View Full Version : Chris Benoit and family

June 25th, 2007, 08:30 PM
Not that I actually watch this anymore but I remember watching him when I was younger.

June 25th, 2007, 09:52 PM

Couple of observations...

1: HARD CORE!! Offing the wife and kid then waiting a day or 2 to do yourself and staying in the house the whole time (assumed so anyways)

2: LOL @ "personal reasons" for missing the Sunday PPV. That's the understatement of the century.

Sucks for the wife and kid. I'll reserve judgment on Benoit till the story comes out in its entirety. I used to watch WWE all the time and seen him wrestle several times. I guess it goes to show money and fame don't mean happiness.

June 25th, 2007, 09:56 PM
So much for waiting. Looks like it was ruled murder/suicide.


For what it's worth, I think WWE doing retrospectives and homages to him less then 72 hours after HE killed his entire family is in bad taste.

June 26th, 2007, 06:34 AM
Yeah well I guess I jumped the gun. Why would anyone want to kill his own child? That's fk'd up

June 26th, 2007, 02:49 PM
benoit was a great wrestler and when wwe did the tribute show it was the day that they were found and they threw all their angles out the window to do the tribute show. now it is really fkd up the way things went down but they still gotta recognize the guy for being one hell of a performer plus they didnt have the details on his death yet

June 26th, 2007, 03:12 PM
yeah reports are coming in that he smothered his son, strangled his wife and hung himself.

June 26th, 2007, 03:29 PM
When you off your wife and kid, well lets just say there's a special place in hell for people like that....

June 26th, 2007, 03:38 PM
now it is really fkd up the way things went down but they still gotta recognize the guy for being one hell of a performer

Well,,, Hitler was one hell of a performer too, he made a country that had no future look to a brighter day,
THEN....he Killed half of Europe before shotting himself, his wife, and his dog.

SO, IMO... I don't care what they did early in life... its what you finish with that matters.

June 26th, 2007, 04:42 PM
When you off your wife and kid, well lets just say there's a special place in hell for people like that....


Well,,, Hitler was one hell of a performer too, he made a country that had no future look to a brighter day,
THEN....he Killed half of Europe before shotting himself, his wife, and his dog.

SO, IMO... I don't care what they did early in life... its what you finish with that matters.


OJ was a great guy also right?

June 26th, 2007, 07:50 PM
yeah but hitler was a different kind of performer beniot was an entertainer which is totally different kind of performance then wrestling. now beniot was one of my favorite wrestlers and ive been watching it for years and i've seen some of the best matches i've ever watched with him wrestling and it was a great entertainment. but im not trying to say he shouldn't go to hell and what not cause taking someone else's life is rediculous *spelling* act and totally f'd up but as his career he should be commemorated for that cause i thought he was great and i dont think that wwe should be making apologies like they are gonna do on tonight telecast of ecw no matter what the circumstances are.

June 26th, 2007, 09:48 PM
but as his career he should be commemorated for that cause i thought he was great and i dont think that wwe should be making apologies like they are gonna do on tonight telecast of ecw no matter what the circumstances are.

OMG...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you mean to tell us that you wouldn't want them (wwe or who ever they are) to have a little respect for her family by making an apology!!! He killed his wife and son for crying out loud. Thank of her family!!! Would you want someone to make him seem like a "god of his job" if he just killed your grandson and daughter....... They mite have not known all the details but making a apology kinda makes up for showing that.

Think about it.....

June 26th, 2007, 09:50 PM
oh and I wasn't trying to be a bitty in that post!! Sorry if it sounded this way.. I think I need to stop watching the news for a while tho...

June 26th, 2007, 10:10 PM
I tell ya what's fk'd up......the cop/boyfriend that killed his girlfriend/lover (he was married to another woman) in front of HIS two-year-old son, then rolled her in the living room rug, then left HIS two-year-old son alone til someone came by the house.

Oh, did I mention that the girlfriend he killed was also pregnant with THEIR second child - she was NINE MONTHS pregnant = baby was due on July 3rd.

I know everyone has already heard about this story but that is just ill.

June 26th, 2007, 10:16 PM
Yeah I think I made a thread about it somewhere in the forums...

