View Full Version : Scrim In or Out Thread ONLY please...

July 24th, 2007, 12:20 PM
DATE: Saturday August 4th 9:30pm CST...

Format: Sniper Kit ONLY and Sniper Gamers STYLE (Sit and Shoot, No Flag Capping, No Crossing the Center Lines, No UAV, No SCAN)

Unknown at this time, Ranked or Unranked (likely unranked)

MAPS ARE: Mashtuur City, Dragon Valley, Gulf of Oman. 2 Rounds Each...

I Will Be Present...

July 24th, 2007, 01:11 PM
As bad as I'm not a fan of this format - I'm in.

July 24th, 2007, 01:16 PM
I will let you know more tomorrow, but I should be able to take the night off. If so I am in.

July 24th, 2007, 01:27 PM
put me in

July 24th, 2007, 04:00 PM
I'm on call that weekend, Providing I don't get a service call that night..
I will be there.

July 24th, 2007, 05:48 PM
I'm in, sounds like good practice :), I would like to be in Yellow and Doc's squad again!!!!!!!

July 25th, 2007, 06:05 AM

thats my birthday baby!

Count me in

July 25th, 2007, 06:12 AM
My least used kit, but I'm in.

July 25th, 2007, 08:27 AM
Im out... i'll be in Chicago....

July 25th, 2007, 07:29 PM
yeah I will go for it
I will dust off the ole sword...er wrong game... :p

July 25th, 2007, 08:04 PM
I'm in

July 26th, 2007, 06:43 AM
After playing this format last night for 2 hours - I'm out. I can't stand sitting one place for 30 minutes only to see one person and have them snipe me before I can get my scope up. Nope, I ain't playin'

July 26th, 2007, 09:15 AM
Awww come on Goose.. It aint so bad... and ist something different to do.. :)

July 26th, 2007, 10:51 AM
I'm not holding back my feelings on this. Not only was the format crap but the freaking consistancy of getting popped from "no-f^cking way" distances ... I'll play I/O or with vehicles but ... I would rather play a knife and pistol scrim and be required to run around with a grenade and not pull the pin.

July 26th, 2007, 11:15 AM
Come on Goose tell what you REALLY think ROTFLMAO!!!! I fear the same fate:) Did you play on their server? Do you have any of their hiding spots??

July 26th, 2007, 11:48 AM
I agree with the statement from Goose, and as I pointed out in my original post this WAS GOING TO BE A PROBLEM. Now with that said, lets look at what the TRUE objective is here.

My objective was to gather our members, our friends, our players into a scrim. Essentially a night where we all get together on the TS and go play on one side of a map together against another group. Call it a glorified guys night out. Just a chance to get new guys together with old guys and create the fun we always have with these endeavors.

My second objective was to create an opportunity for us to have an Infantry Only scrim against the same group. We had to give a little to get a little. Now we all know that Sniper Group had their collective heads handed to them in our previous scrim, they ate the Big 'Ole Shi0t sandwich that night. For the most part, they did so quietly.

There are a number of their members who can still taste our Boots, thus they requested a format that is so obviously playing to their strengths they should mop the floor with us. My first reaction to was to thank them for their time and consideration and move down the road, and I posted such in the thread at Sniper group. But alas more than one LA_MERC member said, why not a trade? Sniper only for I/O. In their zeal, Sniper group agreed. We've agreed. So the table is set and we will sit to a meal not suiting our tastes. Fun will still be had, shots will be fired, enemy will fall and cursing will fly. Hell we can all hide behind a building and take turns running in the open taking bets on who lives the longest. Or we can form a skirmish line like a bunch of Redcoats and get cut down like so much hay. Or bum rush the lot of them with our knives and nades listening to them scream like women. Like I said we will have fun, SOMEHOW.

But the fact is they have agreed to a third scrim at a future date that will again showcase our preparation, our teamwork, our unity and our skills. That is the prize, my brothers.

I will harbor NO ill will toward anyone who decides this scrim is not for them, NONE.

Today from the Thread at Sniper Group:

I think at the last Sn][pr only scrim.The Sn][pr Group had about 30 members show up.Which is about 3/4 of the active members.So i would expect about the same amount to be awaiting there chance to get in.

Thought i would give you a rough number.

