View Full Version : My First LAN (By: Bacowrath)

October 14th, 2007, 08:06 AM
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to say how much fun I had this weekend. I'm glad my back held out for two days at least. Sorry I didn't get to stay for the game....even sorrier that I watched it :( Thanks to everyone for making me feel welcome, and I cant wait for the next one! Thanks to Robbie for getting Mike hooked on WOW who in turn got me addicted :p It was great playing BF2 with you guys on Saturday especially Andy who became my target b!tch :p Good job guys, and special thanks to Spark and whoever else got things together. Great job guys!!!


PS: Nooch your momma says hi. Its great to be in her big fluffy arms again :p

October 14th, 2007, 08:27 AM
LMAO! Glad you could make it Baco. You didn't miss out on much man. That game took the wind out of some sails.

October 14th, 2007, 10:25 AM
It was definately a blast Barry.
I feel like someone ran me over
200 times
I need some morphine over here
I'm pretty sure Reed adn Justin kept me from going to jail.
I somehow pissed of a uniformed Jefferson parish police officer and he was about to beat me down and Reed pulled his old Jedi mind trick and said no officer this is not the drunk that pissed you off and somehow I did not go to jail. Thanks Reed adn Justin.

Damn it, I just bit my lip that I busted somehow falling asleep at the keyboard and catching my ,outh on the table. Damn it.

October 14th, 2007, 12:09 PM
When did the police thing happen? Must've been after I left?

October 14th, 2007, 12:41 PM
So, just how many guys did we have make it this time around??

October 14th, 2007, 01:31 PM
At one point I think we had about 23 people in the room gaming.

October 14th, 2007, 01:54 PM
That was the first LAN where I actaully broke down my rig and took it to play. I was there Friday and Saturday, and man, I had a blast. It was really great to meet the guys and actually put some faces and real personalities to the names I chat and play games with on a daily basis.

I will definitely be doing my best to be at the next one. Great job to all who coordinated this event.

October 14th, 2007, 02:27 PM
This LAN was great. It was good to meet a lot of the new guys and see some old friends. Things I learned from this LAN:
1. Andy DOES need sleep.
2. No matter what you may think... Dirges ass only gets worse smellin.
3. I can kick Andy's ass when it comes to boxing (on the Wii of course)
4. No matter how much beer you bring... you will need more.
5. Mike makes loud noises when he sleeps
6. Baco is even sexier in person.
7. An LSU loss during a LAN can really take the wind out of the sails.
8. Somehow.. the law always gets involved.

Thanks to everyone who made this LAN possible and thank everyone who showed up... it will be one to remember

October 14th, 2007, 03:21 PM
Also, there is nothing like seeing that WOW Toyota commercial while everyone is playing it.

"I'm going to choose: 4 wheels of Fury!"
"Did you see me lay down the law?"

October 14th, 2007, 03:22 PM
Damn, sorry I missed the Jedi mind trick :), I probably won't make it next year either. The new vessel project will have me in Scottsdale, AZ in Nov., Australia in December, and back in New York May thru June of next year. 2008 is going to be VERY busy!!!

October 14th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Nice Rollout.. Enjoy the frequent flyer miles!!! and the Cavity check through Customs..

Conda mashed his face when he passed out at the key board and struck the table edge with his Grill?? LOVE IT!!!

October 14th, 2007, 04:51 PM
Cops thing happened around 4 am or so. Damn i think i need a new liver, just made it back to the house, thinking a shower and sleep.

Andy also disappeared around 9 pm friday night, not to show bacak up til the next day. I'm thinking another is in the planning already, but its gotta be a ways off, i need to detox for awhile. Nothing like drinking black n tans for breakfast.

October 14th, 2007, 05:24 PM
back home.... starting my pre-game guiness drinking. Never say die baby!!!!11 LAN was a BLAST! as always too short. October next year is the best I can give you on a date. I'll know in a few months. Thanks to everyone that took the time to come. Thanks to Reed, and Robby for getting the switches, monitors, and projector to the LAN. Thanks to Onji for shipping the switches. Thanks to My wife for taking what was a VERY busy weekend and still managing to make us some tasty grub in the form of whiskey wieners and red beans and rice.

October 15th, 2007, 07:19 PM
yeah big shoutout to Courtney for us Spark, and I thought she was going to heaven before...being with you :p

was a great LAN, the whole Friday watching movie while playing thing was great, Jackass 2 was so great to watch with everyone...greta friends is what MERC is all about, we could have a chess lan and it would be f*cking great, of course without Toby and Onji, it is just not the same, but hopefully next time.

"high five"
