View Full Version : Liberals Eat Imus...

April 12th, 2007, 07:22 PM
With drop-out rates, abortion rates, incarceration rates and single parent rates running at astronomically high levels in the black community and considering I could walk into the nearest Best Buy and blindly select any number of Rap/Hip Hop albums with language 10 ten times worse than the words expelled from Don Imus's shriveled pie-hole. It should be no surprise that the Loons of the Left, The Hypocrites of the House, have once again decided to eat one of their very own.

Why address the real problems with Black America when you can just point at Whitey? Ahhh the Joy of Victim-hood. I guess Imus shoulda-jus-rapped-da-shi0t, he'd still have a Gig.


April 12th, 2007, 07:34 PM
I thought it was funny that he called for sharpten to give a public apology to the boys at Duke for leading protest and marches at the duke university calling for their heads.

April 12th, 2007, 08:04 PM
Well.. Im no fan of his either, but I think its totaly wrong to pull his show... Dammm people get a little thicker skin.

What's sad is, people are just thinking about an old guy that has plenty of money is out of job... SO WHAT RIGHT?

Well what about all the support staff, management, and all the little people who's job it was to help promote and put on this, Radio/TV show of his...There out of jobs too.. but I'ed be willing to bet they dont have the millions that Don Imus has.

April 13th, 2007, 02:51 AM
Imus was a victim as much as any Nappy haired Ho's were. He made a poorly guided statement that was blown out of proportion. Feck the guy is ancient. Prolly forgot what he was discussing.

April 13th, 2007, 06:27 AM
I doubt if he even knows what a "nappy headed ho" even is! He probably heard it in a rap song on the radio:p

April 13th, 2007, 06:40 AM
think about this if they (the black community) took a good long look at it self then the black leaders would not have the money to live on . It like this where is the money comming from ,it all about the money ,there no races the only one the green and how mutch I can get for my self only and no one else

April 13th, 2007, 06:46 AM
I'll toss some gas on a fire....

Where are the apologies for the INNOCENT Duke Lacrosse players? The Coach who was fired? The team made to cancel their season? Where are their live radio confrontations with those from the Black community who, marched, picketed and threatened the lives of INNOCENT college students? There won't be.... I know.

What Imus said, he deserved to be fired for. But what those from the Black community, the Main-Stream media, the Black Panthers, and so called Black (Sharpie and J.J.) leaders did to those young men is the REAL Crime... They should pay. If it was me, I'd spend the rest of my life following all of the above around, discrediting every syllable that falls from their tongues.

April 13th, 2007, 07:51 AM
The thing that is really a joke with Sharpton and Jackson is that if they are truly for eradicating racism, then they should also be working just as hard to remove racism from their ranks.

Did Sharpton and Jackson come down to New Orleans when New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin made comments of having a chocolate city? Do they bark if any other race is being discriminated against (Hispanic, Chinese, etc.) No. They are only concerned with anything they deam unacceptable in regards to a white person against a black person. Again, only showing themselves to be racist. If you are looking to put an end to discrimination and derogatory remarks, then you must do it across the board not only when it affects your race.

April 13th, 2007, 08:18 AM
this topic makes me so mad I can't really discuss it. I'll say this.... the ONLY people Imus owed an apology to was MAYBE the players... Why in the hell does he have to apologize to the entire black population? When Jesse Jackson.. ran for president..(LMFAO @ that one) He made the comments about jews... He went around apologizing and all was well.. Now this dumbass Imus insults a basketball team, not an entire race mind you just a team, and an apology ... to people he didn't even f**ing target mind you, is not good enough? I hear people... black people mostly.. talk about reparations...guess what folks? Favorable treatment where welfare is concerned, black only pagents, mass boycots of any company associated with anyone even close to making a ratial slur, handouts left and right, and all the other bull**** we have to put up with IS a form of reparation. Bottom line is we f***ed up when we brought slaves here, and now we are having to deal with it.... and it pisses me off...very very badly

April 13th, 2007, 08:57 AM
If it was me, I'd spend the rest of my life following all of the above around, discrediting every syllable that falls from their tongues.

