View Full Version : It's a shame

May 29th, 2007, 10:43 AM
I read the following story this morning: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070529/ap_on_re_us/cindy_sheehan

What I really find a shame in this story is that she states that she feels her son died for nothing. I think that serves as a disgrace for her son. She may feel he died for nothing because she lost her son in a war she didn't believe in, but her son just may have felt he died to protect his country from terrorists who will stop at nothing to do harm to us. After all, why did he join the military? If he didn't believe in our form of government or didn't believe in war, then he did the wrong thing by joining. However, after 9/11, I'm sure he, just like many other hard core Americans wanted to bring justice and defeat terrorism abroad to prevent or avenge events like 9/11.

After the events of 9/11 and the things that led up to the war in Iraq, it disappoints me that people forget that it is the radical islamists that are prevalent in Afghanistan and now in Iraq, that started this whole thing by attacking our country. I'm sure those same people would think it ridiculous that we would bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki after Japan attacked the hell out of Pearl Harbor, and that anybody who died in that effort had "died for nothing."

She also claims that her protests just don't make a difference. However, there is nothing in the Constitution that states that if you protest the government will cave to your demands. You only have the right to protest, and her protest was heard. So apparently she feels her protests were for nothing because President Bush didn't call everyone back from Iraq. She also states that this is no longer the country she loves. My response, "You can always pick another country to live in." You don't have to live here.

Oh well. We all are thankful for her son's sacrifice. He did not die for nothing. Maybe when she begins her healing process, she will realize it.

May 29th, 2007, 04:02 PM
I'm not going to say a whole lot.. but if she thinks she didn't make a difference shes dead wrong..it's people like her that theses radical Islamics depend on to embolden their stance they have against us. They take her "PROTEST'S" and use it for propaganda. SO... In my view... Her son did not die for nothing.. but his mother has disgraced herself by trying to counter the effort he was fighting for.

May 29th, 2007, 05:01 PM
I'm not going to say a whole lot.. but if she thinks she didn't make a difference shes dead wrong..it's people like her that theses radical Islamics depend on to embolden their stance they have against us. They take her "PROTEST'S" and use it for propaganda. SO... In my view... Her son did not die for nothing.. but his mother has disgraced herself by trying to counter the effort he was fighting for.

I would have to agree.

Like they say; "Either stand behind our troops at home, or go stand in front of them in Iraq."

May 30th, 2007, 08:54 AM
I actually feel sorry for this poor woman(VERY VERY slightly) because while she was vulnerable in the pain of the loss of her son, a bunch of left wing mental midgets got hold of her and USED her to bolster their cause. They came in with their famous faces, and loads of cash, and convinced this psychopath that she should become the "voice of reason" for the "American public". Here is a quote from her letter "Goodbye America" :
"Good-bye America ... you are not the country that I love and I finally realized no matter how much I sacrifice, I can't make you be that country unless you want it.

"It's up to you now."

WTH does she mean "no matter how much I sacrifice" WTH did SHE sacrifice!!!??? Now some dip $hit might say "Well she sacrificed her son!!!" BBBBBBBBSSSSSSS SHE did not sacrifice her son! That brave boy, by his OWN will, joined, served, and died. She did not send him. I told my parents when I went off to war NOT to dishonor my memory by acting like a bunch of leg humpin tards if I were to fall on the field of battle. What this monkey's ass has done, is not only disgrace her son, but the multitudes that have died defending our freedom. Now....I rest. Thank you :)

May 30th, 2007, 09:00 AM
Well said and thank you again for your service Barry....

May 30th, 2007, 04:46 PM
Yeah, what a self serving smacktard. She should go home and mourn the loss of her patriot son and STFU.

May 30th, 2007, 06:01 PM
"Either stand behind our troops at home, or go stand in front of them in Iraq."

RGR That!

My son is not in Iraq, but he is in active service. First stationed in Germany, then in Kuwait. He just re-uped another 3 years and I KNOW he would not want anyone in his family to act in such a disgraceful way!

Nor would I associate my self with anybody who does!

Baco-Thanks dude!

May 31st, 2007, 01:31 AM
I totally agree with you all,Nicely said..

June 1st, 2007, 10:02 AM
Hey Chi, just keep supporting your son! That was one of the most important things for me. My parents supported me, and let me know that others were proud of me...goes a long way!

