View Full Version : New TV

November 2nd, 2007, 07:47 AM
I got the Samsung 50" DLP that was on sale a few weeks ago, i forgot to post pics. here is a before and after:




LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
November 2nd, 2007, 07:54 AM
Good thing you didn't go bigger. You'd have to get rid of the fireplace!

I'm eyeing a TV too.

November 2nd, 2007, 08:01 AM
Nice upgrade there Onji!! So how does the 360 look on the new DLP?

I was hoping to move into the HD world this Christmas, but it looks my plans are foiled until next year. I have to get my HD vicariously through you guys.

November 2nd, 2007, 08:26 AM
nice man! I want a new tv :(

November 2nd, 2007, 11:28 AM
THAT IS SWEET. i too was looking at either getting a 50' plasma or a 47" dlp. both where similar price. i just paid my computer off in aug. threw my work and was going to get one of these but figured i needed to re-coop some of that money in my pay check for awhile this summer was very hard financially.
its a long story took in my brothers 3 kids and his ex-wife she dosent really help out to much she works alot but has a gambling adiciton. so its rested on all of us to support 6 people. so lost the nice new caddy and whent with 300 cash ford escort hehe. and alot of utilitys got turned off (trash/cable/cell phones) but kept the major ones electricity and water/rent. so now we are getting control over it a bit. I might think about one around the new year would love to mount it over the fire place but i rent and it would probably require some holes in the wall etc.
Well rambling again i seem to do that the last few posts sorry.
congrates again on the new addition it looks awsome would love to see some halo3 on it :)

November 2nd, 2007, 05:31 PM
DLP ROCKS!!!!!!! SWEET!!!!

Seems a bit close to the fireplace IMHO:)

November 2nd, 2007, 07:12 PM
I have a 61" Samsung DLP and have had it for a while. 1080p HD TV kicks ARSE!

Good upgrade Onji.
