View Full Version : hmm!!!! maybe....

April 28th, 2007, 07:21 AM
ok guys I just "MIGHT" play tonight! Not sure yet but I'm thinking about it. So if you see Dragons name then it's me because he is off shore!

So be sweet to me because I don't know how to play it!!!

April 28th, 2007, 07:56 AM
ok guys I just "MIGHT" play tonight! Not sure yet but I'm thinking about it. So if you see Dragons name then it's me because he is off shore!

So be sweet to me because I don't know how to play it!!!

Be sure to get into the TS server, first... We'll be happy to show you the ropes! Oh and I'm sure you're aware of the addicting power of this game, so take note!

April 28th, 2007, 08:04 AM
come on in

April 28th, 2007, 09:52 AM
Ohhh that would be awsome.. we need us a woman in game to keep us all in check..LOL

April 28th, 2007, 10:40 AM
you mean we need to keep you in check dont ya??:stick :stick

April 28th, 2007, 11:40 PM
My BIG thanks to YD for telling me how to play!!!!! HUGS...
I wasn't going to give up my flag but some poo poo head killed me *YD* AND I killed 4 people woooo hooo go me!!!!! So what if I got killed 19 times.lol.. I had fun and thanks for not yelling/getting upset with me for not helping more then what I did. That guy walking around and driving can make ya dizzy, so I thought if I stay in one spot then maybe I'll have a chance... LOL...

Thanks guys and I'll be on there again

April 29th, 2007, 07:42 AM
Well, I'm glad you had fun last night...
Just remember its not all about how many people you kill, its how well you help
your team out that matters. You did a great job holding the Docks last night....

BTW, your welcome... and If you ever have any questions in game.. like how to
revive me... although you didn't... :stick LOL... Dont be afraid to ask. :)

April 29th, 2007, 08:21 AM
Well i wa on last night for a little while but my TS must have dropped. So i was solo for a few maps on LLC. It was fun, hadn't played in so long I felt like a noob again.

April 29th, 2007, 09:13 AM
BTW, your welcome... and If you ever have any questions in game.. like how to
revive me... although you didn't... :stick LOL... Dont be afraid to ask. :)

LOL... I am so sorry Justin(my 5 year old) told me what to push to revive someone but didn't tell me how to do it before he went to bed.. I tryed at one time. I also tryed to help people but didn't really know where anyone was so I thought I mite protect the flags I did have. I thought I did a good job at that until someone came and hit me with the tank *Yellowdog* I hopped in a tank myself but couldn't get it past that car...

Thanks for showing me a good time and being nice to me...
