View Full Version : deer in rut

August 2nd, 2007, 05:51 PM
An 8 pointer, 4 pointer and a yearling buck are standing by a field browsing on acorns.

The 8 pointer says, "I'm happy with my 10 does, we're really getting along."

The 4 pointer says, "I'm happy as heck with my 5, they really take care of me!"

The Yearling buck says, "My two are alright, better than nothing I guess."

Then all of a sudden a GIANT 25-point, non-typical buck walks out into the field.

The three bucks had never seen anything like him before, they were in awe.

The big buck made a huge scrape and pissed in it, rubbed a phone pole and snapped it off at the ground! The three bucks looked on in amazement.

The 8 pointer says, "I could probably get by with 4 does ... Who really needs 10 anyways?"

The 4 pointer says, "You know.. come to think of it, I could only really use one or two of mine!"

The yearling buck was silent, the other two bucks look over to him in confusion.

Suddenly the yearling runs out into the middle of the field!

He rips and tears up some grass ... pisses all over the place, snorts and wheezes, rubs his head raw on a tree and chews a lickin branch clean off!

Then he runs back over to his two buddies.

His friends immediately jump him, "What the hell are you doing!?"

"I'm just makin' sure that big sun-of-a-***** knows I'm a buck!" he replies

August 2nd, 2007, 07:18 PM

August 2nd, 2007, 08:04 PM
LOL! Everyday prison makes it to the field with the deer.

August 8th, 2007, 03:12 PM
hahahaahha i like it hahaahha

August 9th, 2007, 06:17 AM

Maybe he should use Andy's sand technique too. Just to be sure.
