View Full Version : In case you were wondering...

April 16th, 2007, 11:28 PM
...what all of those hand signals you always see in SWAT type shows mean, here's a reference. (http://petebevin.com/archives/signals.html) Interesting reading.

April 17th, 2007, 07:00 AM
I could never understand why you guys couldn't see when I was giving the hand signal for you to "stay in front of me where it is safe."

Maybe now everyone will learn the hand signals, and get in front of me when I call for it. :)

You all may have seen me signal last night that "We haven't got a chance" while playing the Karkand map. Although, the rest of you were signalling "They haven't got a chance."

Sorry, I bailed out kind of early last night. Pretty much being the loner on the losing side with only one flag left, and everyone camping the spawn points just wasn't making me want more. I think after spawning 4 times and seeing the people sitting there mowing me down as soon as I spawn and combine that with the early shift at work, just didn't leave me in the BF2 mood for long.

If you all don't agree with what I'm saying, just check out the signal in row 11 column 3. :)

I'm sure that that was an unusually bad night. I slept it off and hopefully will be ready to roll later this week.

April 17th, 2007, 07:46 AM
You all may have seen me signal last night that "We haven't got a chance" while playing the Karkand map. Although, the rest of you were signalling "They haven't got a chance."

LMFAO, That's funny Walter. Sorry you got autoed to that side full of 12 year olds. Not really big of us either to go ravenous on your team like that, but man was it fun. You should have stuck around. We all went to the MERC server and had a blast.
T4rg3t when blood crazy with his sword (I'm not calling it a knife since it seemed to gut me from 8 feet awat constantly) and the rest of us infantried with the best of them. Good rounds too.

April 17th, 2007, 04:23 PM
Walter did come over to the server for a while...

Hey cuzz i have had plenty of nights like that.. when you get frustrated like that.. it just takes the fun out of it.. its best just to call it quites and come back later on.. IMO :)