June 26th, 2007, 10:22 PM
OMG!!! S/G and D/L on the same thread... Look out boys.. their taking over.. LOL

June 26th, 2007, 10:28 PM
OMG!!! S/G and D/L on the same thread... Look out boys.. their taking over.. LOL

I'm sorry these stories pees me off... I guess it's that time of the year when I need to stop watching the news because everything is BAD on it!!!

You know YD what happend in the movie "Old Yeller" don't you.... So sad, so sad

June 26th, 2007, 10:43 PM
I think we all agree

June 26th, 2007, 11:07 PM
plus they didnt have the details on his death yet

100% not true. Check the time line.

WWE staff are the ones who alerted local police to a potential problem at the house based on text messeges sent by Benoit. ( I would love to know what was in those messages)

Police check the location and find all three dead.

WWE is notifed of the deaths and have time pull together a 3 HOUR RETROSPECTIVE complete with recorded tributes by Stephanie McMahon and Steve Austin.

The time stamp on the original SI article was Monday night at 9:30pm. Assuming thats Eastern time, that's 30 minutes after RAW would have started. If you think Vince didn't know what was in that SI article at least an hour before it went up...youre kidding yourself. Raw still took place so it would have been easy just to go to the live feed even 5 minutes before the tribute started.

The whole reason Vince went with the tribute is in response to the hatefest that occured after Owen Hart died in the ring shortly before a live event. They went on with the event even though one of his wrestlers fell from the rafters just 30 minutes before the show was to start. People were PISSED OFF big time over that.

Now this time Vince figures he will do some damage control and look like a hero. Well, he did...for about 10 hours. Now he looks like a complete asshole for glorifying a murderer. Vince is and has been a shady businessman/drug dealer for years and now it will all come out.

I told Robyn the minute I read this it was roid related. Mark my words, when the tox comes back he will be found to have one or more illegal substances in his system that can be directly (or indirectly) related to the crimes.

The time line of the murders also indicated that it wasn't "roid rage" per se because he killed the wife on Friday or Saturday and then the son on Sunday. Rage incidents tent to be violent and short in duration. This is more like a steroid induced psycosis. They have allready said they found prescription steroids in the home. My money is on HGH and not something like Prednazone.

I'm calling my shot right here and now...

Benoit tests positive for steroids

Vince gets taken to task about WWEs drug policy up to and including testifying before congress

Youre a fool if you think that steroids are not rampant in the WWE. This will bring ALOT to light about it in the coming weeks.

As for Benoit the wrestler. I used to watch WWE every Monday. He was a great wrestler but he effectively erased all that this weekend. Can yo honestly tell me you can watch one of his matches and NOT think abotu how he strangled his wife with a cord and suffocated his son?

June 26th, 2007, 11:07 PM
Those guys are worthless pieces of Shiot. Hitler, Benoit, OJ, and teh carpet roller arse. I hope the suffer an eternity in their speacial place in hell. Its one thing to screw up your life and make mistakes. But if things get out of control, LEAVE!. I have absolutely no sympathy for any of them and could care less what talents or achievements they did prior. They are COMPLETE losers in Andy's book.

June 26th, 2007, 11:21 PM
The end!

June 26th, 2007, 11:23 PM
I could edit my original post but I stand by my statements....

Here are some additional things i found.

(RAW did NOT take place as I though. The live event was indeed cancelled)

Here are the text messages and a time line according to WWE.


Taking the text messages in account, any person with an OUNCE of sense would come to the conclusion that the three deaths were no accident. Vince knew...at least some of it.

June 26th, 2007, 11:28 PM
Chris Benoit = One major DOUCHE BAG!

Any one who can murder their own son at that age deserves nothing good of him spoken. He is a f*ck up plain and simple. Do not give this man any sympathy or compassion for what he did for a living. We would not even be discussing this guy, if he was a garbage man from his area. He would have been berated over and over by every one. Chris Benoit deserves nothing at this point other than to go to hell, where he tried to send his son and wife. What a pile of garbage. This next statement may seem a little harsh, but I have to say it. I will pay someone $100 to go piss on his grave for what he did ( I need video proof). 8 yrs fecking old. If I lived there, I would go piss on his grave. Pile of sh!t.



