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August 14th, 2007, 12:35 AM
when you get the time 2 hrs long


Its back up! YaY!!!!

August 14th, 2007, 09:14 AM
Well.... It will be a long time before people are willing to believe or understand the truth of it all. Good luck trying to convince the rest of the world. I have learned to just try and eek out whatever happiness I can find in the day to day. Trying to convince people about the realities of our indentured servitude has only served to alienate myself from others. While EVERY story/opinion/fact should be question as to its validity, I can almost certainly assure that we are all being led around by a small elite group of individuals that ultimately control the world. At this point I see NO indication that we as a people are in ANY position to do anything about it. Society is already teaching out children how to be sheep. Just wait until they finally disarm us completely. We are already virtually powerless to stop the machine. In fact most people do not even realize there is a problem at all. I do believe in the dream that was America. I submit to you that a dream is all that remains. A Star Spangled mural that hides the true nature of our government and who is in control. In reality we are exactly what we wanted freedom from.

This documentary, which I haven't viewed in entirety, falls in line with my beliefs as far a religion is concerned. Most of you that have been around know this just basis past discussions. I have seen clips from different segments. To believe everything presented is almost physically sickening. That being said, it is important to remember that between the two sides of every story somewhere lies the truth. In this case I do not think the people of this country or world want to believe the truth. It is too unbearable. Perhaps before I die we will come to know the truth. Perhaps not. I do think however, that we should all question the ideas and information we are being sold. Fear after all is one of the most powerful motivators. It has already compelled us to sacrifice out right some of our civil liberties. Think to yourself. How has the fear of a terrorist attack changed your opinions especially where the governments ability to control your day to day is concerned? Who benefits from the resultant changed in public perception?

Meh... fuk it.... pass me a b33r and fire up some BF2... >.>

August 14th, 2007, 05:04 PM
Think to yourself. How has the fear of a terrorist attack changed your opinions especially where the governments ability to control your day to day is concerned? Who benefits from the resultant changed in public perception?

Hummm... sobering thought... I need another beer,, I haven't watched this movie yet, but I think I know what your saying about this "Government" we live under. Its scary.

August 14th, 2007, 05:13 PM
keep in mind this dude is WAY off in left field wit some of his shiz

August 16th, 2007, 04:32 PM
the website with this movie cant be found anymore. suprize suprize. for the time being you can still view a few on google. Glad i got ahold of this movie before it was removed from the web.

August 16th, 2007, 04:37 PM

this is still up though

August 16th, 2007, 08:06 PM
WOW Captain.. you know, that crap scares the crap out of me... and the part about Verichip... well I just went through a training session with a guy from Verichip.. it was on the HALO infant abduction system a hospital in my area just installed.. well he made a point during our training to inform us that the HALO system, although owned and operated by Verichip, tried very hard to disassociate the name because of the public opinion on the Verichip research into tagging people... they already do it for pets, and people in the military, but world wide application is not yet here...


And WTF is up with the site going down... thats fvcked up man... I know I should not base my opinion of the world and its evil ways off of a 2 hour movie.. but do a search for the the movie and see how may sites that hosted it are down, or links are broken... And WTH is their not at least 1 person trying to market this movie... I think it would sell like crazy. If the government was trying to suppress the movie... someone out there with a little bit of Balls could market it on the basis that this is the movie Big brother don't want you to see.