Unfortunately, I have never heard either Rev. Al or J.J. use the correct amount of syllables for a word in any of their speeches. (Is that racist, or am I just anal about public figures, who expect people to take them seriously, using proper grammar? Hmmmmmmmm)

April 13th, 2007, 09:15 AM
Unfortunately, I have never heard either Rev. Al or J.J. use the correct amount of syllables for a word in any of their speeches. (Is that racist, or am I just anal about public figures, who expect people to take them seriously, using proper grammar? Hmmmmmmmm)

I'm also amused by the fact that the Left is always screaming about censorship, free speech etc. and how the Vast Right Wing Conservative-Christian-Neo-Con-Fascist-Money-Grubbing-Bunny-Hating-SUV-Driving-Republicans are out to destroy our freedom’s, when in fact it’s the quite the opposite. I love it… The Left are complete and total morons, and if they weren’t so F’ing DANGEROUS they’d be funny.

April 13th, 2007, 10:07 AM
I'm also amused by the fact that the Left is always blah blah blah blah

Why does it always turn into the "Left". Why not just JJ and Sharpie, and dumbarse "affirmative" bullsh!t. Again not all "Lefties" are like this. As not all "Righties" are bible thumping wife beaters. :stick

I agree with the only reason JJ and Sharpton are doing this is purely money driven. If they actually cared then they would be working everyday towards equality among all peoples, not just the chuckers. I better stop now......

April 13th, 2007, 10:14 AM
As not all "Righties" are bible thumping wife beaters. :stick

I'm right handed ... what are you trying to say?

April 13th, 2007, 10:19 AM
You know what I can't stand...people that think they are better than someone else simply because they belong to a different group. This can be religious groups (Muslims vs Christians etc), political groups (Reps vs Dems etc), race (Black vs White etc), gender (Men vs Women etc), orientation (hetero vs homo etc) or just about any other way you want to try and differentiate yourself from another person (eye color, height, weight...whatever). Elitism is one of the biggest problems that I think we, as Americans, face. This sense of entitlement simply because you belong to the larger, wealthier, colored, religious, orientated group. WHO FREAKIN CARES!

Do I think what Imus did was wrong? that depends. If he was trying to be "hip" and use slang, then he's just an old guy who screwed up and picked on the wrong group (again who feel entitled to something that they aren't). If he did it out of spite, then yes...he was wrong.

Saying, however, that it was a "liberal vendetta" is total crap. It's 2 people, a VOCAL MINORITY, that are blowing this whole situation out of control...2 people, as stated, who have done FAR WORSE in their tenure as talking heads.

Just because you don't belong to that group gives you no right to label what you don't understand as the root cause. Bigotry, elitism, closed-mindedness...these are the real issues. And it happens on both sides.

April 13th, 2007, 10:31 AM
Do I think what Imus did was wrong? that depends. If he was trying to be "hip" and use slang, then he's just an old guy who screwed up and picked on the wrong group (again who feel entitled to something that they aren't). If he did it out of spite, then yes...he was wrong.

People using slang in the wrong way?!?? That never happens

April 13th, 2007, 10:37 AM
If it wasn't Democrats (The Left) who hung out Imus, then who was it? Rook as far as cutting and pasting my posts I really don't care for it. If you don't like what I have to say don't read it. But changing my words is a little rude. Thanks in advance...

April 13th, 2007, 10:43 AM
I don't really care who 'hung him out' and I don't even like the guy but damn he made a mistake.

April 13th, 2007, 10:48 AM
Are Al Sharpton and J. Jackson Democrats? Yes. The simple fact that they are both democtats does not mean that "Democrats hung out Imus". I mean, you might as well say, "Blacks hung out Imus" or "Dark haired people hung out Imus" or even "Religious people with political aspirations hung out Imus". Blaming it on a GROUP of people isn't accurate.

"Nappy headed ho's"...do you know how many times, while working at Grambling, which happens to be an HBCU located in Louisiana, I heard someone call someone else a ho? Or how many times someone described someone else's hair as "nappy"? It's only derogatory if you WANT it to be derogatory.

April 13th, 2007, 11:54 AM
People using slang in the wrong way?!?? That never happens

Shut up, COON A$$!!!!


April 13th, 2007, 12:04 PM
Tech, it's MY OPINION that the LEFT hung Imus out... They didn't support his right to stick his foot in his mouth. My opinion. The Left left him hanging... Take it for what its worth, I get tired of continually defending my opinion to you. Same crap....different day, different topic.... YAWN....