FYI,Dave this shows just how classy your clan is.Most other clans Sn][pr have scrimed REFUSE to even entertain the thought of a sniper only scrim against them.So i would like to personally thank you and your group for being such great sportmans about this.I know it will be blast win lose or draw.Same as when you guys get the I/O scrim.The Sn][pr Group will show the same sportmanship win lose or draw.

July 26th, 2007, 01:03 PM
They seem like a class act to me, and I will be there. I can die in any format, at most any time. I can do so without malice. Lets do this. I should have this Saturday off in my rotation. Will be boating all day, and will get in the game that night. I hope to see a good turn out of MERCS, and if we need, we can lean on some of our other friends to show up. Let me know if you need help David.


July 26th, 2007, 01:05 PM
Goose...man up! lol! Wish I could man, but I'll be in Chi town for a contest. No way around it :(

July 26th, 2007, 01:06 PM
Doesn't Chitowns live in Chi town? I think he may have a spare comp to let you use:stick

July 26th, 2007, 01:13 PM
C'mon Gooser. I would rather DIE with fellow MERCS than sit at home talking to myself alone:stick We know this is a lopsided struggle, but if we only take the easy kills we cheapen ourselves. This is also why we have a hard time finding peeps to scrim. I play the format every now and then because it makes you realize you need to clear your field before setting up. If you do not then "BAM" you dead. It makes you look hard at every bush, be patient, take your time, move by inches only.

I guess I am just asking to reconsider. I play alot of nights in the kit or format I do not care for, yet I do it for the team. I will die alongside my friends again in a format I am not comfortable with, and against all odds. If we do win though, we can actually say we were the David and whipped their head with our rocks.

July 26th, 2007, 02:56 PM
Jeez guys, your bringing tears to my eyes. I have a company picnic that I will be at all day. I will plan to be there as soon as I can, but I don't know if I can make it right at 9:30.

July 26th, 2007, 03:12 PM
I concur with all points of view's here.. I think accepting a scrim in their preferred format shows we are good sportsman "So to speak" I feel we will get our asses handed to us on this venture, but what I'm curious of, is how well we will stand up to the odds.. My hope is that we surprise ourselves and give them a good fight. I think it could be fun.

Hey, Wetzny one thing I need to know before we get there?
Are we going to have unlocks or not... if not, I know what gun I need to get used to shooting in the next week. :)

July 26th, 2007, 03:20 PM
Checking... Plan for NO Unlocks... But that is not offical. TY

July 26th, 2007, 06:16 PM
Goose, tell the noobs to shut up, to each his own my brother, we ALL luv ya!!!

Now, my recomendation for the rest of us losers is LOTS and LOTS of brewskies, can I get an amen anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!! As Rook said, I can die in ANY format, just look at my stats :) :) :)

July 27th, 2007, 07:15 AM
UPDATE: So far I have eight players who have indicated they will participate in NEXT Saturday's Scrim, we need more participants please!!! Sniper Group will have as many members as they can handle ready to roll. I'm hoping to cobble together 20 from LA_MERC, OTH, EGL etc. If you have not indicated your availibilty please do so as soon as possible.

So far I have: Wetzny, Chi-Townz, Rollout, Diesel (YES DIESEL!!), Goose, Maggot Pulse, DocSparky, Yellowdog (contingent on health and work) Thee_Rook (maybe) Johncst, walters15 (possible)....

EGL are welcome to PARTICIPATE!! Stockbond, DarkKnight, Warpig we could use you!!!

OTH!! Always WELCOME!! Frag, Bonsai, Fishfood we could use you!!

And of course Lockout, Bacowrath, GroundHamburger you are WELCOME!!!

Sign up and get in the GAME!!!

July 27th, 2007, 08:05 AM
I realize we have a week to discuss this,, but in the event our turnout is low, are we going to match player numbers per side, or do they intend to loan us some?

" Prefer, they not loan us players, I would rather it be a more decisive them against us"

July 27th, 2007, 08:14 AM
I'll play. But all I'm going to do is run around with my knife out.

July 27th, 2007, 08:21 AM
I'm not worried about numbers or player loans.. If we can't get Twenty or so peeps from our various groups, then we have no business knocking on peoples doors asking if they mind if we shoot them in the face....

BIG Thanks to Goose!!

