View Full Version : Mitt Grizzwald er Romney

June 28th, 2007, 01:04 PM
This guy is a complete smacktard... First he quotes Castro in a speech in Miami of all places. Then the head of his campaign is busted impersonating a state trooper... AGAIN... and arse clown pulls a Grizzwald like stunt. And this arse is our potential President? sad sad sad...


June 28th, 2007, 01:26 PM
Well he can go home now and quit wasting the airways with sh!t. Stick a fork in him he is a doner.

June 28th, 2007, 04:46 PM
Thinking of the wind, the weather, the speed, the vulnerability, the isolation on the roof, it is commonsense that any dog who's under extreme stress might show that stress by losing control of his bowels: that alone should have been sufficient indication that the dog was, basically, being tortured." Romney, of course, has expressed support for the use of "enhanced interrogation" techniques when it comes to terrorists;

LMAO... Well, maybe his idea of torturing terrorist was to strap them to the top of a Humvee then drive across country without stopping... LOL
