View Full Version : I'm this CLOSE....

August 17th, 2007, 06:32 AM
I need 34 minutes of chopper time, and then 30 kills for my Helicopter Medal... For the LOVE OF GOD, HELP A BROTHER OUT!

I Will NOT leave the game tonight, WITHOUT IT. Even if I have to fly off to the side of a map and sit in a Blackhawk like a retard!

August 17th, 2007, 06:40 AM
If for some reason you don't get it tonight, although you claim that you won't leave until it happens, I can work with you on this over the weekend. Tomorrow morning my wife and daugher leave for Mexico for three weeks.

That's right! T-H-R-E-E WEEKS. I plan on finishing off all awards during that time, and make to 4 star general. Who's with me?

Ooops. I might have just jinxed myself. Just ask Doc. Last year when this happened, I had just made First Seargeant, and crashed and burned after just one day of massive playing. A year later, and I'm still a First Seargeant, and hyping up a massive gaming lifestyle for the next few weeks.

August 17th, 2007, 07:04 AM
from the guy off of the movie "Water Boy"


August 17th, 2007, 07:29 AM
With your gunning skills, I think you could have a trained monkey in the pilot's seat and still get it. You are a shoe in for it! I'll be on tonight and if none of the "real" pilots are there, I'll be happy to fill the role of the trained monkey.

GL there buddy!

August 17th, 2007, 08:23 AM
Maybe one of you guys could fly me around all day Saturday to get my 27+ hours needed to qualify for the veteran helo badge.

August 17th, 2007, 08:28 AM
;203054']my 27+ hours needed

Maybe I could get my 50 hours needed for my vet aircraft badge as well on the same day. :stick

BTW, Bill remember your lack of BF2 stamina. The last time your wife went away for the week, you could only keep things going for a day. Okay, I guess I can see why you are trying to get it in that ONE day.

This is David's night... don't try to steal it man! :stick

August 17th, 2007, 09:09 AM
I was hoping to be the one to try to help him get it. That way he can actually say that I was a benefit to the clan. But hey, if he wants to go fly off in a blackhawk as a commander and racking up arty kills while accruing helo time, that is fine with me :)

August 17th, 2007, 09:28 AM
Bill, I'll be happy to fly around with you, however there are a few requirements prior to my taking the seat...

The first and most important is you must be able to communicate with me, your gunner, without speaking. Essentially you have to be able to see a threat at the same time I do, recognize the correct position of the chopper for me to kill it, and then move to the NEXT target/threat without speaking.

For the details on how this is accomplished, send a PM to Andyconda and request the manual; Death From Above: How I Put Wetz in the Correct Position to Kill Everytime.

Once you've read it, and feel confident you can see and evaluate the numerous threat systems to the Apache as I do, success will be ours!

August 17th, 2007, 09:47 AM
I didn't mean that I would help you get the 30 kills. I meant that I would help you get the 34 minutes. ;)

I shall go off and receive more training.

August 17th, 2007, 12:11 PM
I vote for the retard move!!!! We all know you're up for it :) That mind meld non speaking BS is only for aliens like you and Conda, the rest of us need communication!!!

But hey, THANKS to EVERYONE last night for helping me get my Distinguished Service Ribbon, I needed to completete 10 hours as commander. After listening to you scold me for over an hour at least I came home with a ribbon ROTFLOL!!!!

August 17th, 2007, 12:19 PM

I even heard someone say "They're taking the Vista!!!" I thought HOLY SHOIT omfg NOT the VISTA!!!" :stick...

On that map the Main Points are the ones with the Mobile AA!! and of course the Refinery.. Good times!!!


August 17th, 2007, 01:34 PM
David, get on and look me up - my turns are a bit slower than Andy's and I'm not as good of a dogfighter but gunning with Andy makes me real keen on your style of gunning.

August 17th, 2007, 03:19 PM
BUMP David, I have asked for a list of key spawn points for each map and no one has ever listed it. IMHO it would be nice if someone would! So we are ALL on the same unspoken page :)

August 17th, 2007, 04:28 PM
Ok ....

Karkand: Suburbs, Factory...

Dalian Plant: Reactor Towers, Main Entrance...

Daqing Oilfields: East Oilfields, Refinery, Old City..

Operation Clean Sweep: Airfield, Small Airstrip; Communications Center..

Dragon Valley: Refinery, Hill Village, River Village, Wood Yard...

Wake Island: Airfield, Beach, Blow the Bridge that connects the
Tank Spawn to the North Island.

Kubra Dam: Airfield, Construction Site, Maintenance Area, Lower Damn...

Thoughts Anyone?

August 17th, 2007, 04:54 PM
Now that's what I'm talk'in bout!!!! Thanks BUDDY!!!!

This is a GREAT thread keep it going y'all!!! What about AA sites to look for???

August 18th, 2007, 04:17 AM
Man what happened? I see you needed 34 minutes and got 35. It is kind of tough to pull off 30 kills in 1 minute though.

Oh well, I guess you took me out of the equation. I'm usually only good enough for getting a gunner about 20 kills in a round. I'm sure you will have that medal soon enough.

August 18th, 2007, 06:55 AM
I got the minutes ferrying around Rollout, and a few others. Line of the night:

Wetz to Rollout, "You'll never kill that thing with the Guns!" :stick Good shooting Jackson! We got on a little role there, lets keep at it.

Then Highwind says: "Why is our Commander Turtled up at our main?" OOPS! Our Commander Doc says Via TS "Ah, what do you want me to do besides put up the UAV and Drop Arty."

Good times!!

Yes tonight is the night, I will go for the Thirty IAR and the Precious shall me mine! :devil... I'll Join Andy and Ex in the club...

PS "I'll kill any of Homo's that touch my chopper!, I don't want any of you Homo's touching my chopper!, and if any of you Homo's try to touch ME, I'll kill you."

See you in the GAME!

August 18th, 2007, 11:55 AM
It was good times for me, I was having a blast!!

Now about this TK BS, bring it on:) If you're scared, say you're scared!!!

August 18th, 2007, 05:41 PM
I'll be sure to C4 the chopper. Roger! Over out!
