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May 8th, 2007, 07:38 AM
weeeeeeeeeeeee (http://www.lamerc.com/uploads/squirrelpult.wmv)

May 8th, 2007, 07:50 AM
Dude! That is SOOOOOOOOOOOO DAMN MEAN! Why didn't I think of that for the cat? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :dont

May 8th, 2007, 07:59 AM
That makes me mad!!!! Thats so mean!!!! I love our cute little squirrels around here and I would NEVER do that to my squirrels. I almost started crying! I couldn't even watch the rest of the video...

BAD BAD BAD People.....

May 8th, 2007, 08:19 AM
Sorry DL but that was AWESOME!!!! hahahah I'm with you goose wish i had thought of it lol but im going to try it now with these dang cats around here lol

May 8th, 2007, 09:24 AM
That was some funny sheit! Hey DL, they kept coming back for more. They loved the carnival ride. I think those squirrels were adrenaline junkies!

May 8th, 2007, 09:53 AM
haha that was awesome

May 8th, 2007, 10:57 AM
lol that would be something you would do Jerry!!! lol

I still think it's mean!!

May 8th, 2007, 03:55 PM
Now... if there would have only been a yard full of vicious dogs over the fence... MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

May 8th, 2007, 05:25 PM
see all the fun we have been missing dam

May 9th, 2007, 09:31 PM

May 10th, 2007, 01:19 PM
Yeah DL, that's so cruel. Its so much better if I take my 12 guage and blow their ass out of a tree then peel the hide off of them, gut them, and fry that bastard up for me to gnaw on at the dinner plate. Do you eat hamburgers my dear. Ever eat bacon, steak, pork chops, fish, etc etc. We're omnivores. That means we eat meat too (Carnivour) its in our DNA. Its not cruel. Its softnening up the meat. You know tenderizing. Now I know Mom always said not to play with your food, but com'on. That's funny, you have to admit. Hell I paid 20 dollars a ride to ride the "Vertical accelerator" which does the same thing. And I liked it. That fury little bastard is getting a free ride.

May 10th, 2007, 03:04 PM
Yeah DL, that's so cruel. Its so much better if I take my 12 guage and blow their ass out of a tree then peel the hide off of them, gut them, and fry that bastard up for me to gnaw on at the dinner plate. Do you eat hamburgers my dear. Ever eat bacon, steak, pork chops, fish, etc etc. We're omnivores. That means we eat meat too (Carnivour) its in our DNA. Its not cruel. Its softnening up the meat. You know tenderizing. Now I know Mom always said not to play with your food, but com'on. That's funny, you have to admit. Hell I paid 20 dollars a ride to ride the "Vertical accelerator" which does the same thing. And I liked it. That fury little bastard is getting a free ride.

LOLOLOL.... OH MY!!!!!! Andy you so funny!!! OK I get your point BUT I still think it's mean!!! lol

May 13th, 2007, 09:35 PM
Wild animals are only cute until they die. lol

just like firestone tires.... KABOOM
