View Full Version : First I've heard of this... Chilling!

September 25th, 2007, 06:10 AM
Where's the spotlight, the focus, the 24/7 OJ like intensity on this Topic!!!?? The American Media Elite are sick, plain and simple. Sick.


September 25th, 2007, 08:24 AM
That is why my sons won't ride the bus if it is not their regular driver.I have to say,It was at first mostly their choice,with not being comfertable with other drivers.....but now it is also mine.

Of course.I do live in nowheresville USA....So if Hogi is driving a bus....He wouldn't make it ten feet into town.

Thanks for the info......


September 25th, 2007, 09:15 AM
Gee wouldn't it be great if we found bin laden and killed him... Oh wait... we could have spent our resources doing just that. Instead we invade fuking Iraq. Yet another COMPLETE blunder in a long list by the president and his incompetent staff. I'll tell ya. This dumb sh!t can't leave office soon enough. God forbid something happen to my boys. I swear I would loose my sh!t.

September 25th, 2007, 12:32 PM
Man... You know its amazing what the media doesn't talk about.. until I read that article... I had no Knowledge of the School children I Russia being held hostage, then murdered... There to worried about Paris Hilton, or the last this the bush administration did wrong, to cover stories that people might really give a Sh!t about.

September 25th, 2007, 01:55 PM
dood... here is the thing. We DON'T want to know about this. We DON'T have a right to know. The last thing I would want if I were an anti terrorism guy at the FBI or CIA is to tip my hand and let these jackasses know what we know. You can BET your arse our spooky types are paying VERY close attention to what is going on. You think the CIA/FBI is going to let another 9/11 happen if it is in any way possible to prevent it? what... do you think some turd with a keyboard and internet connection knows more then our guys?

Muslim types are disappearing all around this country without a trace. We had a middle eastern type here vanish. Guy was a prof at UNO. Just gone like a fart in the wind. If you read stuff about these clowns you start to know that they make more noise about sh!t they CAN'T do. When they have the means to pull off an attack they do it. They don't talk about it

Terrorist organization leaders all share one common desire. THEy WANT TO LIVE. You can bet your arse if they attack children in this country the retaliation would be swift in coming. You think they don't know that? Look at the clowns that took the school and killed kids. Their fight is completely over. they have ZERO support from anyone. No one wants to be associated with that kinda of sh!t. Basically an attack on school children would be bad for business. The entire world would turn on these guys and they know it.

Bottom line is articles like this are meant to make people scared as much as to inform.

September 25th, 2007, 03:45 PM
Well, you have a good point... I don't know what to think anymore when it comes to "THE WAR on TERROR"... Sometimes I think its more a "MANIPULATION of the MASSES".

Then later on you see living prof of what some of these weak minded sheep will do when given the opportunity. So... Is our Government REALLY trying to fight a war on terror.. Or prolonging a war, and making things worse only so they can become richer and more powerful at the expense of the American solider, and the American Tax payer. It's been said in reference to wars in the past, they made a lot of people rich, and helped to grow industrial might. Without these wars this would have otherwise not have happened. Lets face it.. Peace time is a killer for Big Steal, and may other industries.

SO, I'm getting to the point that I have a distrust for "THE MAN"
But at the same time... I support what were doing, not so much because I care for those a$$ backwards people over there. I care more for our solders over there.. and the people they are protecting over here... By taking a fight to them, instead of sitting back on our fat a$$'es waiting for them to bring the fight back to us...
