View Full Version : Last Halloween pics, "It took me a long time to get them"

June 11th, 2007, 05:04 PM
Heres a little run down on what we've done for the last 3 Halloweens at my Neighbor's and my place.

We have a road that runs around the back of both our properties. We run a hay ride on it with my tractor and trailer. The ride takes about 20 - 25 minutes to run. Along the way we have a couple of places set up to scare the CRAP out of the riders. I have the biggest part to do with this. I use a 12 gauge double barrel sawed off shot gun with "POPPER" Shots, and a OLD Homelite Chainsaw with a 24-in bar covered in Blood "Red paint". Theres a couple other things we have setup, like a guy in the woods with a sound system, strobe lights and such... But the best part is my part... Just when they think the Chainsaws are enough I start in with shot gun... it Always gets them.

So here are a few of the only Good pic's I was able to scrounge up... It seems at night its hard to get a digital camera to work worth a dam.

heres me in my Civilian Clothes... just playing it cool until its time to have Some "FUN"


Here I am with my Outfit, and the 12 gauge snake charmer. with the Popper shot in it, that gun will throw about a 12 inch flame out the end of the barrel.. lite both barrels at the same time... well you get the idea :)


Heres a pic of one of my Helpers.. hes about 16 years old... and loves getting into the the whole scaring thing... Hes got a small chainsaw we manage to get running for him.


My Tractor... And Jeramey as the driver.


Some of our Victims through the night :)


A couple more Victims


This is my Neighbors barn, we set it up for the Party... Cool place for a party I think. :)





BTW... My Neighbor is a sign maker and a pretty good artist, so heres what he had set up as all our friends arrived.


ANYWHO... Thats about all I have so far as good pics.. I had a few more that would have been great, but their just too dark...
We try to put this together every year, but its tough when eveyone wants to come out and play, but no one wants to work ahead of time to make things happen... Funny thing Me and Craig "my Neighbor" built a 400 foot road through a low area on the back of his place just to connect my roads and his roads together so we could have 1 long ride through the back without coming back out and doubling back to my place... its been a lot of fun for me, I just thought I would share it with you guys.. :)

June 11th, 2007, 05:35 PM
thats awesome yellow.....you guys really get into it, I love it. How many kids have to change their shorts when your done with em? lmao.

June 11th, 2007, 07:31 PM
That is freakin great man! I LOVE Halloween! Not to pick...lmao... but the sign has a slight typo.... :)

June 11th, 2007, 08:11 PM
LMAO...well never said he was Edjumicated....

But your right, he is missing an L... HAHA, guess thats important in a sign..

June 11th, 2007, 10:07 PM
good pictures yella. I love Halloween but don't like the movies....

June 11th, 2007, 10:17 PM
Great pics. Halloween is fun times.

June 11th, 2007, 10:42 PM
Nice Yella!

Too bad Im so far away..

June 12th, 2007, 06:49 PM
This is the mask I made for the second hay ride....maybie more to come.

June 12th, 2007, 08:28 PM
OMG... dude I hate you weren't able to be here for the last one dude.... If you could have.. :(

NOW i must add to the story, Me and Nathan got together and made these mask's... He made his from an old leather jacket, and I made mine from black burlap and a full face toboggan... I think Nathans was the best.

So anyway, we set up the first haunted hayride together.. we did a lot of planing, had to widen a couple of roads, and a bridge in oder for my trailer to get across it... SO this was Nathans get up... Its Slipknot inspired if you cant tell.... But Oooooo man what a EVIL couple of guys we were with my 2 chainsaws and shot guns... They were not expecting any of what we did the first year,,, so that was by far the best...:)

Still wish yo ARES was here in SC so we could pull it off again... YA PUNK... :)
