View Full Version : Still have a little time to play...

May 29th, 2007, 07:16 AM
Well I'm still working on various medals and ribbons. Of course I'm still in need of 8 hours of chopper time for my Helicopter Medal, so I'm whoring it up whenever I can find someone to ride with me. Over the weekend I had Rollout riding with me a bit, and a few others.

Spring is here and with summer around the corner it looks like we've hit a busy patch for our members and friends. Andy's been MIA, however I did see him around midnight last night along with Yellowdog and Maggot Pulse. By then I was bushed and hit the sack. Walt, Mag and I gamed a couple of maps over at SOE and had some fun. We had a good group on Sunday night Frag, Fish, Target, Walt, Chi, Rook and Komodo (who was kicked for standing in front of Toby's Mig too many times, I think he thought it was a two seater!) Good times!

I picked up my third Good Conduct Medal, last night.... It almost looks like the Purple Heart Frag got sunday!

May 29th, 2007, 07:29 AM
I've been playing mid-days. I received my expert pistol Friday. I need about 30 repair points for my Meritorious Service Medal. I should be around here somewhere. :D

May 29th, 2007, 08:24 AM
I would say that, for the most part, Friday night is a given for playing until about 2am on Saturday morning. Outside of that, I try to get on about every other night.

Last night with Wetz and Maggot was pretty fun. Although, Maggot was on the opposite (losing) side. Wetz and I took in the Silver and Bronze respectively. I flew around some in the attack chopper, but spent most of my time running around in APC's and Tanks capping flags, killing the enemy, and just all out having fun. However, I'm still missing a 100 point round on the Chinese army.

Wetz, I'm always up for some fly time (airplane or helo). So if we're in a round and need a gunner, let me know. I'm not the greatest, but I am pretty good.

May 29th, 2007, 10:00 AM
Who is Komodo? Was he in our teamspeak and if so, why wouldn't he say anything.

He would stand in front of the MIG for a while so I jumped out and was going to give it to him instead of him force tking me. Then he got in and jumped out. That should have told him right there that there was one seat. I jumped in again and he stayed standing in front of the plane. We played that game a couple of times until all I could think of was that he just wanted to force tk me so I would get kicked.. haha

May 29th, 2007, 10:07 AM
He's a buddy of Chi's from work I believe... He is VERY shy, as a matter of fact there are times when he will come into the TS and leave if Chi Townz is not on... Funny Shi0t... Target types "Kick Komodo for TK'ing" Wetz says over TS "Toby he's new to BF2 and he's in our TS" Target replies "What?? tell him to get the hell out of the way!" Meanwhile the SOE admin in an attempt to reduce the number of times Target is going to kill the Admin (Ken-Doka) with the Mig, immediately boots, the nearly harmless and extremely shy Komodo. We may never see that dude again!

Chi get that dude fired up!! :stick

May 29th, 2007, 10:31 AM
LOL! I managed to get on for a bit yesterday afternoon... lit a fire.. I may be back on again this afternoon

May 29th, 2007, 12:04 PM
Hey, I know I've been busy over the last week, but rest assured I'm back in the saddle. I got a lot of yellowdog and maggot last night. They paired up in a cobra and I gave'em hell. lol. Love you guys.
And you got to tell komodo that we're not the shy timid types and we mean well, you just have to have thick skin around us. If he gets an afternoon, with me, Toby and James all on at the same time. He'll be scared for life.

May 29th, 2007, 12:08 PM
Komodo is def shy. Good player when grounding it out though. He will come around. We just need to get rid of his suicidal tendencies.:stick

May 29th, 2007, 12:18 PM
Speaking of a little time. I am out to go play some BF2 Biznatches!

May 29th, 2007, 06:04 PM
He's a buddy of Chi's from work I believe... He is VERY shy, as a matter of fact there are times when he will come into the TS and leave if Chi Townz is not on... Funny Shi0t... Target types "Kick Komodo for TK'ing" Wetz says over TS "Toby he's new to BF2 and he's in our TS" Target replies "What?? tell him to get the hell out of the way!" Meanwhile the SOE admin in an attempt to reduce the number of times Target is going to kill the Admin (Ken-Doka) with the Mig, immediately boots, the nearly harmless and extremely shy Komodo. We may never see that dude again!

Chi get that dude fired up!! :stick

Please read..Komodochicago (http://www.lamerc.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=17557)

Can you say NOOB?
HAHAH Trust me, Ive done nothing but Razz him all day LOL

Hes running vista and cant seem to get the mic right... figures, one of our best techs too...LOL
