View Full Version : New Diary Found

June 4th, 2007, 08:47 PM
As I sit here and contemplate how Iran has started the clock on their plans for the total destruction of Israel and for that matter the United States, I'm struck by the news of a new diary found in Poland. The diary is one of a young Polish Jewish girl the same age as Anne Frank. It's sobering to read about the horrible atrocities of the Nazi's, it's another thing to read it in first person. Will the world sit by and watch history repeat itself? Albeit with Nuclear weapons instead of ovens and gas chambers?


June 5th, 2007, 08:09 AM
Wow... I hope this story gets a lot of media coverage.. maybe it will wake up some of the JOY JOY, FEEL GOOD liberals to the fact there is an evil in the world... and it hasn't gone anywhere, its just manifesting itself in other countries and people.
