOD sign" Grauman's Chinese Theatre, and all the streets that you hear so much about on TV and Radio,, Like sunset Blvd.. Rodeo drive and such... Scott then recommends the best burger joint around called "In and Out" and I must admit..they had the best hamburgers and fries I have ever eaten for under 5 bucks.. you just cant beat that... later on Scott drops me off at my hotel for the rest of the week. my luggage shows up at the hotel Im staying at about 3 am that night.. and im off to class for the next 5 days...

Now the rest of the week is not to eventful, I go to class...rack my brain, go back to the hotel.. suffer from the 3 hour time change, hang out in the bar with the other guys from the class... and so on.

Friday.. my last day in LA.

It starts off as usual, I get my bags packed and check out around 6:30 am... then get shuttle bused to the training center.. after a half day of class...its all over... and we get our final ride to the Los Angeles airport for our scheduled flights... mine is not leaving until 10:45 that night... OHHH what a wait... BUT!! to my rescue comes my good friend Scott Nichols, who got off of work early and vowed to pick me up from the airport so we could hang out and kill some time so I would not be stuck at the air port for the next 7 hours. Scott has this FREAKING GREAT IDEA... How would I like to go shoot some automatic rifles at the police station.. I need to add for those who don't know... Scott is a Police officer in LA. So I'm like hell yea!!! After getting the full tour of the station.. its like a State of the are 33 million dollar facility with 2 heavy armored SWAT trucks.. we make our way to the shooting range,, I got to shoot several clips worth of MP5.. yep.. the counter strike gun, "on full auto.. and the M4 assault rifle, 3 round burst fire...also got to fire off what I guess is considered the assault version of a Remington 870 shot gun... My shoulder is still sore from the slugs I shot out of that gun, but what fun it was... I took home with me 2 targets.. one from the Mp5, and one from the M4.. I must add that Scott was a great instructor on the proper way to handle, load and shoot these guns, I have a couple of rifles and shotguns.. but automatic rifles are another story.. I must add from what I saw of Scott's firing technique, and what was considered the combat reload Technique of the 870 shotgun, this dude knows his fire arms... I would not want to be on the wrong side of the law with CFH in the mix... you would not have a good day.

So after we leave the station.. We go get some food and a couple of beers at a local watering hole, then it’s off to the airport... I get checked through customs, had a couple hours wait... then its off to Charlotte N.C. again.. 5 hours later I’m in Charlotte... with no sleep on the plane.. and no pRoN stars to travel back with.. I then have a 3 1/2 hour layover for a short flight to Florence, getting in around 10:30 am. 30 minutes later I’m at my front door and 2 minutes later I’m in the bed "CRASHED"

To summarize my first trip to LA California... It was fun, the trip was paid for, I did what I had to do for my employer. I had an interesting flight over with a couple of pRoN stars. I got to hang out with LA_MERC_CowboyFromHell and see a little bit of L.A. California. All in all it was a lot of fun.. But man am I glad to be home in small town Florence South Carolina.

Scott..thats a big place you live in man.. I would get so frigging lost dude.. I wouldn't know where to turn or what to do. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to show a southern boy what Hollywood and the big city is like. I left that place with a greater appreciation on just how big the world is.. and how "Small Town" my home really is. It was an experience I won’t forget for a long time. You’re a great friend and an awesome example of what being a part of LA_MERC can bring you. Had it not been for this gathering of misfits centered around a few games, and a forum.. my trip to LA would not have been nearly as interesting. Thanks man!!

Parker Holcombe
"AKA" YellowDog!

November 4th, 2007, 09:41 PM
Sounds like you had a cool trip Parker - got any pics...maybe of the pornstars from the plane :) j/k.

Glad you had a good time!

November 4th, 2007, 09:58 PM
yea i got some pics.. but unfortunately you will have to take my word on the porn stars.. I didn't get any pics of them :(... but that would have been cool though..LOL

November 5th, 2007, 07:30 AM
nice man.... I've been on a few planes, but never with Pr0n$t@rS... Not sure I could maintain composure in that situation.. lol..

November 5th, 2007, 08:21 AM
Other than those 5 days in the middle, it sounds like you had a good time! Glad you made it home safely.

I've always enjoyed my trips to the west coast (amazing place), but never once did I entertain the thought of living there.

November 5th, 2007, 01:45 PM
lol..Youre welcome Parker. Always glad to hook up a MERC. :)

November 5th, 2007, 06:34 PM
Glad you had fun. We will have togethor and discuss the eye-candy in detail. LOL! jk!

November 7th, 2007, 06:35 AM
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/6HRg5S9qc94"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/6HRg5S9qc94" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

All in fun man.....all in fun

November 7th, 2007, 03:40 PM
LMAO!!!! Good one maggot :)

Well, I didn't have to ask for a pillow, Shay laid her head in my lap to resolve an arising issue... :)

What!! a man can dream right??

November 7th, 2007, 03:47 PM
i thought you'd get a kick out of that

November 8th, 2007, 08:11 PM
We want the Tegan and Shay pics man, quit holding back, you are THE luckiest SOB alive!!!!!! I ALWAYS get the fat old women with the congentital lung disease cough!!!! I fly way too much and have NEVER EVER gotten' the hot chick even close to me, I must smell or something LOL!!!! YOU ROCK DOG!!!!!! :)
