View Full Version : I won't forget the little people

April 16th, 2007, 10:41 AM
Well, for those of you who have access to the members section. You could have listened to my latest recording of a song I wrote called "Morning Ride". Well the song made its way around my job and come to realize that one of the guys at my plant has just finished building a recording studio and is a drum player from the area. He has invited me to a recording seccion if I can get the guitar tracks form their songs. He's bringing me the CD tomorrow. When I make Rock Star status peeps I won't forget all you little people.

April 16th, 2007, 12:40 PM
Can I be one of your roadies. LOL

April 16th, 2007, 01:15 PM
Can I be one of your roadies. LOL

Hell with a roadie. You're entourage status. I will definately need your jedi mind trick powers for all the state troopers I'll be giving hell while I'm on the road.

April 16th, 2007, 03:49 PM
OMG.. I forgot about that story..LOL,

I forgot how it went, could someone enlighten the peps who never got the pleasure of reading that thread. :)

April 16th, 2007, 04:05 PM
hope u make it andy

April 16th, 2007, 06:38 PM
Before you get TOO big of a head, remember some of us know the "Gerald Moment"!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

April 17th, 2007, 09:59 AM
OMG.. I forgot about that story..LOL,

I forgot how it went, could someone enlighten the peps who never got the pleasure of reading that thread. :)

Story goes something like this.

Yankee was in Ruston for some work related recruiting at LA Tech. In the company station wagon none the less. Well a bunch of us MERC's go to Rabbs for some good times and good drinks. Figured I would drive everyone since I had the most room.

At 1:00AM it was time to leave. We pile in the company car and Toby (I think) and someone else decide to ride in the hatch back part with their feet hanging out.

Well at the end of the road I see the blue lights behind us and get pulled over by an Louisiana State Trooper. No mind you, I'm driving pretty good, but could no way in hell pass a sobriety test. I get out of the car, thinking that this is the end of my job for sure.

I got out of the car and the Trooper asked who was in the back of the car with their feet hanging out. I informed him that some of my friends had a little too much to drink, and they were in no shape to drive home. He let me off with a warning and said to get home as soon as possible.

I got back in the car and told them to pull their feet back. Andy asked what happened and I told him that I used the force on him. LOL

"These are not the droids you seek"

April 17th, 2007, 03:58 PM
LMFAO, "These are not the droids you're looking for" The other person Reed was Adrian. My little brother [WFO]UserOfIllusion. LMFAO. That was a good time.

April 17th, 2007, 04:02 PM
OHHH yea, I remember now.. :)

No officer, we are not intoxicated,

"Tell us to drive home safely"

You boys drive home safely now


April 18th, 2007, 09:12 PM
Bunch o smacktards lol. Good luck Andy. Hope your rock star status lasts longer than your Pro athlete status :stick

April 20th, 2007, 02:56 PM
']Bunch o smacktards lol. Good luck Andy. Hope your rock star status lasts longer than your Pro athlete status :stick

LMFAO. Now there's a story. But, I can tell people I played Pro Football.

Granted. It was semi pro arena ball and it was only for 2 days until I beat up the starting quarterback.

Had I known that type of thing was frowned upon.
