View Full Version : I hate stupid people

July 3rd, 2007, 06:52 PM
OK, heres the deal... I am about to walk out the door to drive 45 minutes to a service call for a customer that DONT HAVE A DAMM PROBLEM.... I know it, but they are too stupid to know it...

Now I dont mind going out on a call that has a REAL issue,, like say, the fire alarm system is going off and they cant reset it, and the fire trucks keep showing up... Or maybe the whole system went down and they have no fire protection... This is a big deal in say somthing like a hospital, or a place that has 24 hour residents.

HOWEVER!! I have to now make a trip to Hartsville South Carolina to Fix a dammm open circuit trouble on Zone 8 Basicaly theres not a whole lot I can do, and its nothing that cant wait until Thursday during regular business hours.... BUT!! Because it is a 24 hour Government housing authority "HOME" Yea, a welfare house.....and the STUPID FAT LAZZY, and DUMB... you know WHAT'S!!! cant understand all they have to do is HIT A FARGING button on the panel that says acknowledge to silence the buzzer on the panel... I now have to go all the way the **** out there to press this DAMMM Button, write them a bill and go the **** back home!!!!

Dammm I hate stupid people...

OK, Im gone... Ill be back later... maybe I will even get to drink a beer and play some BF2.. ARRRRRRGGGGGGG!!!!!

July 3rd, 2007, 06:56 PM
lol, going to Hartsville at this time of day? You better take the 45 with ya.

July 3rd, 2007, 07:11 PM
Especially to "that side" of HartsVegas....

It's all good though Parker - I deal with Stupid people all day.

July 3rd, 2007, 09:23 PM
Well, I made it back... Yep, As I thought.. stupid people... and the natives were restless tonight... just as I pulled into the driveway some white truck comes up the street slams on brakes in front of the place, then backs up... stops then takes back off again, pealing rubber the whole time.... " YEA I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN A GUN " .... But I'm back and drinking me a beer.

July 3rd, 2007, 09:28 PM
lol...sorry man..that sucks!

July 6th, 2007, 08:36 AM
Did you educate the "Local Tribal Chief" on how to push the "Magic Button of Silence"? Did you use a lot of finger pointing and grunting to show them how to do it? Or were they the typical government monkeys draging their nuckles on the floor?

July 6th, 2007, 09:41 AM

July 6th, 2007, 12:16 PM
Did you educate the "Local Tribal Chief" on how to push the "Magic Button of Silence"? Did you use a lot of finger pointing and grunting to show them how to do it? Or were they the typical government monkeys draging their nuckles on the floor?

LMFAO, Local Tribal Chief, LMFAO Magic Button of Silence, ROTFFLMFOA! Grunting and Pointing to show them LMAO, My side hurts Burger. LOL.

July 6th, 2007, 01:21 PM

Well, lets just say,,, it took me 10 minutes to resolve the Issue it took another 30 to instruct the Local "Paid" Natives how to silence the system if it started up again.

It went something like this....

Miss,, All you have to do if the Panel starts buzzing is open the door, and hit the Trouble Silence button, It will be the one with the yellow light flashing.

Ummkay.. All I gots to do is If Dee Alarm goes off, Hits dee alarm silence butten den hits dee Sistem Ressets butten.

Noooo, you dont have to do that,,, Thats only if you have real alarm,,, Witch you are not having in this case... You are only having an interment system trouble. <--- a phrase that only confused the natives.

Ummmkay.... Sooo if the fire alarm goes offs I donts do whats I usually Do if it Goos Offs??

No, Miss,,, If the Fire alarm goes off you need to do what you usually do. The problem your having right now is not a fire alarm condition... only a trouble condition on the system. So dont follow the directions written down on the front door of the panel.

Ooooo Kays, So whats I suppose too Doos if Dis Trubble alarm goos offs again...


Miss,, All you have to do if the Panel starts buzzing is open the door, and hit the Trouble Silence button, It will be the one with the yellow light flashing.


Oookays,, I tinks I gots it... Butt Could you Write dat down Foo me Jusss in Case I haves a problem afters you leaves.

Gladly Miss....

Now Basically the Real reason I had to go.. She was doing the only thing she knows how to do with the panel.. well the problem with this is... while I was telling her over the phone before I went out there to hit the Trouble silence button... she was then hitting the other buttons she always hits... Followed by the System rest button... Well this in turn RESETS all previous settings... Including the Silence she just did..... Well Guess what... Of course the panel sees the trouble on zone #8 and re-alerts you of the problem... So she was stuck in a on going loop of silence followed by reset, followed by silence, followed by reset... and so on....

I just could not get her to under stand the last action she was doing was Reseting all her previous actions... and this is why she could not get the panel to shut the hell up..

July 6th, 2007, 01:36 PM
lol...i just shake my head

July 7th, 2007, 09:49 AM
Just pat them on the head and give them a drum stick, or a wing.

July 7th, 2007, 03:35 PM
Damn Dog....next time just disable the alarm. That should permanently fix her problem ;)

I feel for ya bro...I know what stupid people can come up with.