April 13th, 2007, 12:19 PM

The only thing I do not care for is that every post somehow gets turned into a political discussion with extreme prejudices on both sides. Anything can be twisted and turned into anything, and you know it incites others in this group, yet you do it. As long as every thread gets turned, I will cut and paste whateva the feck I want. Anyone that read the "quote" knows I changed it. I changed it to let peeps know there was more, but not worth quoting. I was trying to say calm down a little on the political agenda. I have not seen this much political sh!t in these forums before. I am tired of hearing the same brow beating every time. Okay you are extreme righty tighty, who cares. Tech is a Democrat, who cares. Knock off the political stuff, and I will knock off cutting your posts up. -K-

April 13th, 2007, 12:38 PM
Just like Chris Rock has always said "It's the MEDIA!"

Al and JJ are blow hards who couldn't give 2 craps about the people they are so called trying to help. However, these 2 can say whatever the hell they want to, the same as everyone else in this country. The problem is, the media takes it and runs with it. I don't know exactly why. I think they are doing it because Al is the self appointed voice of the black man. The media gives him a stage to preach his racial injustice on. if they didn't pick up and promote "Al's antics" (that should so be a sitcom) then it would be a waste of his time to do the crap he's doing cause no one would listen. The media (barring Fox) is predominately liberal left wing.

Should Imus be fired? I don't know, it's not my decision and I don't know how msnbc was truely effected by his words. It's also not black america's decision, nor anyone else but his boss and those that run msnbc.

April 13th, 2007, 12:55 PM
ha! So are you telling me I can't use the term Democrat? And if I do I offend Tech because he is a member of that political party? When I use that 'word' I do not mean EVERY Democrat, and I certainly don't mean Tech.

It's my Opinion that Democrats (in general) let Imus swing, and I don't think I'm in the minority with that opinion. I'm not directing my comments to any person in particular here, it's a forum, thats all.

As far as politics is concerned well Imus was a political show, I understand most if his guests are politicians, I happened to notice that Republicans, (McCain, a frequent guest) generally were of the opinion that his offensive remarks while distasteful and rude were ugly but forgivable. And Democrats (Jackson, Sharpton, Obama, Clinton, Kerry) were of the opinion that he should be boycotted, targeted, punished and or fired. So based on that information I concluded that Liberals were eating Imus. It was already a political issue I didn’t make it one.

Rook if you don't find my opinion worth quoting then why quote from it at all?

April 13th, 2007, 01:44 PM
I find the "mudslinging" and "name calling" on this thread to be highly offensive. I demand apologies!

Otherwise, I ask that all sponsers of this website to pull out. I will not rest until this website, and the LA_Merc BF2 server are taken offline.

See, I can be like Al Sharpton (oops, wrong color).

April 13th, 2007, 01:46 PM
The only thing that offends me is stupid people (I get offended quite a bit, I admit).

And, I'm not a Democrat or a Republican...I prefer to think.

April 13th, 2007, 03:42 PM
I find the "mudslinging" and "name calling" on this thread to be highly offensive. I demand apologies!

Otherwise, I ask that all sponsers of this website to pull out. I will not rest until this website, and the LA_Merc BF2 server are taken offline.

See, I can be like Al Sharpton (oops, wrong color).

LMAO... Very good point.. I will have my people get in touch with your people and we will come to an agreement on just how many Merc's have to be sacriifce to satisfy your cause... Just please dont dont boycote our webpage.. I dont think we could take it..LOL

April 13th, 2007, 06:28 PM
"Nappy headed ho's"...do you know how many times, while working at Grambling, which happens to be an HBCU located in Louisiana, I heard someone call someone else a ho? Or how many times someone described someone else's hair as "nappy"? It's only derogatory if you WANT it to be derogatory.

Sad but true....

April 14th, 2007, 12:10 PM
Jackson, Sharpe and all the other fanatics claim to want racism wiped off the earth, but I think thats just a big smoke screen. These are guys who make their living and have made a name for themselves by stirring sh!t. What if tomorrow we all woke up and we were all the same damn color? JAckson and Sharpe would be pushing apple pies at McDonalds. And honestly, who gives a sh!t what either one of them think anyway.
"An aweful turn of events today in our coutry, we have Jessie JAckson on the line, lets see what Jessie has to say about this terrible incident"
Ponder this for a moment, how many black celebrities have you seen make racial slurs against whites? How many times have you heard "white cracker ass redneck hillbilly honky? Not once has any white person stood up and make a stink about it. Just as spark said, blacks can have all black padgents, highschool groups, college funds only available for blacks, affirmative action. You think if a bunch of whites got together and decided this group or grant or whatever, is a "White Only" group, that there would be a stink stirred up so bad that it would rival the smell of cat sh!t? I honestly believe that whites aren't the racist ones anymore. I think Jackson and Sharpe know it and every little thing that comes up, they try to make it racial to keepo them in the lime light. And we just put up with it and go along.

