View Full Version : Oil Rigs

June 25th, 2007, 02:29 PM
Ok, I've been trying to google this information but haven't faired to well. I'm trying to find an oil rig within 50 nautical miles of the Pensacola Pass. This is becuase I want to win a spear fishing tournament and the rules only stipulate that you have to dive on sites within 50 nautical miles of the pensacola pass. I need to know where the nearest oil rigs are (Big fish live aroud oil rigs) to the pensacola pass. I need GPS locations. I want to win. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

June 25th, 2007, 02:34 PM
all of the oil rigs are in L.A. not F.L.

June 25th, 2007, 03:42 PM
Andypandy as you know Wayne works on an oil rig. Email him and ask him what you have posted he can find out for you. He is on the rig right now. His email is [email protected] Give him a a yell Oh make sure you tell him who you are.. lol...

June 25th, 2007, 03:43 PM

This area?

37. CHEVRON OIL RIG Lat 30 04.242 Lon 87 02.120

Location: 18 miles on a 131-degree course from the sea buoy.

Two large sections of an oil rig donated by the Chevron Oil Co. sit side by side in 134 feet of water. The great structures rise over 50 feet off the bottom attracting great schools of pelagics, including amberjacks. The rigs were placed down in October 1993. Visibility is usually quite good in this deep water location. 13361.9 47037.2

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June 25th, 2007, 03:47 PM

June 25th, 2007, 03:56 PM
When is it exactly?

June 25th, 2007, 08:01 PM
Hey Rook. I've actually dove the chevron oil rigs your talking about. But I want som rigs that are still standing as the sea life is very abundant on oil rigs at about 45 feet of depth. where smaller fish like to school due to the light and algae. And John, there are some oil rigs in the gulf that are not in LA, LOl, true florida has a no drill law.

June 25th, 2007, 11:25 PM
You can drill in Florida, just not offshore. They have plenty of land rigs in florida. I dunno about any rigs that far east Andy, I'd invite you to dive out here, but I'm like 150 miles off the coast, 5000 foot of water. Might end up spearing a whale out here.

June 26th, 2007, 05:56 AM
I am looking into getting re-certified if I can't find my old open Water License. The most diving I did in Florida was at Vortex Springs, Morrison Springs, and off the rock jetties in Destin. My dad is in Guam until next June and he wants me to come over to go diving w/ him. He even said he'd pay for my airfare. Thus the reason to find my license.

June 28th, 2007, 10:45 PM
And here I am just trying to get a few bucks to get my fishing liscense.....One of these days I want to go scuba diving....spear fishing sounds fun

June 29th, 2007, 09:59 AM
Sounds like fun Andy, make sure you take more pics..

June 30th, 2007, 01:58 PM
I can picture Andy now with a underwater camera strapped to his head.

What's the biggest fish you have speared Andy? I figure at some point they could actually still swim off.


July 3rd, 2007, 04:14 PM
well andy u have got the wrong info man. ur big fish are around old wrecks. for a little money ucan can get wreck info from shrimp boats and tugs. they have best location of wrecks. oil rigs are fished to much and the fish in wrecks are hard to find for peeps that dont know about them. i know man i use to fish with some guys offshore and they did it for living. there is a wonder full wreck just south off mobile bay and its called airplane. it a c1-30 that has crashed along time ago. fish life there is very big and dangerous. all types of fish. 30 to 35 lbs snapper, grouper that raNGES FROM AROUND 15 TO 20 LBS SHARKS pretty bad there also. DANG CAPS sry all types man i could try and get u some stuff for al, ms, la, florida no help man sry