I know that I am not an official member of LA_MERC, but I am going to start something and invite all of you to join in. I am going to start writing letters of support to our troops over seas. I will get in touch with my contact at the VA and find out how to get the letters to the troops. If y'all want, we could make it a LA_MERC thing for those who want to participate. I have been writing to guys that I personally know over there, and they share the letters with all of the troops. They say that it GREATLY raises moral, especially after watching the Commie News Network and seeing all of the negative crappola. So anyway, I would like to start writing to random troops giving my support. I will see if my company will sponsor these letters by paying for postage. What we could do is if anyone wants to write a letter, they could e-mail it to me, and I'll print it and send it out. Just something that I would like to do from the sidelines to support the team, and if anyone else cares to join...GREAT!!!

PS: We could dedicate this effort to Madam dingle-berry's son, who made the sacrifice, and got trodden over by his psycho mother :P


June 1st, 2007, 01:34 PM
PS: We could dedicate this effort to Madam dingle-berry's son, who made the sacrifice, and got trodden over by his psycho mother :P


Dude,,, thats the best Idea I have heard all day..:)

June 1st, 2007, 01:43 PM
I spoke with my CEO today, and it looks like I might get funding to send out letters written to the troops. I'll let y'all know.

June 1st, 2007, 01:47 PM
I just spoke to someone at the VA and they gave me this website: http://www.forgottensoldiers.org/write-soldier.shtml
You can type up a letter here, and they will print it out, and send it with a care package to a soldier. This might be the way to go.


June 1st, 2007, 02:46 PM
This is a great idea. However you feel would be best to do this, count me in. These guys (and gals) put their life on the line everyday to protect me and my family. I don't take that lightly.

Update: Thanks Barry. I just submitted one. I can tell you that it doesn't feel like I can adequately express my appreciation for what they are doing.

June 1st, 2007, 03:16 PM
This is a great idea. However you feel would be best to do this, count me in. These guys (and gals) put their life on the line everyday to protect me and my family. I don't take that lightly.

Yeah, I just logged onto that site and it looks pretty good. I would recomend that if any of you take part in this, you add your mailing address into the body of the letter. Some of these guys and gals may want to write back. I can gaurantee that if you get a letter back from one of these folk, it will change your life. You could possibly gain a pen pal in the process. Some of these folk, from my own experience, don't have families back home, but would love someone back in the States to write to.


June 1st, 2007, 03:35 PM
I just wrote my letter on the website. If you want, you can post your letter to give others an idea of what to write. I would suggest whatever is on your heart. Be real, soldiers are people too. :)

My letter:
I don't know you, and you don't know me, but we share the same title of American. As a veteran, I know that you miss your family, friends, and that special chair you sit in at home :) I know that days and nights over there are grueling, and seemingly endless. I know that you sacrifice, and are not shown much appreciation by those you sacrifice for. I know that you would rather be at home, clean, and in civies, than be dirty, hot, and loaded down with gear. I know that you would like to see the latest movie, ride in your car, or attend your home church, but instead you read intell reports, ride in humvees, and pray when you can. I just want you to know...that I KNOW. I know that you are sacrificing for my freedom, and the future freedom of my children. I don't know you, but I do know WHO YOU ARE. Every day that I wake up and have the freedom to choose where to go, and what to do, I think of YOU. I don't know your name, but I know that you are there for me. I have never met you, but I do not live in fear because I know that you are there defending me. Thank you for your service, and I will tell you that there are many others THAT KNOW. You are not alone, you have a country that loves you and supports you, regardless of what you hear. God bless you!Barry Bacon
29251 Tupelo Dr.
Lacombe, LA 70445

June 1st, 2007, 03:59 PM
My letter:

I'm sitting here at my desk at the end of the week thinking about the fact that no one has attacked my city this week. Not only that, they haven't attacked this year. I also think about my family at home (4 little ones). It is because of this that I am eternally thankful for your hard work. Some people in the states like to rant about this and that, but when push comes to shove, I'll put my family in your hands any day. You guys are the best that any country has and anytime I get an opportunity to tell my boys how great you guys are, then I tell them.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be to be separated from those that you hold dear, so I will not pretend to know. I will say that I as an American am thankful for your self-less service and your love for this country. We are looking forward to the day when your work is done and you can return home. Never forget that you are an American hero. Sincerely, James Callahan

June 2nd, 2007, 10:58 AM
My letter:

I'm sitting here at my desk at the end of the week thinking about the fact that no one has attacked my city this week. Not only that, they haven't attacked this year. I also think about my family at home (4 little ones). It is because of this that I am eternally thankful for your hard work. Some people in the states like to rant about this and that, but when push comes to shove, I'll put my family in your hands any day. You guys are the best that any country has and anytime I get an opportunity to tell my boys how great you guys are, then I tell them.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be to be separated from those that you hold dear, so I will not pretend to know. I will say that I as an American am thankful for your self-less service and your love for this country. We are looking forward to the day when your work is done and you can return home. Never forget that you are an American hero. Sincerely, James Callahan

