View Full Version : HD DVD vs Blue Ray

May 21st, 2007, 02:45 PM
Who's winning. Their war reminds me of the old VHS war days. I saw a movie for rent when I rented an Xbox 360 game that was available in HD DVD. I need to but a new DVD player and was wondering if anyone had any news as to which format (HD DVD or Blue Ray) was winning and any suggestions on a player to buy with 1080p capability and HD DVD or Blue Ray ability. Dirge or Madmax, any inputs?

May 21st, 2007, 02:48 PM
sales wise, blueray is winning (just because everyone who bought a ps3 has a blueray player included). but right now i prefer hddvd myself (just because i hate sony ha) I'm going to wait it out and see who comes out on top.
But hey here is something for you to think about. pron is banned by sony for blueray :)

May 21st, 2007, 02:53 PM
Wasn't pron a major cause of beta max not making it? I heard that pron industry went to VHS and it buried BM

May 21st, 2007, 03:09 PM
Wasn't pron a major cause of beta max not making it? I heard that pron industry went to VHS and it buried BM

lol, you are correct. This is what my higher education taught me.

May 21st, 2007, 03:49 PM
oh and here is something fun.

its an HD vs DVD comparison site. just click on the image you want to compare. the difference is pretty amazing


May 21st, 2007, 03:56 PM
WOW.. Didn't know there was that much difference.

May 21st, 2007, 04:03 PM
WOW.. Didn't know there was that much difference.
yeah. just read this somewhere too:

since most people don't do comparison shots of HD-DVD to DVD right next to eachother with the same TV, your brain takes a bit to recognize that it is seeing a difference. The difference is there: it's just that you don't realize it until you get used to seeing HD and then try to watch SD. you cant go back

May 21st, 2007, 05:06 PM
I prefer HD-DVD - for both Image Quality and Sound Quality - but BluRay is winning sales wise...We have a HD-DVD player and a BluRay player on display, and I think the HD-DVD blows the BR away.

LG had a player announced at CES that is going to play both formats - but it isn't out yet - that's what I'm waiting for.

Also, on the other hand - HDDVD is having more support on the PC side of things - we have several high end pc's w/ HD-DVD burners, but none w/ BRD burners

May 21st, 2007, 05:39 PM
Aren't most of the blueray titles not even 1080p?

May 21st, 2007, 06:38 PM
This is what a doc told me years ago when we started doing vido knees and shoulders they had a one chip cam, now we have HD 1080i or p,but we still do the case the same way not faster or cheaper . We can see in HD ,then his reply was so what , if I (the docter ) use a one chip cam my end results are the same think about that. Over in euro thay still use one chip cam we in the west have too have the top of the line ,but we are not on top we are the sheep think about that.

May 21st, 2007, 07:37 PM
Whats cheaper? :stick

May 21st, 2007, 08:45 PM
HD will win in the end. both the pron industry and Wal-Mart will see to it. Wal-Mart made a huge deal recently to have some china manufacturer build them HD_DVD players for $50 each. Initial batch will be 2mil units, with more later. Wal-mart is set to retail these players around $149 - $199. Projected to go on sale sometime 1H 08.

Sony will feel their nuts in a vise then. they lost a crap load of money this past fiscal year due to the PS3 - both selling at a loss and having dismal sales #'s compared to supply. when consumers see blu-ray player / PS3 for $600+ vs. HD-DVD player for $149....... the majority of the population which is middle class will choose HD. also, it will be a kick start to a ton of people buying them even though they don't have HD TVs. movie sales will get a boost and sony will have to wave the white flag before 09 or 2010 like they did with betamax.

May 22nd, 2007, 09:07 AM
Between installing HD cable and this conversation.....and veiwing that web site that illustrates the difference betwwen hd and regular dvd....now I want to get a HDTV and a HD DVD player.....why can't we just be happy with the way things are.....now my $400 Toshiba TV with component video looks like CRAP!!!!!!

I'm going to go out and get a OLD console Black and white tv with the wood trim and a VCR to boycott the HD industry.....LMAO.....Yeah right.......RENT-A-CENTER HERE I COME :tank:

May 22nd, 2007, 03:42 PM
LMAO.. Thats right maggot.. fight the system...

You'll just get left behind...
Like the old folks out in the country with the remote control that has a wire running from it to the TV.

May 22nd, 2007, 04:46 PM
remote control? you mean you can control it remotely? how the hell does it turn the dial to the station you want? and how the hell does it know if you want to change over to UHF range? and then, how does it know when I want to play my Xbox360 to slide the controller from "TV" to "Game" ???

May 22nd, 2007, 05:48 PM
LMAO... Yup,,, yer stuck in the 70's

May 22nd, 2007, 08:35 PM
i my self have always been a sony backer as i love most of there products but i can see that the pron industry beeing such a big bussness if blue ray doesnt eventually come around they will loose out on a huge market as thing start developing.
