View Full Version : Somebody's Slipping Me the Date Rape Drug

August 23rd, 2007, 08:21 AM
I keep getting the invite to come play with the clan out on LA_MERC Airmaps 101, I remember showing up, but then after that I don't recall anything except I wake up in my bed with my pants down around my ankles and a sore butt.

What is the Airmaps 101 about? Is it new pilots learning to fly or new meat learning to get shell-shocked? I'm beginning to fear signing in to the server anymore, as I always seem to get stuck on the receiving end of this barrage. All I know is that I needed 1000 points last Friday to get to my next promotion, and here it is the next Thursday, and I'm still 250 away. I can only attribute that to spending half hour rounds on Airmaps 101, and racking up a meer 6 points. I know I don't suck, but I do know that I must suck in that environment.

The only thing that I would suggest is that if the whole clan cannot make it on to one team, that at least the pilots get evenly distributed. There is no fun in being on the receiving end of a Target, Andy, and Wetzny barrage night after night.

Anyway, that is just me ranting after a second consecutive night being on the receiving side, but I will be more likely to play SF until I get past that promotion.

August 23rd, 2007, 08:33 AM
We are in the process of address said rapage issue, Walt. I apploigize for any 'soreness' you've absorbed. I named the server that as a way to draw in some new people that wanted to play around with the aircrafts in an attempt to populate the server quickly. However after the past couple of nights of being on the sending and receiving ends, I agree it's time for a little change.

New guys, what are your suggestions for the server? What style do you prefer and what maps are you good with / not good with. Let's try to keep the public thread limited to the public people and the private thread to the full members, those that can see the thread.

August 23rd, 2007, 08:42 AM
I think my team lost every map last night by over 100 points each time.

Our pilots can restrict themselves to only fight air to air. That would be fine with me when its us but it's hard to force on others that join.

August 23rd, 2007, 08:48 AM
IMHO, I thought after the "We need more pilots" post that we were setting up a place to practice. However no practice is occurring, simply rapage. Rough way to get new pilots. We need some training time to go along with the ownage time. Goose, did I read it right? :)

August 23rd, 2007, 08:54 AM
Yeah, basically. I figured it would give the guys that wanted to fly somewhere to 'mess around' and practice. Not really in game training but pre game training. Now, if we can get some willing participants that want to fly around in a straight line and let each other shoot yourselves down, then go for it.

August 23rd, 2007, 09:06 AM
I can't vouch for the scores of any given round, because I came on at the end of Gulf of Oman, and left early on Wake Island. I knew I was done when I attempted 7 different times, to get from the island with the arty to the main island itself, and I only touched land once, and was killed immediately. I can't imagine the Chinese side lost that round.

It seemed like somehow one of the jets must have been stolen from the carrier, because it seemed like I was constantly being bombed by jets. I sort of grin and bear it on maps like Oman because I can still zoom around in a buggy, and try to dodge bombing runs, although my KD still takes a tremendous hit, my teamwork points help alleviate my pain. However, a map like Wake sucks when it is so unbalanced, and your stuck on the US side.

None of this is any personal attacks on anyone. I know I would be singing a different tune if I was able to make it over to the side that most of the clan was on and handing the other people their butt, unfortunately, for me I wasn't.

As my suggestion, I would recommend maybe just changing the style of gameplay on the server from time to time. I don't want to totally eliminate air play for those in the clan who are excellent pilots, but I also would not like to chase off members (who are not pilots) from the server either. If possible, we may have to do something like what we did to scrim the Sniper group. We were willing to take our lumps knowing that as some other time, we will dish them out.

I know I would like to get more experience in the air, but it seems like after Wetz's callout for pilots, I haven't even sniffed an aircraft since.

I also know that this sounds like a bunch of whiny-baby, snivelling, crying and such, but it really isn't. I'm not trying to force you to change anything on the server. I'm just venting my concerns, and finding out what the intention of the server is. I will still get out there and cut it up with the clan, because I like the conversations and such, but if I find myself playing the role of "bomb-catcher" a majority of the time, I don't want you to be surprised that I'm playing on other servers that fits my gamestyle better.

August 23rd, 2007, 09:12 AM
I wouldn't mind trying to get in some flight time, but I plan on flying in SP mode before I jump on the server. I guess before the minimum # of people to start the server, you could have people practice dogfighting and such. I don't see how you can possibly enforce the rule for people to "take it easy on the noobs". Seems unreasonable.

Until then, I'm fine just playing SF when the Air Maps servers is running (and I'm not up to speed). It definitely seems to be popular (which is great) and if the people paying the bills are enjoying it, then why not keep it going. I'm sure there is enough diversity in the group to provide squadmates regardless of the play style.

This is just one noob's perspective.

August 23rd, 2007, 04:36 PM
Good thread.... If I'd known better I would've thought you all liked being FISTED!! :stick

Walt, you won't believe it but China DID lose the Wake Map, and it wasn't close.

As Goose said server adjustments are in progress!! I was nearing my Air Medal as such I've been, WHORING THE HELL OUT OF AIRCRAFT!! I apologize!! Now that I have that behind me, I'll be happy to take my rightful place in the front seat of Andy's Chooper... opps sorry got that medal also.... my rightful place Ground Pounding...

See you all in the game!!

August 23rd, 2007, 04:40 PM
We don't want you to ground pound, we (I) want (need) lessons from aces like yourself before the real fighting is taking place.

August 23rd, 2007, 08:22 PM
We don't want you to ground pound, we (I) want (need) lessons from aces like yourself before the real fighting is taking place.

How bout Aces pair up with noobs?

Seems fair.

This is just one noob's perspective.
Noob my arsh

August 24th, 2007, 10:31 AM
Server adjustments are completed... What you will notice is Vanilla w/Vehicles all maps with every-other map essentially a Ground Pounders heaven.

If those who are ready to take the plunge and provide Air-cover want to jet around, do so. Please don't let Aircraft sit idle or be stolen!! So if you fly-and-die we can live with it, that's part of the process. LA_MERC_Sniper is new to the game and he's already in the air giving it his best, the best way to learn is to do it!!

As for me, well take it easy and remember when I was bombing the Shi0t out of you it WASN'T personal!! (ok maybe a little :stick)

August 24th, 2007, 12:37 PM
I've set the server to rotate air / non-air / air maps. I don't think I have any J10's in the rotation. Choppers, tanks, APC, buggies in the grass or the road - whichever works better for you - and every other map gives us some air coverage.

I also have some SF, SF I/O, Vanilla all out war, Vanilla I/O and Vanilla Air Maps 101. If the collective groups wants a change for an evening, or few days, throw out a thread and let some people give a yea or nea and as soon as I can I'll switch setups. Work with me, I ain't all that quick.

August 24th, 2007, 12:56 PM
;203585'] I can't imagine the Chinese side lost that round.

For the record US won. :D We got the airport, and for some reason those guys just could get another flag.

edit: meh...didn't see Wetz post...

August 24th, 2007, 01:03 PM
For the record US won. :D We got the airport, and for some reason those guys just could get another flag.

edit: meh...didn't see Wetz post...

........And that folks is why you never give up.

August 24th, 2007, 01:19 PM
Oh well, but I did get plenty of sleep that night.