July 27th, 2007, 11:10 AM
Oh no, Stockbound can't play after that 5 banger kill on us last night :)

Goose you don't need to run around, I volunteered Lockout to be the bait, no need to use a great player, when we have a cardboard cutout to sacrifice. But hey, those are just my thoughts!!!!

July 27th, 2007, 11:42 AM
The numbers are not as necessary on Sniper format. You spawn, run to the first flag, cap it before the enemy caps theirs, and then scatter and hunt.

My recommendation as far as strategy goes is squad up right away. Hold off spawning until your squad leader spawns and runs towards the cappable flag. When he gets tired, the remainder of every squad would then spawn and run the rest of the way. The side that first caps the flag has the first advantage. Then we can set up and snipe as they are capping their flag.

July 27th, 2007, 02:48 PM
Ahhhh Rook, if you read David's first thread, there is NO CAPPING, just sit and shoot, next plan :) !!!!!!!!!!!!

July 27th, 2007, 03:01 PM
No there is actually capping of one flag. Like I said, I have played prolly 20 times on the Sn][per only server. Rotates from Dragon Valley(Woodyard/Power Station [us] vs. Refinery/Hill Village [china]), Mashtuur City (2 caps on each side of the river bed), and Gulf of Oman (2 caps on each side of the railroad tracks).

Dragon = cannot cross the river, even in the dry spot
Mashtuur = cannot cross more than halfway into river bed.
Oman = no crossy crossy the railroad tracks.

Each map and each side have their good spots to hide. The main object would be to cover each other also. Kinda like bird hunting in a line. Every one is responsible for their 45 degree left to 45 degree right line of sight. Shoot anything that moves or looks suspicious.

July 27th, 2007, 03:12 PM
Wetz...I'm in.

I have one request. Can they put a time limit on the games? If they are going to play 3 maps with two rounds a map.....we might be up till dawn before we're finished.

I'm in.....if it drags on for hours and hours and hours, I'm going to call it a night at some point.


July 27th, 2007, 04:48 PM
Ditto :)

July 28th, 2007, 01:12 AM
The rounds go by fairly quickly. It should not take that long. I played 4 maps today in a short time. 8 rounds I guess.

July 28th, 2007, 01:17 AM
DarkKnight and Stockbond are definite "ins". They would be glad to lend their bodies for bullet testing.

July 28th, 2007, 12:56 PM
WarPig said he is maybe leaning towards being there. As long as he doesn't get the wife hax pulled on hum.

July 28th, 2007, 02:04 PM
Thanks for the update on map rules Rook, my take was there were NO caps!!!!!!

Do you have any strats or ideas where they like to set up?? The 45 degrees is right on, but where should we set up on each map on each side?????

I want to be on Rook's side, I'll be his "bait" :) Guess we ALL otta try and spend some time on their server to get aquainted with the rules and strats!!!!

July 28th, 2007, 03:09 PM
thats what Ive been doing. Take note of where the Sn][per members are at on each map, it may help.

July 28th, 2007, 04:23 PM
Yes definitely. The Sn][per guys are prone to going to their fav spots at the beginning, and returning there from time to time. If you can get on the other side from the sn][per clan when in their server do so. Take mental notes, and remember those notes later.

Oman good spots to get to:
All the way on the right around the bail walls. Good sight lines.
Run up to the cars spot and shoot. Run down the hill to reload.
Never let someone get on the crane tower. PERIOD.
Crane tower. Best time to do this is right away. Send 2 guys Drop crates on the crane for reload and medical help.
Gas station area can open up the map.
Use the buildings as much as possible.

This is difficult all the way around.
Use the buildings. Roof tops that are 2nd 3rd deep.

Off on the left has good sight lines and flanks the US side. Crate availability is easy there.
Far right side has many bushes, and good video cards with everything on max will get you great sight lines while you are hidden in the fog.

Dragon has many good spots each side. You can also constantly change your position without much disturbance. Commander should go up the hill behind Woodyard right at the beginning and help SPOT guys running out of hill village to the shooters.

