View Full Version : One man fights to honor HIS flag

May 25th, 2007, 07:58 AM
It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN, not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN,
who salutes the Flag,

Wow….that is certainly a humbling picture of the vet getting up from his chair. That flag means so much more to those of us who bled or watched friends die to defend it. It is a shame that people in this country don’t even know what it is a symbol of. It does not represent a government or politician, it does not stand for corruption or prejudice, it does not reflect rich or poor, black or white, Asian or Hispanic, but what it does represent is the opportunity of the INDIVIDUAL to possess freedom, in every form, in a country void of dictatorships or bonds of oppression. The 13 stripes stand for the first 13 colonies made up of men and women who pioneered a new frontier in hopes of escaping persecution. The white stands for a nation which is based on pure and righteous principles. The blue field with the white stars symbolizes a new constellation, a new beginning, and a new life of freedom for those who accept it. And finally, the red stands for those who shed their own blood to secure, preserve, and protect this great nation from all enemies, both foreign, and domestic. I’m sorry, I know that I like to joke around alot, but I get a little weepy when it comes to this subject because I have counted the cost, paid it, and been in the presence of those great men who paid the ultimate price of freedom for the countless citizens of this nation, while never being able to enjoy those freedoms for themselves again. That is why this man fights pain, fatigue, and inconvenience to stand in respect for HIS flag, when others sit enjoying the freedom that they do not understand.


May 25th, 2007, 04:06 PM
Hits home....

I have haven't served in the armed forces, but I have a great respect for all the ones who have.

I would hope that if there were ever a picture taken with me in it.... I would not be caught sitting down.

May 25th, 2007, 07:14 PM
I can't stand people who can't get up and remove their hats, much less STFU when the flag is presented and the Anthem is played.

May 28th, 2007, 05:44 AM
']I can't stand people who can't get up and remove their hats, much less STFU when the flag is presented and the Anthem is played.

Thank you! I had to smack a couple of teen agers in the head in front of me when I took my son to a football game at my old highschool. They were talking and laughing during the National Anthem. Then, they got a lecture on why we respect the flag etc.. It actually went pretty well. I think that the freak deterrioration of brain matter in teachers these days has caused them not to teach American history. I have a group of teens in a Sunday school class that tell me that they learned that George Washington was an evil slave owner! WTH??? I'm not saying that he didnt have slaves, I wasnt there, but COME ON!!! What about the GOOD (a lost word in today's vocabulary) that he did in founding our country? They said that they are learning the same crappola about other historical figures, and the only one that gets total praise is Martin Luther King. I'm not saying that he didnt do anything good, but heck, try breaking away from England, going to war with a hand full of farmers, forming a government, and starting a free country. Sheesh! not MY idea of fun times!

PS: Happy Memorial day to you all. If any of you pray at all, please remember the families of Cpl. Villereal Pvt. Johansen and Pvt. Antoniac. Three of my buds who died in my arms defending that flag that noone stands for. I try to keep in touch with their families, but over time you lose contact. I still think of them and the sacrifices they made, especially on Memorial Day.


May 28th, 2007, 07:26 AM
PS: Happy Memorial day to you all. If any of you pray at all, please remember the families of Cpl. Villereal Pvt. Johansen and Pvt. Antoniac. Three of my buds who died in my arms defending that flag that noone stands for. I try to keep in touch with their families, but over time you lose contact. I still think of them and the sacrifices they made, especially on Memorial Day.

Baco, I didn't know you lost 3 friends... Im guessing in Iraq, my heart goes out to you, and the families of your fallen friends. Have a good memorial day, and know that the people who REALLY make this country what it is will never forget the sacrifice of your friends.

May 28th, 2007, 07:34 AM
Baco, I didn't know you lost 3 friends... Im guessing in Iraq, my heart goes out to you, and the families of your fallen friends. Have a good memorial day, and know that the people who REALLY make this country what it is will never forget the sacrifice of your friends.

Thanks Yellow. No, not Iraq, I fought these terrorist turds back in 1993 in PI. Most people don't know that they do a lot of training over there because there is no valid government to stop them. Really nasty folk...better off dead.

May 28th, 2007, 03:19 PM
:tank: :vet: /salute

I wasn't in the military either but I put on a uniform everyday here at home and defend the principles you fought for overseas. I have the utmost respect for military vets and thank you for your service and sacrifice.

May 28th, 2007, 04:46 PM
:tank: :vet: /salute

I wasn't in the military either but I put on a uniform everyday here at home and defend the principles you fought for overseas. I have the utmost respect for military vets and thank you for your service and sacrifice.

Well you guys are on the battlefield every day, and I salute you, my friend.
