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April 29th, 2007, 11:37 AM
How I spent my Saturday,
by: CFH

This is a repost from my MySpace page and quite long so bail now if you don't feel like reading. It's pretty funny reading though. :)

First off, pardon the typos because I'm doing this on my phone. Well anyways, I get into work today and the boss says get dressed and go relieve an officer at the hosptal who has een there since 6am (its now 2pm). My first thought was 'who did we shoot? ' Turns out that around 4am some asshole breaks into his X's aptartment and tries to stab her new BF. That didn,t work out so good and they get him out of the aptartment.

They call us and we see the guy outside the aptartment. He decides e didn't feel like talking to the police s he jumps off the apartent landing in an attempt to get away. Not all that unussual really except for the fact her apartment is on the 3rd floor.

Approximately 30 feet and 2 seconds later, asshole has a broken akle (requireing surgery) a blown out knee and a fracured elbow. Believing that to be insufficient injury, one of our land sharks (police dog) decided he really didn't need ALL of his left bicep/tricep and proceeded to remove a piece for him.

So...because he couldn't deal with being an ex-BF, he has the above listed injuries PLUS a felony booking and a trip to LA Co Jail once he's out o surgery...if they ever take him in to surgery. He's been waiting since 6am abd it's now 4pm.

Anyways, here I sit, waiting to see what's going to happen with this rocket scientist. Thank god I upgraded to this phone. Too bad it can't play WoW.

April 29th, 2007, 11:37 AM
Here is part 2:

Well boys and girls, it's now 1am and I JUST GOT BACK TO THE STATION!!! Here's how the day played out after 4pm...

Right after I posted my first message, the hospital released him with an "ok to book". That's means we can take him and do what we need to do and it's NORMALLY one of the last things you need to be done with the whole ordeal....BUT...

If you recall, he had some pretty knarly injuries so I knew he wasn't going to be a drive to the jail and drop off. Put it this way, the guy couldn't even stand up let alone walk or get into the back of a police car. So to get him out of the hospital, we called an ambulance to transport him to LA Co jail.

Knowing just how ****ed up this guy was it was obvious he needed to be booked at the jail ward in county hospital and NOT at the LA Co jail itself. Trying to streamline the process, I call ahead to the hospital and talk to deputy dumb **** who says, "if you have an OK to book, take him to CJ (county jail) first." I tried to explain to him (really I did) that he is REEEEALY broken and can't even stand. Being the mental midget he was he asks, "has he been Live Scanned yet?" (live scan is the fingerprinting and booking proceedure). RETARD!!! How can I Live Scan him if he can't stand up for a booking photo?!?!?!

Anyways...we take him to CJ and guess what CJ said. You have to take him to the jail ward at the hospital. Thanks for cleaing that up for me....GAH!!! So we load him up in the ambulance again and take him over to the hospital and ride the elevator up to the 13th floor. First thing they say on 13?? Did you go through triage?


But butting heads with someone who has far more power then you is a fools game so....back down to the first floor we go. Once there, triage consists of "where does it hurt?" and "what are you allergic to?"

With traige complete, it's back up to 13. Now the fun begins. Because the 13th floor is a jail as well as a medical facility, they need to do a FULL evaluation to determine if his injuries are bad enough to keep him there or if he can be housed over at CJ. What that means in English is that all that time the other officer and I spent at the first hospital is erased and means nothing....It's now 5:45pm and the guy sustained these injuries at 4am.

2 and a half hours later they decide he needs X-rays. Sure...fine...whatever. Knock yourselves out. Oh but wait, X-ray is on the 3rd floor and oh by the way officer, you get to take him there....huh??? That's right officer, we dont take him down there...you do.

SONOFAMOTHERLOVINGGAAAAH!! Fine...lets go. We get down to X-ray and the tech looks at the chart and immediately hands me a chair and says, "this is going to take awhile". !!>.<

The tech comes out with a STACK or x-ray films damn near as tall as he was and I KNOW they weighed about the same. It seems the docs ordered a full body x-ray of the guy. What the hell right? My city is footing the bill and there's a 60/40 chance we will actually pay it.

90 minutes or so later, the x-rays are done and we head back up stairs. I drop him off and it's time I got some dinner (the high light of my evening). I get back to the hospital around 10pm or so and commence to sitting...and waiting...and waiting...and, you get the idea.

About 11:30 a deputy comes out and says they are going to keep the guy there. THANK YOU JESUS!!!! Looking back, you might have realized that it took them almost 6 hours to come to the conclusion I knew before I even got to the hospital but at that point all you care about is getting out of there.

11:45 I'm on the road back my city drained but content in the fact I had about 2 and a half hours before I get to go home. While driving back though I come accross an SUV on the side of the freeway fully engulfed and no emergency vehicles around.

Being the conscientious (sp?) jackass that I am, I stop and hold traffic till the fire department gets there to put it out. While I'm waiting on fire to get there, an LAPD sgt pulls up (it was in LAPDs area) and runs the plate (I didn't run it because at that point it could have been registered to Osama and wouldn't have cared) and it comes back registered to my city (the importance of that is coming).

Fire get there and puts it out but after about 30 minutes still no CHP. It's no longer on fire and not in the road way...**** it, I'm leaving. I get back to the station FINALLY and start typing this up and I half hear one of our officers put out a broadcast about a stolen vehicle. Hardly exciting except it happened to be the same make, model and color of my engulfed vehcle that I stumbled across 3 cities away. With my ears now perked up I hear him broascast the license plate and sure as ****...same car.

I could go on, but as I wrap this up we just had a fatal traffic collision so I need to go. Hows that for a Saturday night???



April 29th, 2007, 11:42 AM
Stuff I left of the second part was the reason the burning car and the reported stolen thing is "interesting" is because the whole idea of it being stolen is complete horse****. Sorry but that's just too big of a coinkeedink.

As for the fatal, turns out dude crashed SEVERAL hours earlier and no one noticed. He wrapped his Miata around a pole and launched himself either out the w indow or the convertable top. He was about 10 feet from the car deader then ****. Not my report though. :) Fatals are for the triffic guys.

April 29th, 2007, 12:38 PM
now get on wow! lol

April 29th, 2007, 01:32 PM
Is it just me or are you becoming more cynical in your old age? lmao You talk about things in such a matter-of-fact manner, while I'm sitting here with my jaw dropped saying "Damn!" "Really? Geez?!" Thank God you aren't having to deal with those sicko kid molesters anymore.......although, I know that's what has made you a bit "immune" (to say the least) to these perps and criminals out there.

April 29th, 2007, 02:44 PM
Is it just me or are you becoming more cynical in your old age?

LMAO at "becoming".....hahahahah

It is what it is. Compassion, especially pertaining to dead bodies, is a recipe for disaster. Now the asshat who jumped off the balcony...that's just good humor. You can't make that **** up.

April 29th, 2007, 03:35 PM
not bad I know what you are talkinf about I work in surgery and worked on pepole like that , I even worked a a guy who had stupid tat across his for head some people.

April 30th, 2007, 06:53 AM

I have a brother who is county PD in Maryland, just outside of DC, and he always has some good stories. I think the military, police, and fire department are jobs that will always have some interesting things take place.

April 30th, 2007, 07:11 AM
damn I'm glad I'm not a po po....