Nice Doc! Keep it up guys :)

June 2nd, 2007, 04:25 PM
Here is my letter:

Dear Soldier,

I am writing this letter to let you know that what you are doing is a great service. There are people in the news everyday telling the American public what you are doing is wrong. Our country is wrong. We are war mongers. We have no right to be there. I apologize for this.
I will apologize for the countless self-serving people who want to get their chance for the limelight. I will apologize for all the "not true" Americans who take advantage of a system that you all make possible. Who also scream about their rights and freedoms, but never stop to shake a soldiers hand or take their hat off when Old Glory goes marching by. Who have no respect for what you have sacrificed so they could ignorantly fix blame instead of helping fix the problems. I commend you.
I commend you for the fact that my wife and I can celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary under freedom you provided. I commend you for the fact that my son can turn 2 yrs old this July free and out of harms way. I commend you for the fact that you show up day in day out only to serve, and not to jump on the news and complain. I commend you for sacrificing the sight of your family everyday, so we over here can see ours. I pray for you.
I pray that I may get to one day meet you, shake your hand, and thank you for what you are doing. I have what I have because of people like you.

Robert Whited
416 5th Ave.
Helena, MT 59601

June 4th, 2007, 08:15 AM
Here is my letter:

Dear Soldier,

I am writing this letter to let you know that what you are doing is a great service. There are people in the news everyday telling the American public what you are doing is wrong. Our country is wrong. We are war mongers. We have no right to be there. I apologize for this.
I will apologize for the countless self-serving people who want to get their chance for the limelight. I will apologize for all the "not true" Americans who take advantage of a system that you all make possible. Who also scream about their rights and freedoms, but never stop to shake a soldiers hand or take their hat off when Old Glory goes marching by. Who have no respect for what you have sacrificed so they could ignorantly fix blame instead of helping fix the problems. I commend you.
I commend you for the fact that my wife and I can celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary under freedom you provided. I commend you for the fact that my son can turn 2 yrs old this July free and out of harms way. I commend you for the fact that you show up day in day out only to serve, and not to jump on the news and complain. I commend you for sacrificing the sight of your family everyday, so we over here can see ours. I pray for you.
I pray that I may get to one day meet you, shake your hand, and thank you for what you are doing. I have what I have because of people like you.

Robert Whited
416 5th Ave.
Helena, MT 59601

Good letter Rook! I think that all of these letters will be appreciated, and encouraging.

June 4th, 2007, 09:32 AM
Here's mine...

It’s Monday June the 4th and I wanted to take a few minutes a let you know how grateful my family and I are for your service to our nation. I’m indebted to you and your brothers in arms for keeping me and my children safe from those who seek our destruction. May God bless you and keep you safe.

I can only imagine the hardships and sacrifices you are making in this war, please know that there are many people I know who believe your service and sacrifice is making a huge difference. That your mission is worthwhile and honorable, that the progress you’re making will make us all safer now and in the future.

I’m proud of what you’re doing, the service and commitment you have to our nation, and I hope you feel the same way. Keep up the good work and know there are many like myself who are thankful for warriors like you who do the hard, dangerous, and ugly work that keeps us free.

Thank you again for your service, I’m free, safe and healthy and it’s because people like you volunteer to make it so!!

Many, many thanks and prayers for your safe return!!

David, Marietta, Reagan and Harrison Wetzel

1201 N Armour
Wichita, KS 67206

June 4th, 2007, 10:10 AM
Here's mine...

It’s Monday June the 4th and I wanted to take a few minutes a let you know how grateful my family and I are for your service to our nation. I’m indebted to you and your brothers in arms for keeping me and my children safe from those who seek our destruction. May God bless you and keep you safe.

I can only imagine the hardships and sacrifices you are making in this war, please know that there are many people I know who believe your service and sacrifice is making a huge difference. That your mission is worthwhile and honorable, that the progress you’re making will make us all safer now and in the future.

I’m proud of what you’re doing, the service and commitment you have to our nation, and I hope you feel the same way. Keep up the good work and know there are many like myself who are thankful for warriors like you who do the hard, dangerous, and ugly work that keeps us free.

Thank you again for your service, I’m free, safe and healthy and it’s because people like you volunteer to make it so!!

Many, many thanks and prayers for your safe return!!

David, Marietta, Reagan and Harrison Wetzel

1201 N Armour
Wichita, KS 67206

I hate people who are so eloquent in their writing!!!! :p Just kidding :) That was great Wetz! I think that we are making a difference here :)
