View Full Version : Ready for a New Bout of Reverse Discrimination

August 22nd, 2007, 04:07 PM
The NAACP has now voiced its opinion on how Michael Vick should be handled after he has served his sentence.

Atlanta NAACP: After sentence, let quarterback Michael Vick return to NFL, preferably Falcons (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-vick-naacp&prov=ap&type=lgns)

I like the following comment:

As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football

We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country."

However, I guess those guidelines aren't the same for an old white shock-jock. Let's forget about the fact that most people who found him offensive, didn't listen to his show anyway. So all the listeners that were left were people who received hours of enjoyment from his talk show. At least Imus didn't break the law.

I think in the end, if the NAACP, Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton ever want to be taken with any bit of seriousness that they are looking out for black people, and not just looking to throw out the race card all the time, then I think they sometimes need to show everyone that there are bad black people and that they should be punished as well.

Once Michael Vick pleaded guilty, he should have been displayed of what not to be. Not go on about how we should all just let things go like they never happened after he gets out of jail.

I'm going to stop ranting right now, as I might just blow a vessel in my brain.

August 22nd, 2007, 04:18 PM
now this right here? this is just plain st00pid!

White said. "Michael Vick has received more negative press than if he had killed a human being."

August 22nd, 2007, 04:31 PM
"Insert Sarcasm"

No, he didn't do anything nearly as bad as that Radio Hitler "Imus"... I mean all the guy did was run a few gambling rings, kill a few dogs, after all, the animals were probably suffering anyway.. from what were not real sure of, I'm sure its justifiable.

Now the Imus guy on the other hand, he said Nappy headed Ho's.... OMG!!! Can you believe that guy!!! thats Like Murdering poor defenseless animals... Little black animals too... like the ones you see running around the local government housing facilities.

"Exit sarcasm"

Typical crap... don't surprise me anymore.

August 22nd, 2007, 05:22 PM

August 22nd, 2007, 07:37 PM
Don't forget about the Duke LaCrosse players. 3 player/students spent a year with the label of rapist. The whole team had to sit out their season. The coach was fired.

Was there even an apology when they found out it was all a lie? The NAACP hung those boys before they even went to trial. Where was the press after that? Where were the people forcing the NAACP to give a public apology?

August 22nd, 2007, 08:39 PM
i think he should have his face mauled off just like the dogs.

oh and dont forget: http://www.vickdogchewtoy.com/

August 23rd, 2007, 03:29 PM
It looks like the national leader of the NAACP has a better perspective on this and talks on a more level sense. I can appreciate his comments.

Falcons quarterback Michael Vick "is not a victim" and should be held responsible for his actions involving a dogfighting ring in Virginia

National NAACP Comments (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AqJvJn.0JkMJrEuPJR90Pso5nYcB?slug=ap-vick-naacp&prov=ap&type=lgns)

After all, if all you ever do is play the race card in all issues, then nobody wants to hear it anymore even when it is valid.
