View Full Version : From a Marine...

October 3rd, 2007, 08:55 AM
Why listen to a loud mouthed Fat-arse Senator when you can hear it from the ones doing it... Semper Fi!

http://www.townhall.com/columnists/MarcoMartinez/2007/10/01/marine_hero_the_5_things_i_saw_that_make_me_suppor t_the_war

October 3rd, 2007, 09:36 AM
My little brother is on his 3rd trip over there.....he used to tell us stuff that wasn't top secret.....now he doesn't tell us anything....I don't even know what he does anymore....all I know is that he is still alive.

He would not be there,if he didn't believe in what he was doing....and I stand behind him.


October 3rd, 2007, 12:03 PM
Great article David.

Right, wrong, or indifferent what liberals need to remember most is our military is all voluntary. Our troops serve becuase they understand that freedom isn't free and they are willing to pay the ultimate price for our precious right to enjoy it.

For that I'm eternally greatful for my troops.

October 3rd, 2007, 01:10 PM

Tell your Brother Thanks for Serving... I'm grateful as hell to the men and women like him who serve... God Bless him!!!

October 3rd, 2007, 06:10 PM
RGR that ya all.

My son just finished his 1 year in Kuwait, he will be transfered to Washington to serve his next 3 years and will be redeployed elsewhere in the world.

I stand by him 100%!

Oh yeh, and this is just plain sick!

1. Mass Graves

I was part of a group that was tasked with guarding Saddam’s mass graves. And let me tell you something: anyone who could look straight down into those huge holes at the skeletons and remains and see what that monster did to 300,000 of his own people would have no doubt that we did the right thing in removing him from power. Saddam’s henchmen would tie two people together, some with babies in their arms, stand them at the crater’s edge, and then shoot one of the people in the head, relying on the weight of the dead body to drag them both into the hole. This would save on rounds and also ensure that both people died, one from a gunshot, the other by being buried alive.
