View Full Version : Limbaugh Smear Letter being Auctioned off on Ebay

October 12th, 2007, 11:44 AM

Page speaks for itself.

October 12th, 2007, 12:02 PM
what is a smear letter

October 12th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Well, all I know is, its not the place of elected officials to dictate to free American citizen what they should or should not say. This letter basically makes that point, asking for a public apology, and some sort of "Action" be taken concerning his comments...

BULL ****!!! If Rush decides to go off the deep end, and call everyone in America, Satan Worshiping communist that have sex with goats... Thats his right, if the PUBLIC don't like it, then "WE THE PEOPLE" will take action.

However, this letter sounds like a bunch of social snobs, acting as though their opinion is the only one that counts. Trying to discredit a person who is opposed to THEIR way of doing things.

Total Bull ****...

I don't agree with everything Rush has to say, but he has the right to say it, just like Imus, Stern, or you and me.
