View Full Version : AWOL

July 14th, 2007, 08:40 AM
Sorry folks. I will be AWOL for 8 days basking in the sun in Fort Walton. Since I will be drinking heavily and sunning all day I will give you guys zero thought, hehehehehe. Fight the good fight in my absence. I'll frag with you next Sunday.

Like a fat kid in dodge ball, I'M OUT

July 14th, 2007, 01:00 PM
Don't forget to bring your mirrored sunglasses man ;)


July 17th, 2007, 10:43 PM
lmao The wife loosen the leash a little? Or were you "forced" to have a family vacation, Andy??

July 17th, 2007, 10:50 PM
lmao The wife loosen the leash a little? Or were you "forced" to have a family vacation, Andy??

The new hubby loosen his leash? Where you been woman?

July 17th, 2007, 11:02 PM
Family vacation? Conda? Only if his wife is serving him beer AND watching the children. All while our Twisted Steel and Surf Appeal comrade is off posing near the beach shower looking for strange "underbrush" to tame... :stick

July 18th, 2007, 07:13 AM
(*waves to Rook* heya!!)

Wetz, you've gotta be kiddin' me! You REALLY believe all that bull Andy feeds you?! Lemme just say that if MRS. Conda said there's a family vacation comin' up, MR. Conda and his twisted steel arse will be right there along side!

July 18th, 2007, 11:12 AM
Steel........ pfft. Fot rox will do whatever da misses tells him lest she remind him of prior foul ups involving stripclubs. :stick

July 18th, 2007, 12:28 PM
Sorry guys cuz Ive been AWOL too since June 14. Ive been at Fort Lewis in Washington State doing this ROTC training camp thats required for my commissioning. Some of it was fun and other stuff made me wanna dig my eyes out with a spoon. The fun stuff included First Aid, NBC, MOPP, Squad STX, Patrolling, BRM, HGAC including throwing 2 live hand grenades, US Weapons day ( I got to shoot a SAW, 203, and AT4 trainer and I know how to properly set up a claymore ), Zodiak training, Patrol Base Ops, and last but not least I got hit with CS gas in a small room with the MOPP gear on and then they made us take the mask off to feel the effects, it wasnt pretty.

July 18th, 2007, 12:38 PM
Sorry guys cuz Ive been AWOL too since June 14. Ive been at Fort Lewis in Washington State doing this ROTC training camp thats required for my commissioning. Some of it was fun and other stuff made me wanna dig my eyes out with a spoon. The fun stuff included First Aid, NBC, MOPP, Squad STX, Patrolling, BRM, HGAC including throwing 2 live hand grenades, US Weapons day ( I got to shoot a SAW, 203, and AT4 trainer and I know how to properly set up a claymore ), Zodiak training, Patrol Base Ops, and last but not least I got hit with CS gas in a small room with the MOPP gear on and then they made us take the mask off to feel the effects, it wasnt pretty.

DUDE!! Welcome Back Jason!! Cool stuff... did you snap any pictures? post some if you did. And the acronyms throw civi's like me off, other than FUBAR, WTF and ROTFLMAO I'm lost, so how about translating some of those for a short yellow bus rider like me!!

Glad you're back and thanks for your service to our country!!

July 18th, 2007, 01:21 PM

Those are my favorites.

July 18th, 2007, 03:31 PM
Welcome back Highwind.....

What is scary is that I actually understood half of what you said and I'm not even in the military.

LMAO. Sounds like you had some fun to help pass the time.


July 18th, 2007, 04:20 PM
NBC = Nuclear Biological Chemical
MOPP = Mission Oriented Protective Postures ( 4 levels of MOPP that dictate how much of the suit you wear to protect yourself from NBC attacks )
BRM = Basic Rifle Marksmanship
HGAC = Hand Grenade Assault Course
CS gas = Tear gas
Zodiak is the rubber assault boat thats in BF2 basically
Squad STX is doing missions at a squad level
Patrolling is the same as Squad STX except you do it with 2 squads or even a platoon so theres just more people. Patrolling is much more practical training because it relates more to operations happening right now in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was cool cuz each mission had variables like reporters and civilians on the battlefield and we did stuff like react to an IED.

July 18th, 2007, 07:46 PM
Welcome back to College Station, Jason. I'll save ya a spot at the next beer pong gathering (lmao I'm just kidding - have never done it, but I've been invited to join many times).

July 19th, 2007, 02:52 AM
BEER PONG is the shizzle. Get in that game Sweets.

July 19th, 2007, 06:33 AM
The really sad part, I knew exactly what Highwind was talking about and I'm not in the military. =D (4 years of Army JROTC and a Navy Brat). Glad you made it back in one peice Highwind - did you get to do all the goofy crap on the rope bridges and the repelling tower? That was my favorite part.

Andy has just as much say in what his family does as the worker ant does in who the queen has sex with - NATTA DAMN BIT!

July 19th, 2007, 08:25 AM
Yup, we did do rapelling and a water confidence course where you walked across a plank that was about 20 ft above the water, then you climbed out to the middle of a rope and dropped into the water. Oh, and I got a 45 min ride in a Chinook... and Im not back in CS yet SweetGirl, I go back there this weekend to celebrate my bday. Im living in Ft Worth until jan doing an internship.
