View Full Version : Interesting Lecture

June 12th, 2007, 08:33 AM
This is an hour long lecture about our natural resources, population growth, and the problems we face not only here at home but globally. You can stream it or read it, but it is pretty eye opening. I talk about the way the media and our Government present "FACTS" all the time. This guy does a pretty good job of exposing some of the "FACTS" we've been told about our coal and oil resources in this country and the world. If you have some time it is at least worth a look. Even if you don't agree with everything presented it should at least make you think a little more about the problems we will face in our lifetime as well as the world we will leave to our children and grandchildren.


June 12th, 2007, 02:00 PM
Good read so far. I will finish it later. I got to the part about gall bladder surgery.
