View Full Version : Plan to Decrease Terrorism/Poverty/Greenhouse Emissions

April 27th, 2007, 10:58 AM
Ok, so the three big issues in the world today seem to be Terrorism, Poverty, and Greenhouse Emissions screwing up the enviornment. I have the solution!

The Baco-Plan

Pt. I Dealing With Terrorism

This is a list of some of the major regions contributing to global terrorism.
1. Saudi Arabia
2. Jordan
3. Iraq
4. Iran
5. Syria
6. Sudan
7. Afganistan
8. Somilia
9. The United Arab Emirates

Step 1. We destroy these regions from the highest mountain plateau, to the lowest valley. Nothing is left standing or breathing.

This step greatly reduces terrorism in the world.

Pt. II Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Tonnes(metric tons) of CO2 production per capita/ % of global contribution

1. Saudi Arabia 13.0 .4%
2. Jordan 3.2 .1%
3. Iraq 2.7 .3%
4. Iran 3.7 1.5%
5. Syria 2.7 .2%
6. Sudan .26 .1%
7. Afganistan .03 .1%
8. Somilia .01 .1%
9. The United Arab Emirates 33.6 2.2%
59.2 10%

Step 2. (By-product of step 1) By destroying these countries, we reduce the world's greenhouse gas emissions by 10%

Pt. III Reduction of Poverty

This next part may take awhile, but the results should be quite good.

Step 3. Rebuilding

We use the now desolate wasteland of these destroyed regions to build a working class society comprised of, soon to be former, poverty stricken peoples.

a) Obtain funding from those countries who wish to "do their part through peace" to save the world. ie: Canada, France, AlGoreistan, etc....

b) Ship any Mexicans who are trying to escape their poverty in search of work to these regions to build eco-friendly cities with affordable housing.

c) Build an international prison system located in these regions. Any exterme criminals, ie: Murders, Rapists, Child Molesters, Rosie O'Donnell, etc..., from any country will be imprisoned here. This prison system will be run by any poverty stricken peoples who move into this new region, thereby giving them gainful employment. No inmate sentenced to this prison system will have any "rights". (the Constitution will no longer apply to "American" inmates, due to their citizenship being revoked) The prison system will be run as most prison systems are run in the Philippines. Inmates will only be provided sundry items (food, clothing, hygene products) by a family member or loved one. The prison will not provide these items. If the prisoner has not touched at LEAST one life in their existance who would care enough to feed them, why should the taxpayers be expected to do so?

d) Use new technologies to build eco-friendly factories. These factories will produce products for sale that are enviornmentally friendly. ie: electric cars, solar powered monorails, bio-fuels, an air filter for Rosie O'Donnell's mouth, etc... These factories will provide more employment opportunities.

e) Build bio-sphere farms to grow crops to sell cheap produce to "third-world" countries. Once again providing employment opportunities.

f) All reality based TV shows will now be filmed in these regions and 30% of the profits, from said shows, will go to the commonwealth of these regions.

Step 4. Repopulating

Once the cities, farms, and factories are built, people from poverty stricken countries who WANT TO WORK may move into a newly built home. In order to maintain citizenship in this new land, you must be gainfully employed. If it is found that you do not have a job, you will immediately be exiled to the desert.

Step 5. Government

The governmental officials will be elected by the citizenship. The laws will be very simple, common sense based, laws that everyone will understand. Violation of these laws will result in exile to the desert, no appeals, no second chances, just desert.

Step 6. Monitoring

The United States will monitor the progress of this new nation. If at any time we feel that things are going wrong, we reserve the right to destroy it and start from scratch. Eventually, through trial and error, it will work. Funding from the "peace" countries will only cease when the new nation has become self sufficient. Any lapse in funding from these nations will be seen as a "really mean action" and those countries will be sufficiently spanked until they have resumed funding of the new nation.

In conclusion:

I believe that this plan has great potential. Since I don't see anyone else in the world coming up with a valid plan, I suppose that mine should be implemented immediately.

April 27th, 2007, 03:34 PM
I love it.. Where do I sign up??

April 27th, 2007, 06:29 PM
LOL Dogggg

April 28th, 2007, 03:04 AM
BACO for President in 2008!
