View Full Version : Looking for some info...

=SoE= Ken-Doka
August 16th, 2007, 09:26 AM
Hey all,

Can anyone explain what LA_MERC_thee_rook was talking about here?


We at SoE are very confused by this post and we have no idea what the post is even about... If there is some problem we'd like to get it settled.

Also, I saw in another post that someone said one of your guys was kicked for "owning" me in the air. I'm no that great of a pilot, and there are many who can...you won't be kicked for it. You may get kicked for uncap attacks, forcing TKs, TKing, etc, but those rules are posted. If you would like to dispute any kicks let us know...if you know the time I can check the log and make sure, but if any of our admins start being abusive like that they won't be admins long...

In any case, just looking for some clarification...we don't want any problems to cause you guys to not show on our server. I know a few SoE cringe when they see a group of LA_MERC log on...but we like a challenge, so don't think you're not welcome.

August 16th, 2007, 09:38 AM
I'm sure the appropriate parties will voice what they want to say ... I'm going to put a halt to hostilities before they start. LA_MERC members - do not under any circumstances make yourself or your clan out to look like arrogant, self centered pr!cks. We are gamers - we are friends - we can be friendly to others, no matter what.

Ken, I believe this was in retaliation for comments made in the 'rate yourself and your skills' thread on the same forums where Andyconda rated himself an 11 as a heli pilot. Someone came back with the tried and true answer of "We play CAL and you're not that good" reply. We don't play CAL but some of our guys are that good. We are a family here at MERC and by calling one of our members out, you in turn call us all out. I don't think rooks thread was a means to say "We're better than you" I think it was a way of saying, "If you don't think he's an 11, then come over to our server any time we're playing and show us the way it's done to be an 11"

Thanks for coming in and coming in cleanly. I appreciate it.

August 16th, 2007, 09:38 AM
That's a good question. I'm sure someone will look into it, Ken, and will either post in this thread, or will contact you directly via PM.

Thanks for the heads-up.

August 16th, 2007, 11:02 AM
Ken, as the others have said, thanks for coming into our home and posting with respect. Its a lot easier to clear things up when you are made aware of the situation.

We kinda know rook and I'm sure Goose's assessment is pretty close to what happened.

I'm not sure if I have played on SoE but maybe we can get a game up as I took a little time off from the game. I'm always up for some good, clean competition.

=SoE= Ken-Doka
August 16th, 2007, 11:52 AM
Ken, I believe this was in retaliation for comments made in the 'rate yourself and your skills' thread on the same forums where Andyconda rated himself an 11 as a heli pilot. Someone came back with the tried and true answer of "We play CAL and you're not that good" reply. We don't play CAL but some of our guys are that good. We are a family here at MERC and by calling one of our members out, you in turn call us all out. I don't think rooks thread was a means to say "We're better than you" I think it was a way of saying, "If you don't think he's an 11, then come over to our server any time we're playing and show us the way it's done to be an 11"

Thanks for coming in and coming in cleanly. I appreciate it.

Ok, thanks for the info. I don't want to start up that argument again, but I'd just like to point out that Bobby wasn't the main person calling anyone out. There was a lot of ego in that thread and Bobby's two posts were some of the least of the comments, IMO. Meanwhile, the "-=SoE=- 3 stars." post was obviously directed toward us, and not those who got really hot under the collar...

As I've told our guys, LA_MERC has always been a challenging addition on our servers, and I have no doubts about skill levels. But, when people start rating themselves some are modest and some are arrogant, and the arrogant ones will always butt heads, even if they both have wicked-nasty skillz. As far as "proving" anyone's skills, I don't think anyone needs proof. If you guys want to go head-to-head we'd be more than happy to except...but as a friendly scrim, not a grudge-match.

EDIT: After re-reading this post it sounds like I'm a little hostile...which is not how it's meant. Just wanted to clear the air is all, and let you know SoE isn't holding any grudge.

August 16th, 2007, 12:49 PM
Ken, I'll have to go through those threads as I didn't read them all just yet. If you look at our rules page, you'll see that we try to hold ourselves to a higher standard but it seems that we have laxed in that area recently.

I'm not going to defend any of our clans remarks in those post and I apologize if any of our comments have caused any issues or grudges with SoE as it is not our intention. Hopefully we can move past this and go back to some friendly gaming.

August 16th, 2007, 01:28 PM
I agree with T4rg3T, no animosity required. I have read the post and Ken is correct, there were several people "butting-heads" as he called it and I can't speak for rook, but I'm sure he meant the collective group of "head-butters" not one SoE member in general.

Thanx for visiting us. Please don't let this be the only reason you stop by, either. We're up for some 'healthy' competition anytime. Wetzny has been our local head master when it comes to scrims as of late. Anytime you guys want to test strats or just fart around on a Saturday night - give him a hollar and let's hammer out the details.

August 16th, 2007, 02:49 PM
Ken I apologize. The avatar of Bobby and Butcher were very close so I assumed (I know it made me look like an asshat) they were clansmates. I apologize for the blanket SoE thread. I meant no harm other than posting our server IP and offering a place for the talk to end. That was it.

Again, I apologize to my clan and to SoE. See y'all in game.


=SoE= Ken-Doka
August 16th, 2007, 03:44 PM
Ahh...v.cool. No problem. Glad we could get it straightened out!

August 16th, 2007, 04:05 PM
Guess I'll chime in as the quite observer..LOL

Ken-Doka, now I haven't visited your forums, but I think I've been to your server a couple of times. We here at La_Merc do try to hold ourselves to a higher standard of game play, and forum interaction... but of course there are always going to be those times when comments are misinterpreted or made while someone was upset over this or that... Of course from there I don't have to tell you how it goes. I've lost my cool before and all I did was make myself look like and A$$... Long story short.. its all good...

I do like the Idea of a friendly scrim, we usually have a great turnout, and it does break the monotony of standard game play. So, if your guys are ever up for one.. have your guy get in touch with our guy... LA_MERC_Wetzny, and we can make this fun for all ages.

Have a good one:)

August 16th, 2007, 05:03 PM
As a new recruit of this clan, I appreciate seeing how this was handled on this thread. Personally, I can't say that I've played any extended time on the =SoE= server, but I can say from the times that we've played as a clan, that there have been times where I have lost my cool. I won't type any messages in game, but I'm definitely ranting to myself that this guy is hacking or that guy is glitching etc.. But that is just me going off on the fact that I might just be having a bad round, or that the players on the other team are better than me.

I have participated in one scrim with the clan, and even though we went to the other clans turf, and got sniped to hell, we as a group still had a lot of laughs and fun out of it.

It seems like the bad blood may have gotten cleared up on this thread, and I hope to get a chance to play (with or against) your clan out in BF2 LAN some night.

August 16th, 2007, 08:58 PM
Ken, I'll assume we're clear on this now. If you have any more questions concerning this please feel free to PM me or T4rg3t (we're two of the 5 members of our leadership council) and we'll get it straight.

I'm sure we'll see you in a server soon. Game on!