June 27th, 2007, 07:23 AM
Well I guess the argument that steroid users are "only hurting themselves" just went out the window.

Turns out Benoit's son was a dwarf, found with needle marks on his body, and it's speculated he was being injected with HGH. I hope whatever good is to come from this will be the "outing" of the rampant 'roid abuse by the WWE and RAW people, and the prosecution of the Doctors who may have prescribed the drugs to them and Benoit.

Violence against women and children is abhorrent, and I will skip the monotonous drivel spewing from the TV about Benoit. You can almost see the glee in the eye of most of the morning news (ABC) show anchors as they rehash the ugly details of it all again and again. Fecking Sick...

June 27th, 2007, 01:02 PM
Hittler= **** pile
O.J.= **** pile
Carpet roll-up guy=**** pile
Benoit= **** pile
Barney the purple dinosaur= purple **** pile
The guy down the street from where I work that followed his wife and shot her dead, then turned the gun on his 6yr old son and killed him, THEN turned the gun on his two little girls in the back seat of the car and shot them....MAJOR **** pile!

People have become flippin insane! We just need to put Thorazine in the water supply. Anyone who kills their spouse, but ESPECIALLY their own children needs to suffer for all eternity, not have tribute made to them. Don't care if they gave money to the poor, saved the neighbor's cat, or trimmed Mother Theresa's nose hairs for her, they need to be made a negative example of, not heros for children to follow in their footsteps.

As my drill Sgt. used to say: "One oh-sh!t wipes out all the atta-boys!!!!"

June 27th, 2007, 01:12 PM
Ohhh Baco.. you got me all hot and bothered with that rant.... send your mom right over, my poster is busted again.

June 27th, 2007, 01:33 PM
I simply can't fathom someone doing that. The "needed killing" law should be in effect for those of like strips. There is a 16 month old in the hospital here in Baton Rouge because the parents abused her. I don't think that O2 is worth wasting on them.

;200075']As my drill Sgt. used to say: "One oh-sh!t wipes out all the atta-boys!!!!"

Hey, my drill Sgt. used to say the same thing. No, wait.. that guy was my dad.

June 27th, 2007, 02:40 PM
You can almost see the glee in the eye of most of the morning news (ABC) show anchors as they rehash the ugly details of it all again and again. Fecking Sick...

I can here that old song... Dirt Laundry playing in the back of my mind when you made that statement...

Its so true is not even funny anymore...

I have a great Idea,, lest make a federal law that prohibits airing the same information more that 3 times without first divulging new information to accompany the original...

Make the news media work for a living again.

June 28th, 2007, 01:35 PM
Update on the sh!t-tard that killed his wife, 6 yr old son, and shot his two little girls by my office:

He pleaded "not guilty" in a St. Tammany Parish courtroom today....what a dumb arse. He will probably plead "insanity"...well...YEAH...no sh!t Sherlock!!! Anybody who does that is frickin insane!!! The only total cure for insanity is death....I'll write him a perscription :)

June 28th, 2007, 02:07 PM
didn't read the whole thread, so someone else may have already posted this.

Looks like someone edited Wikipedia with info on the deaths 14 hours before the bodies were discovered. The source of the edit was traced back to Stamford, Conn. home of the WWE offices.



June 28th, 2007, 02:18 PM
here comes the pain

June 28th, 2007, 04:01 PM

June 29th, 2007, 07:56 PM
wow totally disapointed came to this thread feeling sad that one of my most beloved heros had died, was a big fan of all his accomplishments. i now i am totally ashamed to have ever thought of him in that high a reguard. so dissappointed it hard to put down words. such a sad story only thing i can think of is dissapointed( would like to see this bring to the front the abuse that goes on with drugs in the wrestling industry & hopefully some kind of positve outcome in the long run)

June 30th, 2007, 02:27 PM
I can't say that I kept up with the whole story, but check this out (not saying that MSN is any better at news).


That article states that McMahon was staging his own death the week before this mess and he rousted himself to make public announcements over Beniot.

Just goes to show you the guy isn't on morale ground to begin with.


