View Full Version : Now What???

August 13th, 2007, 01:58 PM
After months and months of declaring defeat in Iraq (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Billary Clinton) accusing/describing our troops as storm-troops and terrorists (John Kerry, John Murtha) and basically doing anything and everything short of ACTULLAY picking up an AK-47 and shooting our troops in the back, Democrats are faced with a real dilemma; We’re winning, and if we stay on course, stay focused we might win and maybe soon.

I for one will never forget the shameful, shabby, disrespectful and traitorous treatment (mainly Democrats) foisted on our soldiers WHILE THEY FOUGHT!!! I hope many of us never forget the howls of ‘RETREAT!’ or ‘REDEPLOY!!’ I love that one!

It’s not over by a long shot but the trend is positive and “the trend is your friend.” Here are three solid articles from competent sources and publications, all provide keen insight on what is going on in Iraq, congress and the media.


Pay close attention to the Yon article. In it he talks about the Moral Authority, basically the goodness of our soldiers, their professionalism, the fact we punish those among our soldiers who do wrong, this has shown the Iraqi's we in fact will deliver liberty if they are willing to fight for it. And they are, that is the key to this victory. IMHO.



August 13th, 2007, 04:07 PM
I can tell you from a inside the military stand point that the training has definitely changed and is better preparing out troops for the situation over there. I cant say specifically about whats happening on the ground, but the training that Ive received has all been focused on a different perspective then what we had 2 or 3 years ago. We now have a plan that resembles a counterinsurgency campaign and actively train for that plan instead of looking like a bunch of idiots pounding on our chests saying bow down to American might. The democrats had a point about the first few years in Iraq. It was a complete and total mess and we have ourselves to blame for it. But we got ourselves into that mess, and we need to clean it up before we get out. If you havent already been turned on to it, check out the book called Fiasco by Thomas Ricks. Its basically a history book about the situation in Iraq thats told from a non political standpoint. He outlines the decisions and actions made, cause and effect, then analyzes them starting with the gulf war and on through the first couple years in Iraq. I'm not finished with it yet, but so far it has been an excellent history lesson on the current situation.

August 13th, 2007, 04:19 PM
Excellent point Highwind! The ability to adapt and change to the conditions and the enemy is in it’s self a sign of future success. The media drones on and on about Vietnam and blah, blah, blah. But what McNamara and Westmoreland didn’t do there, we are doing here. Admitting to our military short comings and changing tactics as the battle and the enemy demand it (just don’t do it on the front page of the NY Times or CNN) Learning and adapting, holding the moral high ground and winning the confidence of ordinary Iraqi’s is happening on the fly. It’s working, now we have to figure out a way to keep it working to the end and victory.
