View Full Version : Been out of the loop...

October 1st, 2007, 08:21 AM
I found a little time to get in a couple of BF2 maps last night, but I've been AWOL basically since the scrim. Can't really put my finger on it, other than an over whelming amount of activities with the Kids, wife, farm, at the office, and of course that cash-sucking estate situation. Not to mention the basic stuff, like laundry, lawn care, and food preparation the list is endless it seems! When is there time to do the fun stuff?

I hope to find or make additional time for BF2 this week!! See you in the Game!

October 1st, 2007, 08:35 AM
You forgot being a pirate YARRRGGGGGGGGGG!

October 1st, 2007, 08:41 AM
You forgot being a pirate YARRRGGGGGGGGGG!


October 1st, 2007, 09:38 AM
I hear ya David. I think I'm going to just name those bags under my eyes. With the last of the birthday parties in our family for the year now past, I hope that things settle out a little.

Last night I would have joined everyone else, but I hate Oman (not the country, but the map... no wait... the country too). So I was hanging out on a AF map getting my arse handed to me. I am looking foward to some good rounds this weekend, so make sure you carve out a little time in your schedule.

October 1st, 2007, 10:36 AM
Well, I figure most people take a little break after a big build up to a scrim... thats whats happed on the last 3 we've had. all the planing, getting it together,, then the scrim itself.. its kindof a BF2 over load. IMO...

ALSO... I should be on my new Machine by the weekend.. So I will finally be the first one in the game, and have all my graphics WIDE FARKING OPEN...

Core 2 duo E-6600, and an EVGA 640mb 8800, 2 Raptor 74 gb 10,000 rpm drives in Raid 0 , and Seagate, 7200 250 gb drive for storage,,, an ANTEC 900 case, 4gb of Corsair ddr2 XMS ram, .... and the list goes on and on... MUHAHAHAHA!!!

October 1st, 2007, 10:42 AM
Sweet Dog!! Nice Rig Brother... (now can you teach it to shoot??) :stick

I dropped a line to Hawcer and thought maybe we could either get our I/O server up and running couple of nights with a few of the Sniper Guys or join some of them at their I/O server... Either way I need some Squad time with My BOYZ...

October 1st, 2007, 10:50 AM
Saaweeeet rig there YD! That 900 case is pretty amazing. Cagrats on build!

October 1st, 2007, 11:25 AM
Awesome DOG!!!! Congrats!!!!

October 1st, 2007, 12:20 PM
You guys are not alone....I have been "outa the loop" since our scrim also(as far as playing time goes).I had to learn and practice on the medic kit(which I never used before).That with all the rest of the preparation took some time away from my family.To be fair...I really needed to give them some of that time back.Plus my wife is going to nursing school,which means she needs more study time,which leaves me helping out alot more.Plus now I have to share my computer :( .

I have the Antec 900 case...it totally rocks.Before I built my new machine,you could say,I had a very expensive space heater.

We planned on hitting your guys server,if our server was down too long while updating to our new server.but that seems to be going rather smoothly.

But I still passed along Wetzny's Idea's to the group and I plan on getting some game time with you all.


October 1st, 2007, 04:03 PM
Sounds like a great Idea,,, I got all my parts so im getting to work on it tonight... once I get that Monster going.. I will be looking for some game time, gaming up on or servers sounds like a great Idea to :)

BTW.. that 900 case... Hollyy Shiat!! I likes that thing.. BTW.. I swaped out the blue LED fans for red ones.. Me likes even better now.. IT is wicked cool looking. :) OK.. Off to work :)

October 1st, 2007, 08:28 PM
Pics Dog, PICS!!
