View Full Version : Theres a Monster in my house.

October 2nd, 2007, 07:11 AM
And it scored 9014 on 3Dmark 06 .....Muhahaha

Fellas I was up until 4:00 am getting my new Rig up and running... Its running Raid 0 across 74 gig raptor 10,000 Rpm Hard drives... Damm does that thing load fast..

I hope yall can view this link if not...the basic stuff is below

4 Gigs of Corsair XMS DDR2,
Intel E6600,
Nvidia 8800 GTS 640 GB ram,
750w Thermaltake PS.

Anyway I have some footage I plan on posting of my new machine once I get it ironed out.... It score 9014 without any tweaking... I get the feeling it has more potential once I customize a few settings.

October 2nd, 2007, 09:07 AM
We need some PICS! Of course those are some awesome parts/specs. You can now add yourself to the Uber Cool group of gamers that are sitting in that nice shiny plane before anyone else on your team has even made it into the game. Saaaaweeet.

Note: No dice on the link there YellowDog.
