View Full Version : Calling All AWOL BF2'ers!!!

September 3rd, 2007, 11:22 AM
The last week my family focused on adjusting to the new school schedule, homework, and all the other things that go into running a household; but I’m hoping most of those adjustments are behind me now.

As such I intend to log onto our TS server tonight, and hope to see all the regulars on. I’ve been told it’s been a little thin around here for players lately; maybe others are going through the same adjustments.

I was in the game lastnight, then lost the connection...

See you in the game!!

September 3rd, 2007, 01:27 PM
bow season just opened here sat.- I wont be around that much for the next 2- 3 weeks, not that I play that much anyway, just letting yall know where im at right now.

Opps- And a shamless plug for my new toy we picked up on the way back from Glacier National Park. My beloved Scout II is in need of repair, it has never left me stranded but I fear my luck maybe running out. Now I can take my time and really restore it the way I want to. NEVER EVER thought I would own a Ford till I drove this truck- F-350/crew cab/turbo diesel/lariat/ 08 Brand new- LOVE IT!!!!!!

Wish me luck in the woods fellas-

September 3rd, 2007, 01:40 PM
I've been off and on depending on my work schedule guys.

Lately we've been getting thrashed again because it is close to the end of the fiscal year.

Tuesday/Thurs/Friday (and sporadic weekend times) are my best times.

I admit when I do get on, there are usually only a handfull of folks on.


September 3rd, 2007, 03:00 PM
FORD pwnz j00s!

September 3rd, 2007, 06:57 PM
Did someone mention Bow season???? I got chub !!! One more month...sweet !

September 4th, 2007, 07:53 AM
Oh yeah...I opened my door this morning and saw a buck...and I live in town! Granted, I don't hunt or anything...but it still is awesome to look out your window or door and see "wild" animals.

September 4th, 2007, 11:26 AM

the FIRST time my dad and I went out was with a couple of Kentucky longs.... He bought the kits and built them him self... Man, that brings back some memories...

The of course after the first couple of years we got tired of luggin a couple 'o tons of stele around and bought some lighter rifels...

OK, back on topic...

My daughter just started her first day in 8th grade!!
So yeh, adjustments will be necessary. Normal game times will be in the evenings except Sun and Mon which are the wifies nights off.

September 4th, 2007, 11:35 AM
Sounds Good Chi!!

BTW.. The rules in KS are pretty simple. Pick a weapon, thats the one you get to use. Bow or Rifle. You don't get to take a buck with both. Antlerless, yes but antlered deer you get one per year, either species Whitetail or Muley.

September 5th, 2007, 09:54 AM
**Moved the hunting talk to Deer Hunting 101 thread in Op Center **

September 5th, 2007, 10:03 AM
So is this a BF2 thread again? :stick

It has been birthday central around my house. With all the parties and the associated cleaning and fixing of things around the house, I've been hard pressed to keep up my previous level of gaming.

Don't we have a scrim coming up?

September 5th, 2007, 10:20 AM
Today is Harrison's 1st birthday, and Friday is Reagan's 6th.... So Doc, I know exactly what you mean! Top that off with football practive tonight at 6:30. A board meeting Thursday night from 6:00-9:00pm and it makes for a busy, busy time..

As for the Scrim it is still planned for the 22nd. There has been a little turnover in leadership at Sniper Group and I'm awaiting a reply from the new HeadCheese at Sniper Group, regarding a few details... Stay Tuned!!!

September 5th, 2007, 10:24 AM
same arounf here its been chaotic trying to get my 3 nieces who live with me inrolled back in school and help there mom my ex-sister-in-law try and find a place of there own they been living with me an my wife for the past 16 months. suppossedly saving (yeah!! right!!) she has gambling addiction with video poker machines being so prevalant every where here. so basically they have almost taken us to financial ruin, and we have finnally asked her to move out. so well see ifthey leave by end of month.
So my BF2 time has been sporratic and i have been spending time with that black-ops special forces ( CQB) mod it ok but maps are almost inpossible with out other humans playing, the bot's are not to smart at all.

September 5th, 2007, 10:51 AM
Daed! Join us for the Scrim on September 22?? You in?

September 5th, 2007, 10:58 AM
:birthday to Harrison and Reagan.

After we get the squad assignments for the scrim are made, we can start spending some time on the I/O servers out there to get some practice time in with each other. I think it really helps if you can learn the gaming-style of your squadmates. It also gives me some practice with trying to stay with the squad and not go off on a Rambo mission.

BTW Daedelus, sorry to hear about the situation you've been in... mighty tough one.
