View Full Version : Last night's emergency

June 5th, 2007, 10:07 PM
Sorry I had to bail last night guys.

I got a call from my wife that there were problems down at the community center in our subdivision and that she needed me there ASAP because she was calling the police.

Needless to say I took off like a bat out of hell to get down the street to see what in the world was going on.

She had asked a small group of teens to vacate the premises of the community center because it was closed for the evening. After she had gone back inside the little bastards busted the rear drivers window of her jeep. She didn't find out about it until about 15 minutes after it had happened because two other workers were clocking out and asking her if she knew she had a broken window.

Needless to say we were both pissed. Had to call the police and generate a police report. Now I get to go have a window replaced.

Good thing my wife doesn't own a handgun....because she would have sent some home in little black bags.

Oh well....needless to say, I just wanted to appologize for taking off on short notice last night. Hopefully we won't have any more excitement this week ;)



June 5th, 2007, 10:17 PM
No problem... Take care of business!!!! And be safe..

June 5th, 2007, 10:32 PM
hey just open up the same center for whatever it was they there were there for and then go around slashing tires.

June 6th, 2007, 08:49 AM
MAN! I is that type of crap that sends me in O R B I T! I really wish you could catch the little turds...

June 6th, 2007, 09:06 AM
Thats sucks outloud! I could see Jen, Guns O' Blazin!!

June 6th, 2007, 09:13 AM
Sorry to hear do0d. Hope it works out for you. In some states and counties they have what they call victim's advocate groups that help parlay costs of damages and such. You just have to pay them back if you get restitution.

The reason I was on for so short last night. My brother-in-law decided to fall 12 feet off a roof he was working on. He went up to try and visqueen(sp) off a firewall (1 in sheetrock) and slipped. Spent some time at the hospital, had to pick up my niece, cook peeps dinner, and help out the pregger wife. It was short but sweet.

June 6th, 2007, 10:12 AM
Abidabi and rook. You guys need no explanations. Being hard working mature adults we completely understand. Even if you just wanted to get off to go wash the cat. Just say "I'm out!" and we'll see you next time you log in. Glad you guys could play what you could. Hope you catch the little rat bastards and hope your brother in law is ok rook.

June 6th, 2007, 10:30 AM
Dude!!!! They need to turn the community center into a detention center!!! I would be HAPPY to take the warden, er...um...I mean the ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR position :p

June 6th, 2007, 11:10 AM
I would think a couple of nights of a little vigilantyism will fix that.

June 6th, 2007, 12:07 PM
Nice "Community" patrons you got there, be safe!!!!