As for as words of advice on this game style.....
Get as wide as possible.
Use the squads to chat with each other.
Travel in squad groups for the most part.
Use crates to our advantage as much as possible(i.e. stack them, line them up for cover, drop them on stationary AA so peeps can crawl underneath and snipe and heal). Drop them in wooded side hills where you wouldn't be able to stop if they weren't there. Box in some rocks, or place them in the enemies line of sight.
Spot the opposing team out. You may have a compromised line of sight when your teammate has an open shot.
If you see the enemy running left or right, convey that your team.
Get used to a sniper rifle and use the one that best fits your play.
Standard = fast repeating rounds, lower accuracy, lower hit points. (3-4 hit kill average)
M95 = Great damage, but lower accuracy than L96A1 (1-2 hit kill)
L96A1 = High accuracy, little less damage tham M95. (2 hit kill average)

I am off to work. Go play in their server to let them know we are serious. Constantly change positions even if you like the one you found. You may find a better one, or one for a teammate.

July 28th, 2007, 04:30 PM
Guys Wayne said he will play. It's Saturday night right? I'm sure sometime after he gets home he'll talk to one of yall about it....

July 28th, 2007, 05:11 PM
Great DL!!!!
Tell him we miss him, sniff, sniff :) Not his claymores though!!!!!!! Roger that, and all that jaz!!!!

Hope you can make it too!!! :)
The Roll!!!!!

July 28th, 2007, 05:47 PM
LOL.... if all it is, is sniper guns/maps then DL mite not make.. LOL.. being that I SUCK at sniper guns... Not unless Dragon like begs me or soemthing then I mite. But I would be dead more then I would be helpn'

July 28th, 2007, 10:05 PM
Well, we can just make you the decoy then... send you out to draw fire :)

July 28th, 2007, 10:11 PM
Well, we can just make you the decoy then... send you out to draw fire :)

LOL You would do that to... lol.... I would be great at that!!!...lol

July 30th, 2007, 09:10 AM
We are very short of the number of commitments needed for this event, if you haven't already posted your intentions please do so in this thread. In or out, I need to know. Thanks to those who have already responded!! Much appreciated!


July 30th, 2007, 03:33 PM
Hey Wetz, I'll draw enemy fire so that they give up position!!!! I'm in!!!


July 30th, 2007, 05:42 PM
If you are IN and you DON'T see your name here please let me know!! If you're OUT and you see your name here please let me know!!

Thanks again to all who have heard the call and responded!! A special thanks to those who are going to participate, this will be fun! Thank YOU!

I'm being told from those at Sniper group UNLOCKS WILL BE WORKING!! Also there are plans for battle recorder...

The main thing to be concerned about is DON'T cross the center boundary's. On Oman it's the Train Tracks, Dragon Valley it's the River, on Mashtuur it the Ditch. You may play from any of the BOUNDRY'S but don't LEAVE the boundry on the ENEMY side. (or they will scream like silly little women!)

Here is where we are...

Sniper Scrim IN!!


July 30th, 2007, 06:07 PM
Still need any backups? I think you have a good number there.

July 30th, 2007, 06:52 PM
21, it's lookin' good!!!! I can here it now....I need a medic here:)!!!!!!!!!

July 30th, 2007, 08:26 PM
Still need any backups? I think you have a good number there.

Yea Skits.. because theres always several who don't make it... so the more the merrier IMO.

For this thing to go well we need everyone that can show up.. to show up.
Im sure there will be more sniper group guys there than ours.. so what ever we get to show up will be fine.

July 30th, 2007, 10:06 PM
In, provided I actually remember to do it... :rolleyes:

July 30th, 2007, 11:06 PM
Lets do this men.

July 31st, 2007, 06:35 AM

Please remember our Scrims are OPEN to ALL LA_MERC, so if anyone is interested in joining the fun please know you are welcome to!!! If you haven't picked up a BF2 weapon in six months who cares, come and hangout with us and have some fun.

Please remember the SHOOTING starts at 9:30pm CST SHARP so please be in the TS server, and the game server early to clear communication problems and smack talk about Rollout... :stick

I will be provided a server IP and Password sometime this week and I will post it in THIS THREAD. Pay close attention to the PORT!!!

I'm told Unlocks will be working, and there is talk at Sniper Group that the battle recorder will be ON!

Again anyone who would like to join us and play please let me know!!

Thanks again to all!