April 14th, 2007, 01:04 PM
Jackson, Sharpe and all the other fanatics claim to want racism wiped off the earth, but I think thats just a big smoke screen. These are guys who make their living and have made a name for themselves by stirring sh!t. What if tomorrow we all woke up and we were all the same damn color? JAckson and Sharpe would be pushing apple pies at McDonalds. And honestly, who gives a sh!t what either one of them think anyway.
"An aweful turn of events today in our coutry, we have Jessie JAckson on the line, lets see what Jessie has to say about this terrible incident"
Ponder this for a moment, how many black celebrities have you seen make racial slurs against whites? How many times have you heard "white cracker ass redneck hillbilly honky? Not once has any white person stood up and make a stink about it. Just as spark said, blacks can have all black padgents, highschool groups, college funds only available for blacks, affirmative action. You think if a bunch of whites got together and decided this group or grant or whatever, is a "White Only" group, that there would be a stink stirred up so bad that it would rival the smell of cat sh!t? I honestly believe that whites aren't the racist ones anymore. I think Jackson and Sharpe know it and every little thing that comes up, they try to make it racial to keepo them in the lime light. And we just put up with it and go along.

Amen brother.

April 14th, 2007, 02:02 PM
Hell, who after being on the radio/TV for that many years is not going to make a mistake i.e. say something stupid. It happens. Suspend him or whatever but to pull him off the air b/c of pressure from a bunch of idiots is just wrong. And this probably would have blown over if there was more going on in the news than now. It's a slow news time so it got pumped up more than it should have been. Hell if there were any playoffs of anything right now then Imus might have gotten lucky and people would have forgotten about it over the weekend.

April 14th, 2007, 02:08 PM
I guess the real question is "Who can say what?"

A white can't call a black "A nappy headed ho"
A black can call a black "A nappy headed ho"

Don Imus can't call a basketball team "A bunch of nappy headed ho's" on his radio show
Tom Joyner can call the white people "The white devil's" on his radio show
They tried to ban Mel Gibson's movies because he said "f***ing jews" while he was drunk
They did nothing to Jamie Foxx when he said that "he hates white people" amongst other names during talk shows and multiple other times.

The person who gets to say what they want are the victums. It doesn't matter if it was a particular group or a race. If they were once victums, they can do what they want without repercussions because they have "already suffered enough"

Its time to put the past in the past and let everyone represent who they are, NOW. Freedom of speech is only free when you are saying the right things and that needs to end.

One thing that America needs to lose is its "idol's". Its celebrities, hero's, and media.

Remove all celebrity news from the news because face it, its not news. Its as much the news as your every day life. When I want to see the news, I don't f***ing care about Anna Nicoles baby. I don't care what celebrity is doing what. If people want to keep up with the fantasy life of celebrities, give it another heading, channel and time. Call is Celebrity gossip.

Get real hero's, like the soldiers that fight for your rights as an American. The firefighters and police offices that protect your freedoms. Your parents that gave you a good upbringing. A teacher who taught you how to think for yourself.

Force the media to only print or air the full context of the issue. No cutting, chopping and piecing together bits of interviews and twisting what was once news into a new drama series. The reason you can't trust any news channel or that you have to watch 4 different channels is so you can hopefully get bits and pieces from each one on the same story just so you can try to understand what in the hell happened. They all sound like different stores when watched seperately.

Did Don Imus break the law? Did he get fined for inappropriate aired material? NO. The FCC didn't see a problem with it. Some people did and the rest just jumped on the bandwagon. Who would have thought that one comment from a radio talk show host that they don't even listen to, would affect the lives of those players forever. BULLCRAP! The issue was clear, it was a policatical and racial. Jackson and Sharpton do nothing that will not gain them something. The reason he was fired is because the race card was implied and NO Company wants to be under that microscope much less loss revenue from backers

Only Don Imus knows how he meant his statement. When taken out of context, it sounds horrible. When you listen to the whole broadcast, it sounds as though he was making a joke. I can take this whole thread and chop up each post and make it sound how I want it to sound.

