View Full Version : Can you say Halo3

August 27th, 2007, 11:33 PM

August 28th, 2007, 09:07 AM
yeah guys check out the link that rook posted it is sick its an actual live short film they did for halo 3 i wish all the games looked like this maybe someday

August 28th, 2007, 10:09 AM
why do you have to install that microsoft silver light thing to view it is it ok?

August 28th, 2007, 10:42 AM
yeah its like a new wmp for microsoft shouldnt hurt anything though

August 28th, 2007, 10:45 AM
I d/l'd it and it was fine. Movie in HD is the best.

August 28th, 2007, 01:42 PM
wish it was on pc and xp

August 28th, 2007, 03:06 PM
Ive had Halo 3 pre-ordered since early June.

August 29th, 2007, 11:43 PM
When I talked to the guys at GameStop....I was told that they are working on a PC versiondue out in like another year and a half....two years.....That sux azz......Mabie EA will step up with a new version of Battlefield....god knows the graphics are better on pc.....oh well....I guess life goes on

August 30th, 2007, 04:23 PM
as much as I might enjoy playing that game.. im not going to buy a frigin Xbox
just to play it... Of course I would build a PC to play it.. but FARK!! a console.

And just ask Maggot How friendly I am to Halo Junkies trying to bum a ride to his Halo Lan in the middle of the night.

August 30th, 2007, 07:20 PM
Halo is a good game.....but not good enough for me to buy an X-box ;P


August 30th, 2007, 07:36 PM
The xbox 360 is one sweet console. I've had one since it came out. I don't play many games on it though. I use it as a windows media extender for my bedroom. I'll probably pick up Halo 3 at some point if it lives up the hype.

August 31st, 2007, 07:33 PM
I have the 1st 2 halo's and I would love to have this one, but buying another microsoft product ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Live action video was friggin killer

September 1st, 2007, 06:42 PM
very nice videos. i watched them all it definatly makes me look forward to getting this game. i wonder if some of that live action footage was like a demo from the real ahlo movie being made? i also look forward to that very much.

September 1st, 2007, 07:22 PM
Their making a Halo Movie? Animated or real people?

September 2nd, 2007, 04:28 PM
Has anyone tried the Mountain Dew promotional drink? It is a unique taste. As far as this game. I like Halo. I would get an xbox 360 (especially for the new star wars game coming out this spring). But geez they are expensive.

September 5th, 2007, 10:33 AM
i was under the impression when i heard about it watching the E-3 coverage on G-4 channel that it was going to be with real actors. I did a google search and found this web site www.halothemovie.org and a few other's sound like only sure thing so far is peter jackson from lord of the rings is producing it. while the director role is still up in the air and rumors abound about casting denzel washington as master cheif. they say the project has been delayed but feel the hype that returns when halo 3 is launched should give them the momentum to get it off the ground and get the green light.
I was supprissed how many items have been made for this, if it was not to be for the movie.One web shight had a studio that has made life size working warthog 4x4 and has pictures of it posted looked sweet.

September 5th, 2007, 03:32 PM
yeah the halo movie is still in the very early stages but there is already a bunch of hype about it. Theres also the halo wars game being made which is a real time strategy.
