View Full Version : Wow imma noob,

the noxious
May 14th, 2007, 04:33 PM
Yes, i proved to myself, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I , am a nood.
How so?
I did a little research and looked around on the EA support pages, and found this little diddy:
The version numbers are as listed below:

* Un-updateed game.
o 1.0.2442.0
* Version 1.01 update installed.
o 1.1.2475.0
* Version 1.02 update installed.
o 1.1.2484.0
* Version 1.03 update installed.
o 1.1.2551.0
* Version 1.12 update installed.
o 1.1.2254-356.0
* Version 1.2 update installed.
o 1.1.2696-528.0
* Version 1.21 update installed.
o 1.1.2716-548.0
* Version 1.22 update installed.
o 1.1.2716-552.0
* Version 1.3 update installed.
o 1.1.2878-710.0
* Version 1.4 update installed.
o 1.1.2963-795.0
* Version 1.41 update installed.
o 1.1.2965-797.0

Suffice to say, that all along, my game really has been patched to it's latest.
Wow..........See, Imma noob.
I guess my graphics issues are just due to poor compatability with Vista. Im sure (optimism is a b*tch sometimes) that they will fix this soon.

(BUT, I still have problems with Teamspeak. I can connect, and talk to ya'll, but when I am in the game, I can't talk to yall, but i can hear. It's odd...Should I check out the TS forums?)

Okay, so I thank you all for your help, and patience. ANd I apologize for being so whiney.

So I will see you all in the game. and I am already racking up the badges. Peace.

- Noxious.

May 14th, 2007, 06:13 PM
vista,vista did you say vista that is the whole prob ,can you change to XP and see how it works. vista did you say vista man man man.

LA_MERC_eX1|eS' ch1|d
May 15th, 2007, 09:41 AM
How much RAM do you have nox? For Vista to run smoothly it needs 2Gb and for BF2 to run well it needs 2Gb. For them to play nicely together you'll need atleast 3Gb but probably 4Gb.

the noxious
May 15th, 2007, 09:47 AM
2gb :/

May 15th, 2007, 11:53 AM
Well if what Jayson posted is correct.. Vista is a ram hog when sitting Idle, but when you run a resource intensive program like BF2.. Vista dumps what it was tying up in ram to allow the application to have more of it.

"Don't know if this is correct.. but I think thats what he said"

My point is.. yes BF2 needs at least 2 GB of ram to run well, but I dont see the Vista OS causing that much trouble over the RAM.

This is my opinion.. I did not do any research.. So don't take it that I know what I'm talking about...LOL

May 15th, 2007, 12:18 PM
One thing Nox is that I do hear you on ingame VOIP which is totally seperate from TS. Does TS work at all even when your not loading or playing BF2.

May 15th, 2007, 12:24 PM
it worked for him last night without any problems.. after he turned off Voice activation that is.

the noxious
May 15th, 2007, 03:53 PM
yeah i pwnt myself on that regards lol.
i read about TS on Vista, i have to run it as Administrator , same as with BF2. So yeah, im in the game baby woooooo! BRING IT!

May 17th, 2007, 08:38 PM
Well i know that i use Vista and Ventrilo. Same as you i could HEAR people in Vent but i couldnt talk to them. So, i did some searching and i found that you have to go into the Properties of your program - mine being Vent. Im sure teamspeak has this tab as well. Youll see on the tabs Security, click that, click admin and then set your "vent,t/s, RW, or whatever you have to FULL CONTROL. This way TS is the main program and not being overrun or taken control of by other ones. This worked for me, and i've told others and its worked for them. Hope it helps man.
