View Full Version : 2nd grader suspended for drawing gun

October 22nd, 2007, 08:22 PM

The principal and school board should all be fired.

October 23rd, 2007, 08:33 AM
The guy who wrote that article is rambing, blathering idiot. The article is a collection of non sequiturs that have no bearing on the main subject OR indicate societal problems like he's insinuating.

While slightly disturbing, I don't think the drawing warrants a suspension. One thing you (and the author) needs to keep in mind is when he was a kid, other kids didn't go on mass murder sprees in public schools.

October 23rd, 2007, 09:29 AM
The guy who wrote that article is rambing, blathering idiot.

I agree.. i could not make sense of what the writer was trying to say after first few sentences.

October 23rd, 2007, 11:34 AM
There was also a 12 year old that got suspended for drawing a gun. There was a person standing on it and a few hanging from the trigger. Almost looked like a space ship.

I think its stupid for suspending a child for drawing a gun.

I guess the author was saying that images of guns are in every fassett of society. How can you suspend a child for drawing a gun when images of guns are everywhere in our day to day lives.

A child drawing a gun does not mean that he will shoot someone and suspending a 2nd grader will not teach him a lesson.

I have friends that are teachers and students tell them that they are going to bring their daddy's gun to school and shoot them or F them and F that but they can't do anything to them.

October 23rd, 2007, 11:38 AM
One thing you (and the author) needs to keep in mind is when he was a kid, other kids didn't go on mass murder sprees in public schools.

That may be correct to an extent. You also had parents that were more involved in their kids school activities and actually taught their kids and home. Mothers were more likely to be stay at home moms at that time. Parents could actually spank their kids without the government stepping in to stop them.

Now a days, schools are treated more like a large baby sitting institution rather than one of a learning environment.

October 23rd, 2007, 07:45 PM
That may be correct to an extent. You also had parents that were more involved in their kids school activities and actually taught their kids and home. Mothers were more likely to be stay at home moms at that time. Parents could actually spank their kids without the government stepping in to stop them.

Now a days, schools are treated more like a large baby sitting institution rather than one of a learning environment.

Now that I work for a school district, I see very much what you are talking about Toby. You are right on the money! And what is so bad, they will take all the bad youngins and move them to a bad school for them to babysit them so the other schools won't have to deal with them and bring their stats down, etc, etc, etc. And then they wonder why is it that school has all the gun totin, gang fairing kids that are all the time getting locked up. It is all a flipping shame!

October 23rd, 2007, 08:17 PM
There was also a 12 year old that got suspended for drawing a gun. There was a person standing on it and a few hanging from the trigger. Almost looked like a space ship.

I think its stupid for suspending a child for drawing a gun.

I guess the author was saying that images of guns are in every fassett of society. How can you suspend a child for drawing a gun when images of guns are everywhere in our day to day lives.

A child drawing a gun does not mean that he will shoot someone and suspending a 2nd grader will not teach him a lesson.

I have friends that are teachers and students tell them that they are going to bring their daddy's gun to school and shoot them or F them and F that but they can't do anything to them.

Suspending a 2nd grader is stupid. I agree. The problem I have is, if this kid is drawing pictures of himself shooting another student somethings wrong. This isn't cowboys shooting indians or cops and robbers, this is a REAL person drawing a picture of himself shooting another REAL person.

It needs to be looked into further and not written off to "boys will be boys." What happens if the school does nothingand this kid DOES shoot the other student? Holy ****ing hell would the parents be screaming.

It's ALOT more then the school reacting to the situation. It's everything you mentioned.

What type of parents does the boy have?
Are there guns in the house?
Does the kid have access to the guns?
What type of dicsipline issues (if any) does the kid have?

While I think the school over reacted it's better then doing nothing at all.

As for the last line about threatening a teacher. I dunno about LA but out here its a crime and students can and have been arrested for that very thing.

October 23rd, 2007, 09:06 PM
I drew guns and I would shoot people with rubber band guns. We would shoot people with paintball guns when I was younger. Hell, we did a lot worse.

The kid is in second grade. He's probably around 7? Does he even understand that kind of hatred?

I was just saying that this is sending the wrong message to kids of this age even if they could understand the message. Maybe have to pass a psychiatric test before you enter into the next school year. How about a class or section of class dealing with gun control or what can happen if you use guns and dangers.

I just don't see this as handling things correctly. It will just show others how to not be detected as a potential threat.

I do think that public education is going down the drain. To many students and not enough teachers. Teachers having to teach class at a snails pace for the 5-15% of the students who can't keep up. I was luck to be in advanced courses most of my years in public education as most parents can't afford private school. Also, what I said earlier about parents just using school as a government paid baby sitter.

And as CFH pointed out, shootings in school didn't happen back in the days. Maybe we need to bring back the paddles. Every teacher used to be able to and would tear your arse up for misbehaving in school. Now, parents can't even do that in their own homes.

October 24th, 2007, 01:35 PM
When I was in I think the 4th grade, we had to memorize our times tables up to the 12s. You had so many weeks to get it memorized. If you didn't, you lost recess for the first 2 weeks. If it passed the 2 week mark, it was a swat to the ass with what amounted to a boat oar. I remember this VIVDLY because I came within about 48 hours of gettign oared. Some of friends didn't quite make it.

To this day I know my times tables...I TELL YOU WHAT!

October 24th, 2007, 01:48 PM
suspension may not have been necessary, but I agree that something needed to be done. It is NOT normal to draw a gun pointed to someones head. My guess is that mom and/or dad let's that kid watch gangsta movies.

October 24th, 2007, 02:45 PM
Gangsta movies??? that kind of stuff / situation is in cartoons. hell, it was in cartoons when I was a kid. How many times did Droopy, Elmer Fudd, Marvin the Martian, speedy's friend Slow Poke, etc. etc. all point guns at others and shoot them too?

If people are so damn sensitive, why do they still let companies manufacture and sell to their kids water guns, cap guns, air soft guns, paintball guns, nerf guns, etc. How do they know the kid wasn't drawing a cap gun?

I have a problem with enforcement of unwritten rules. is there anything in the schools policy guideline manual provided to the parents / kids that says you are not able to make a drawing of a gun? If not, what justification do they have in suspending the student?
Same goes for adults - by what law is a municipality going by when it tells someone to take down part of their halloween decoration that has been in use and associated with halloween almost from the start of the holiday.

when will society "have enough" and stop giving in to the outlandish comments and critisisms from a minority component of the population. At what point do we stop trying to be politically correct and say Shut The Fu.. Up and Deal? When as a society / nation do we stop caring more about the goverment and well being of people across the globe and focus on our own internal workings to get our crap together here. from Education to Health Care to Social Security to Immigration to the Legal System (criminal and civil). We need to fix our own shlt before we go around trying to fix the rest of the world's.

October 24th, 2007, 08:17 PM
