View Full Version : Are LSU Fans Wetting Themselves Yet?

September 9th, 2007, 06:37 AM
I predicted a Georgia Tech vs. Notre Dame score for last night. Never, did I think that it would be more like LSU vs. Miss State. And, after waiting a few extra years to play this payback game, it was well worth it.

Sorry VaTech, you all heckled the hell out of me on my way back from the stadium to the car when I visited your house, but man, there was no heckling needed for this game. I know VaTech fans who made this trip feel like they have their pants down around their ankles and a throbbing butt.

As for Miss State, you can put a feather in your cap. The State D held LSU to a season low of 45 points!!!

I truly hope this is the way LSU handles business through the rest of the season. You have to love it when the commentators start questioning if LSU isn't the best team in the country after they witnessed the slaughter they saw last night.

I think LSU may finally have the best mix of coaching talent and player talent to truly make this team a force to be reconned with.

As far as little Nicky goes, he may have tried to claim it was his talent that dismantled Notre Dame last year, he can't really say jack this year. Matt Flynn and Glenn Dorsey may be the only big players that he can claim that he recruited, but I saw quite a few other big players on that field last night. And, I'm going to say it right now. Alabama does not score on LSU's D this year.

This team truly looks like a team on a mission. Oh, I have made sure that they left some room on the bandwagon for some of you late comers. Tonya, Wayne, its not to late, and we are somewhat forgiving.

September 9th, 2007, 08:33 AM
OK OK LSU is a good team never said they wasn't (mite have said they sux but I didn't mean they suxed as a team) Anyway! I'm just not ready to get on the LSU bandwagon. I still have my teams to support ya know. BAMA did good in there game and BAMA is one of my teams. I didn't get to get the final score on the Vtech and LSU the cable went out. I was flipping between the LSU game and NASCAR!!!! I am a forever die hard DALE JR fan..... Wayne is a Stinky Stewart fan...

Anyway I got off topic.. Not not a LSU fan yet sorry guys.......
Oh and one of the LSU Coaches mite go to coach somewhere else I can't remember what team they said he is looking to get tho...

September 9th, 2007, 08:43 AM
I was there! Partied my tail off, got a lil sunburnt. I'd post pictures from the phone, but it um, isnt functioning anymore...

As for being a Bama fan.....Nick Saban should catch siphilis...

September 9th, 2007, 08:53 AM
GO LSU GO LSU got home at 0300 in the morrning

September 9th, 2007, 04:08 PM
lol very nice just about what I thought would happen. Florida is the next test. Of course, we get a real look at FLorida next week hosting Tenn.

September 9th, 2007, 04:47 PM
Auburn SUXRS!!! It's going to be a LONG PAINFUL year!!!

September 9th, 2007, 08:54 PM
They were talking about Miles going to Michigan to coach if Carr gets kicked out. He's said in the past that coaching at Michigan is his dream. That's what they were referring to during the game.

September 10th, 2007, 08:30 AM
Tenn is weak though Dirge.. no matter.. LSU looks preety darn good so far. can't wait for them to pwn bama
