View Full Version : The YellowDogs "Dog House" :)

May 28th, 2007, 08:45 AM
Well guys, I've been wanting to post some pics of my home. I've done a lot of work to it in the last 5 years..

So I finally got a camera to post some pics with. So here it is, the YellowDogs Dog house. :)

The first pic was after I bushhoged the place a few times with my tractor.

This is the same view 6 years later.


Heading up the driveway I built.


Looking back the opposite direction...
I have an 18 foot gate on a automatic gate opener... "Keeps the dog in the yard"


Looking down the right side of my line.. From behind the house.


The back of the house.


From the left side.


Looking down the left side of the property..
My neighbor has a gravel driveway that runs beside my place.


Looking out the back of my yard... but this is not the back..
only about 1/3rd the way back.


Going down my back road...
This is where I love to take my dog for a walk "Or run" as he would look at it.


A road I built along side a ditch I dug to improve drainage..
Their is a pond just beyond the edge of the woods that drains into the ditch.


Going further up my back road.


Even further back there is a Pine Thicket I cut a road around.


A better view of the Pines...


Now this last Photo is the very back of my property..
you cant really see them to well, but there are Rail Road cross ties standing
on the property line. i have my lines cut out so you can walk the entire boarder of my place.


BTW... I have 9 acres of land... its a quite place with the exception of the ocational banjo playing in the woods...
But they dont bother me cause Im a local boy.. its only the the City boys that have to worry about that :)

SO there ya go.. My home.. What yall think ??

May 28th, 2007, 09:08 AM
Very impressive dog...9 acres huh...I cant imagine that much room. Awesome property, you should be very proud of the work you have done.

May 28th, 2007, 09:17 AM
You should be rpoud, that is a fine looking spread you have there.

May 28th, 2007, 09:19 AM
too much grass to cut man!! lol! nice though.. sometimes I think i wouldn't mind living in the country..

May 28th, 2007, 09:38 AM
Very nice Parker, now how about a few of the Garage I heard so much about? I could see it in the background.

May 28th, 2007, 09:39 AM
Nice job man! I'm jealous :(


May 28th, 2007, 09:46 AM
/me is jealous too. Nice looking place!

May 28th, 2007, 09:47 AM
Wow YD nice place/land you have there. I would love to have land like that. We wanted more land when we moved back up here but I guess the good Lord didn't have that in mind for us. But you have nice land good job on the work you have done.

May 28th, 2007, 10:39 AM
Very nice Yeller. Looks like you put a lot of hard work into it. I bet it's nice and peaceful though.

May 28th, 2007, 10:55 AM
nice pad Parker get my phone number off members info page and call me please. try my cell i will probably be in Savannah.

May 29th, 2007, 06:11 AM
Dogg... That totaly rocks?

Whens the BBQ?

May 29th, 2007, 12:17 PM
LAN at 'Dog's House. Paintballin one morning, games during the day, Pig roast at night, repeat the next day.

May 29th, 2007, 03:37 PM
LAN at 'Dog's House. Paintballin one morning, games during the day, Pig roast at night, repeat the next day.

If only I was located around Louisiana, LOL... I doubt your going to get too many people out my way.. :)

May 30th, 2007, 07:21 AM
WOW! That's really nice, Parker! You can tell all the hard work you've put into - unless you just bought it that way. Something to be truly proud of! Like you've said before, now you just need a little honey-honey out there to watch over it (and watch over you). :P

May 30th, 2007, 07:26 AM
Nice place Yeller. Looks great!

May 30th, 2007, 07:36 AM
WOW! That's really nice, Parker! You can tell all the hard work you've put into - unless you just bought it that way. Something to be truly proud of! Like you've said before, now you just need a little honey-honey out there to watch over it (and watch over you). :P

He can borrow mine! But be warned that also means he gets the Debil child Harrison! Oh and all rentals are for a minimum of 3 weeks... Talk about Birth Control, 3 weeks with my kid and you'll be chewing your own nuts off at the base!

May 30th, 2007, 07:51 AM
WOW! That's really nice, Parker! You can tell all the hard work you've put into - unless you just bought it that way.

See the first 2 Pics.... Yea I did it all,,, when I bought the land you could not even walk across it.. It was that grown up in Trees, and brush.... it took me a good 4 months to clear it enough to see across the property.. Then you ad in the Fence the grass the road, the Cyprus Trees "67" of them, the road going to the back of the property... Built that,,, I had trees in the way that had to be dug up with a BACKHOE, dirt to hauled in, 2 ditches to be dug for drainage, 5 drainage tiles to put in for roads to cross, 500 feet of water line to run from the highway to the house "im on county water, not a well" And the list goes on and on......

SO you see,,, this is where I have put all my efforts and resources into for the last 6 years...

May 30th, 2007, 08:56 AM
Talk about Birth Control, 3 weeks with my kid and you'll be chewing your own nuts off at the base!

LOLOL OMG!!!!!!!!!!

May 30th, 2007, 09:30 AM
Nice! no way that property is in Houston....lol.

That would run about a cool million in these parts.

May 30th, 2007, 10:13 AM
3 weeks with my kid and you'll be chewing your own nuts off at the base!

omg! lmfao! I've got THREE rugrats..............somedays I think I may not make it to the next day. BUT, amazingly enough, I think that if I ever marry again (insanity), I may consider another one for the sake of that relationship and for the fact that, as the kiddies get older, remembering that having a new, small one is such a great feeling. I've worked on this old granny-body of mine for 4+ years now, and I would worry about that a little; not mention that my eggs are old. haha

Back to your place, Parker - it's just great. I bet keeping busy like that has "occupied your mind and thoughts" (if you get the drift). You've done a great job at nesting. :P Just beautiful!

Oh, add some pictures of you, and I'll try to sell you and the homestead off on EBay!!!

June 2nd, 2007, 11:27 PM
Awesome looking place. We should have a LAN there.......


June 3rd, 2007, 08:46 PM
Awesome looking place. We should have a LAN there.......


C---SUCKER!!!!! :twak

June 3rd, 2007, 09:32 PM
Dang nice place man. I would love to have a place with a little land. My Dad has a farm. Maybe one day I will be able to build something on the farm and retire there.
