View Full Version : Noxious.

the noxious
May 18th, 2007, 10:53 AM
That's me, I am Noxious. This is a re-introduction, since there are so many new MERCs.
I've known a few of the original mercs for about 5 or 6 years now. I used to be in the MERCs back in the CS 1.6 days.
Now I am an avid WoW and Bf2 player,(poorly imho) lol.

Now, I don't really know the way to go about this now, but I wish to app to the LA_MERCS. It rocks playing BF2 with you's guys now. Haven't had that much fun in a game like this since c6 1.6.

my email is ne0hybrid@gmail, and my AIM SN is ne0hybrid.:tank:

May 18th, 2007, 11:15 AM
who r u?j/k- good to see you around mano- no worries, I been playing bf2 for awhile and I am horrible but its fun anyway- Just stay away from John's claymores..

May 18th, 2007, 06:05 PM
I'm only an [r], but great to see ya, glad your game is working now!!! But you are right LA_Merc ROCKS!!!!

Let him in boys, let him in!!!!!! The pain he felt with the patches is enough to torment for anyone!!!

May 20th, 2007, 07:30 AM
Kool deal bro. I havent been in game the past couple o weeks with work and stuff but hopefully Ill start getting a little play time in. Hope to see you in game.
