View Full Version : Future BF2 Competitions....

May 8th, 2007, 08:59 AM
I’ve recently not had any luck getting a scrim arranged for our Clan. It appears our reputation has preceded us in most circles; as such we are afforded a wide berth when I approach groups for a scrim. Generally speaking the groups I’ve talked with insist on I/O only or small group (5/5) confrontations, I however prefer planning the larger engagements and as a group we excel with vehicles, so those are none starters with me.

This leaves us with a couple of options.

1. I could go out to the extremely well organized clans (OBC, Full Contact War are a couple that come to mind) who are active in BF2 leagues and ladders and attempt to set a scrim against them.
2. I can post at BF2 player.com what our interests are and see what offers we get. Essentially walking into a bar and starting a brawl not knowing if Chuck Liddell and Chuck Norris are BOTH having a Mai Tai at the bar, so we better be ready to roll.

While we are considering the above, also consider and idea that I’ve been kicking around with a few of the guys while were out PWNing 10 year olds.

An INTRA-Clan scrim…. We take a census of the members, guests, OTH and GL people who would be available and we divide up into two (Red and Blue) groups. We could assign teams or DRAFT teams. The two highest ranking officers participating would be the team Captains.

Now the map and the format I/O or Vanilla would NOT be known at draft time! So the Captains wouldn’t know whether or not to draft pilots, tankers, medic’s etc. Once the teams are established we would draw the map and the game format from a HAT, totally RANDOM! (Songha Stalemate anyone???) Red team would take one TS channel, Blue team another, we could turn on a battle recorder and have a friendly wager to boot.

What do you think??

May 8th, 2007, 09:06 AM
Both ideas sound great to me. I would love to get some battle recorder files to show non players what they're missing. I'm game for both.

May 8th, 2007, 09:14 AM
I will kill you Wetz no matter the format...lol. I am game if available.

May 8th, 2007, 12:57 PM
name the time and give me a team..

May 8th, 2007, 02:57 PM
sounds good to me

May 8th, 2007, 03:45 PM
Both Ideas sound good to me... It wont hurt my feelings if we get Pwend by a higher level clan... it will just give us some food for thought.. and also a reality check.. if our heads get too big.

So far as playing against each other.. that would be a blast.... I could just see the Thrashing out on the forums after a few rounds of this kind of friendly game play :)

Im up for it..

May 8th, 2007, 08:08 PM
I/O is OK, but that 5/5 is BS, we could rule 15/15 or so, we are the MERC!!!

But I'm a ground pounding *****, so whatever you all want to do is good, we kicked'em last time, we'll do it again, just put me, Yellow and Doc back on the same squad!! :)