July 31st, 2007, 12:38 PM
Well, as of this moment Team Speak decided to take a crap on my computer and refuses to let me talk... so I think im about ready to reformat my machine... so if I do this, wish me luck that I will get everything working before saturday..LOL

P.S., there are other issues with my machine just not bad enough to make me formate... but this may have been the Camel that broke the Straws Back...LOL

July 31st, 2007, 01:40 PM
I believe in ur SkIlLz Dog! Re-format that bad boy!!

July 31st, 2007, 09:43 PM
The main thing to be concerned about is DON'T cross the center boundary's. On Oman it's the Train Tracks, Dragon Valley it's the River, on Mashtuur it the Ditch. You may play from any of the BOUNDRY'S but don't LEAVE the boundry on the ENEMY side. (or they will scream like silly little women!)

Dude, you forgot to mention that those who do cross the line are subject to many bullets in the back by friendly fire!:stick

Oh, wait, you didn't tell them that on purpose...LOL:shockwhor

July 31st, 2007, 10:33 PM
Bump!! Bump for Lockout, who in his current state as 'Official Cardboard Cutout Mascot of LA_MERC' can't find THIS thread!!! LOL!!! Lockout, you hear me now Hillbilly Boy?!!!

July 31st, 2007, 11:19 PM
OK, fellas, REFORMATTED AND T/S is working :), Im up to date in windows, anti virus and all that Jazz... Now all I got to do is install BF2 ans such....

BUT! I will do that tomorrow.. is late and im going to bed.

August 1st, 2007, 12:18 PM

Ok we are now only a couple of days from our appointment with Sniper Group. As a reminder to some who can’t find their ass from their elbow the details again are the following:

SATURDAY NIGHT AUGUST 4th at 9:30pm CST please be in the server early with communication problems cleared and ready to shoot at 9:30pm.

This is Sniper kit ONLY. NO MEDIC, NO SF, etc. Just Sniper.

Don’t cross the boundaries or you will hear more screaming and yelling than you would from a Bourbon Street *****house on a Saturday night with Andyconda in town!

There will be NO SCAN OR UAV, so please for the love of GOD don’t ask for one.

Squad up and follow your SL’s, spotting works (with the Q button) but try to refrain from “He’s over there, by the gizmo, left of the whatchu-ma-callit-thingy!!” Believe me THAT don’t help.

The commander will try to drop crates where they will do the most good; IE amongst a SQUAD of people, and out of the line of fire. So if you go “Lone Wolf McQuade” (Starring Chuck Norris as J.J. McQuade, look it up if you think I’m jacking with you) on us and start calling for an airdrop way off somewhere in the boonies, don’t hold your breath!

This will be a trip for most of us who play a different style of BF2. Which generally involves a cohesive but crazed squad of us over running a flag point being guarded by some NOOB named iStaBBEduRMoM and his buddy MrPOLESmoker. So a sit a shoot like we are in for Saturday will take a lot of patience.

At the very least let’s not do something that would prevent us from the final objective, and that is an all-out Infantry Only Scrim with these guys. We may take our lumps, but given the fact we DO KNOW WTF we are doing, we should hold our own!!

As for a few words of encouragement I look to one or our country’s greatest Generals for inspiration.

To dilute the will to win is to destroy the purpose of the game. There is no substitute for victory. ~Douglas MacArthur


August 1st, 2007, 02:20 PM
I will be in the Sn][per only server early to get a few more distance stuff figured. Remember the only way they really know more is the exact distance thing, and they have a few that good everywhere on the map. They actually use the attack here command to figure distances when they get a long kill shot. I saw {Sn][per} SignGuy make a 1 shot 1 kill with the L96a1 from 600+ meters last night. Verified with the attack here command. They know their drops. They are still human though and can get fixed on a hard shot over someone that is in plain sight. Work different angles in the same area and do not be to big of a man to call for help from a teammate. I think I have a lot of the "secret" spots worked out, and the biggest thing is to cap our flag first. This will force them to have to catch up to us, and if we are patient enough, they will move. Have game sounds turned up also so you can hear where shots are coming from. Move slow, relocate often unless confident of a position, and stay low when relocating. It may take time to get there, but it will be worth it. This will be rough, but I truly think we have a chance here.

August 3rd, 2007, 07:34 PM
sounds fun should be there...can you say decoy!!! :p

August 4th, 2007, 07:51 AM
I still need an IP/Port and Password