I think its a shame that American's allow Jesse Jackson and Sharpton to do what they do. Then again, its expected. America is full of people who are fighting for a cause and need a cause to fight for. Whether is to save the planet, global warming, the trees, the illegal immigrants, the whales, black equality.. you name it, the list is probably 10 pages long. JJ and Sharpton are just feeding the needs of those people and the media assist.

Until people start thinking for their own. Until they can actually see outside the small corner of their room. Nothing will ever change and things will continue to worsen.

April 14th, 2007, 02:11 PM
Should Imus be fired? I don't know, it's not my decision and I don't know how msnbc was truely effected by his words. It's also not black america's decision, nor anyone else but his boss and those that run msnbc.

Several sponsors pulled advertising once Sharpton and Jackson started beating the drums of war. Purely financial decision...nothing more. Do you really think some CEO, CFO, COO gives a rats ass about a stupid comment by a half dead, semi-irrelevant dinosaur of a talk show host? Not really. Start cutting into the bottom line and upper management takes notice.

Getting fired is pretty harsh for a foot in mouth incident but Imus has a rep in the radio industry as being a uber *****. I think it's funny he got fired but only because it's Imus. I think firing a person for a coment like that is dangerous for the message it sends to other members of the media. It's a squelching of the first amendment even it is was a stupid remark.

What about the poor DJ back east who was fired after 17 years as the morning guy at some local radio station? He ran one of the lame morning contests..."The phrase that pays". Well, the phrase for the day was "I'm a nappy headed ho". They flat out fired the guy. He didn't say it to anyone. The audience called in and refered to THEMSELVES as nappy headed hos to win a prize. Now that's a real injustice and digusting reactionary management.

April 15th, 2007, 10:01 AM
This is even more haliarious, to read what he has already said in the past about other people and nothing happen about it. They made a crap storm out of something he does on a daily basis.


"That's some rough girls from Rutgers," Imus cracked. "Man, they've got tattoos and ... " At that point Bernie McGuirk, Imus's longtime friend and producer, jumped in. "Some hard-core hos," he said. Imus, laughing, pressed further. "That's some nappy-headed hos there, I'm going to tell you that now," he said. Belly laughs all around. After a few more ugly jibes, they were on to the next thing.

At 66, the "I-Man" was still big on tasteless caricatures of anyone in the news, or in his sight. (He called **** Cheney "Pork Chop Butt.") He seemed to revel in reducing his targets to crude racial and ethnic stereotypes. A running gag had McGuirk lampooning New York Roman Catholic cardinals John O'Connor and Edward Egan as vulgar Irishmen with thick brogues. Arabs were "ragheads." NBA star Patrick Ewing was a "knuckle-dragging moron." McGuirk did an impression of poet Maya Angelou, telling whites to "Kiss my big black a--."

He once called Washington Post reporter Howard Kurtz, a regular on the show, a "boner-nosed, beanie-wearing Jew boy." Kurtz considered it part of the game. "I wasn't thrilled, but I just shrugged it off as Imus's insult shtik," says Kurtz, who has said that Imus helped make one of his books a best seller. "I don't believe for a second that he doesn't like Jewish people." Like the coolest bully on the playground, the outlaw kid others wanted to be seen with, Imus made his guests feel honored to be insulted by him.

April 15th, 2007, 12:17 PM
Well... It seems like it was just his time, someone somwhere just decided..."HEY, we can make an example out if this guy" and so they did.

I never liked the guy, but I will side with him on the fact that it was just as much his right to say these things and get away with it, as it is the black comunity's right too.

You can go ask anyone of these Rap artist, Comedians, News Comertators, and so on.. Is it your right to say these things about your own people, and see what kind of respose you will get.

OHHHH.. and what about "White people cant Jump" This Bash whitey things started a long time ago.

April 16th, 2007, 10:48 PM
This whole thing makes me sick... read my Andy Hijacking Post...

April 18th, 2007, 09:09 PM
I say F em all. Last time I checked there was this little ammendment called the freedom of SPEECH. If I want to go on and say "All F'ing Blackies must die" (not that I would say that) then I have the right to do so. If you dont like it, then turn the dial and listen to something else. If its that bad then lots of people will follow suit and my show will fail due to no following. People are so wrapped up about what they need to get for someone else sayin something they dont like. Get a life and come up with a good come back if you are personally offended by something, geeze.
