View Full Version : Quake Wars: Enemy Territory Demo

September 13th, 2007, 06:18 PM
I downloaded the demo of QW:ET yesterday and have been playing it a little. There's a moderate learning curve to figure out who can complete what goals, but I'm getting there. It's definitely not BF2, but I haven't really decided whether I like it or not. Has anyone else given it a try?

September 13th, 2007, 06:27 PM
tried it out, something just doesn't feel right to me. i cant put my finger on it

September 13th, 2007, 06:27 PM
Not I.... said the Dog......

September 13th, 2007, 06:52 PM
I would like to try it I was so into getting this game but it took so long to come out I do not know

September 14th, 2007, 07:50 AM
I might try it out after I get my new computer put together on monday.

September 14th, 2007, 08:45 AM
tried it out, something just doesn't feel right to me. i cant put my finger on it

After playing a few rounds, I think I agree with your observations. I just feels like the movement is un-natural. It is true to it's roots (Quake), but I like the feel of BF2 better.

The demo is free, so I don't see the downside in giving it a try. After two years with BF2, I wouldn't mind finding something new to play. There's a lot coming out between now and Christmas though.

September 14th, 2007, 08:48 AM
;205090']I might try it out after I get my new computer put together on monday.

Congrats on the new computer! You must be a little ahead of schedule on it since it sounded like it would take a couple months. You'll have just enough time to get it all tweaked before the scrim.

September 14th, 2007, 01:23 PM
Thanks! Im excited. UPS.com says the rest of my stuff is waiting for me at home. I just got tired of waiting around a shopping so I just decided to get rid of the headache! I had fun researcing all the technology and when I figured out what I wanted, I just went ahead and bought it even if was going to be a little big extra. Ill post the specs over in the pc setup thread soon.

September 14th, 2007, 01:30 PM
got the demo would not play just sat there hummmm

September 14th, 2007, 08:38 PM
oh yeah down loaded the demo on wed. lol as soon as i saw it on file planet i called in sick to work i knew i would be playing all day lol.
Most of the day i played the GDF i loved it i like the mission based objectives rather that capturing a flag back and forth like in bf2. initially i like the engineer because of the defensive turrets. but then it got boring the front line was moving so fast with us on assault that i could build in the enemys territory and my defensive guns where to far from the front line to be any use.( there is suppossed to be a few map that have GDF on defense vs strog assaults) so most of the time i played field op's( supply/support class bf2) and would set up rocket battery's to fire and get in close and those the smoke grenade that calls in allied air strike. it was great seeing the napalm like run the jet makes then would follow up with rocket barrage or hammer missle.
It's very hard to decied some times say when you need to repair the MCP as it leaves the tunnle to have alot of engineers on your team or just a few guys and have every one else cover you. so far it feels like every one is out for them selves not alot of team work but i think once the clans get ahold of this game the team work will be amazing. i would like to get a few of us together to play this some time looks like it will be a blast.
