View Full Version : My new toy...

October 24th, 2007, 04:49 PM
Well today I bought off of a co-worker for $50 a Compaq Proliant ML370 G2 Tower Server...like this one...


(I don't know what's up w/ the prices on that site - this server has to be at least 5 years old, and I can't see anyone paying $1100 for a refurb...)

And mine has a PIII-s Tualatin 1.33Gz, 1.5GB Ram, 2 18.2 10k RPM SCSI and 4 146GB 10k RPM SCSI Drives...

I'm not concerned w/ redundancy - I wanted the storage space, so I set up the 2 18.2's in RAID 0 and the 4 146's in RAID 0.

I'm loading Debian on it at the moment - can't wait to see that drive throughput - because I also set up software raid -0 between the two hardware arrays, so I have my / and my /home partitions striped across all 6 disks... :D

It's also got an open socket, so I'm also on the lookout for a 2nd CPU as well...

October 24th, 2007, 05:09 PM
Well.. I''ed say if nothing else... you got Raid 0 going on like a MOFO!!!

Gezzz... thats CRAZZZYYYY :)

October 24th, 2007, 05:40 PM
compaq proliant!!!! dude.. I hate to say it, but I wouldn't drag one of those down the street tied to the back of my truck.. We had.. and I stress HAD one where I work once.. Thing was a complete pile. Of course you are running Debian so that makes things a whole lot different. Still compaq = turdz!!111 lol!

October 24th, 2007, 06:12 PM
I dunno Spark - we have a bunch of Compaq's running at work that haven't been powered off in years...

October 24th, 2007, 07:20 PM
Hmmm - Debian just does not like this machine - and I don't feel like trying to make them play nice - trying SUSE now

October 24th, 2007, 08:14 PM
We are a total HP shop runnning around 150 proliant servers where I work and they work really well. I really like their new C-Class Bladesystem. I do not have much problems with them. Not nearly the problems that Dell, Gateway have. IBM may be better IMO though.

October 24th, 2007, 08:15 PM
well - it looks like out of the CD's I have here the only Linux Distro it likes is Ubuntu - 6.06.1 LTS loaded and is running fine.

I *THINK* my Debian problem was getting to over zelous w/ all those Mirrors - I think it was actually causing latency - I could be wrong - Have ubuntu set up as / on the 36 array (w/ a small swap partition at the end) and /home on the massive 500-something array of the 4 146's.

October 24th, 2007, 08:18 PM
HENRY -MY AMIGO - I do have one question for you I can't figure out - is there a way to stop it from shutting down if I remove some of those dang fans? I pop one fan out and that bastage goes haywire and shuts down talking about improper cooling - I KNOW a PIII 1.13 doesn't need 5 fans running at god only knows whatever speed those loud things are going at...

October 24th, 2007, 08:37 PM
I dunno Spark - we have a bunch of Compaq's running at work that haven't been powered off in years...

have to agree, we're an hp shop at work. 17 hp/compaq rack mounted servers, various raid configs etc. all working fine.

October 24th, 2007, 09:24 PM
meh... to each his own I suppose....

October 25th, 2007, 07:17 PM

You would likely need the SMART-Start cd's to disable the fan security. It would allow you to edit the BIOS settings. Even then though I'm not sure it would be too happy about it.

Those servers are built to run. If it makes too much noise, set it up in your garage. That P3 chip should be able to run in a room with ambient temps around 90 degrees before it goes in to thermal shutdown.


October 25th, 2007, 09:56 PM
Well - I actually decided not to buy it and took it back to the guy because of the noise...just too much for my situation - I hated to give up that much fast storage, but it was unbearable...

October 25th, 2007, 09:57 PM
BTW - I had the SMART Start CD's for it - I didn't think to try that since I wasn't loading Windows Server...

October 26th, 2007, 06:57 AM
As the number of computers in my house has increased and I've added a server and media center machine, noise has become public enemy number one. I don't always max out my performance, but I can hear myself think. Of course if you had a basement to put it in, then it might not be so bad. Down here in Baton Rouge, those are called indoor pools.

October 27th, 2007, 05:30 AM
HENRY -MY AMIGO - I do have one question for you I can't figure out - is there a way to stop it from shutting down if I remove some of those dang fans? I pop one fan out and that bastage goes haywire and shuts down talking about improper cooling - I KNOW a PIII 1.13 doesn't need 5 fans running at god only knows whatever speed those loud things are going at...

Sorry Max....just now got back to the forums. If you still had the server, I think you can go into the BIOS to shut down the fans. Not sure though, never had a reason to do it. Most of the time, I am putting more fans in them. :)

October 27th, 2007, 09:04 AM
It's all good Henry - in reality, I needed that thing like I need a hole in the head ;)

October 27th, 2007, 06:32 PM
I often feel that way towards myself.

October 27th, 2007, 08:43 PM

BTW - besides the Barracuda Spam Firewall and the Avaya phone system, I put in the first Linux server at ACS - a Ubuntu-Server based VMware-Server host running 2 virutals for R&D...also we are probably going w/ XenSource (RedHat Enterprise Linux Based) for overall Virtualization as well - just submitted the proposal.

Now, if I could just load Kubuntu, Debian or Suse on my workstation, it'd be one happy little Net-Admin :D

At least they don't make me run Vista like the PCTechs (so they can learn it)...

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
October 28th, 2007, 03:24 PM
I have Vista on my laptop so I can learn it. Currently we only have 1 client that has Vista but I'm sure more and more are going to get it. It's not bad it's just a pain to try and find everything again.
