View Full Version : AMD Price cut

April 10th, 2007, 08:08 AM
If you were waiting to purchase an AMD processor, the time has come.


April 10th, 2007, 08:50 AM
Damn, I just upgraded too, SOB.
All that makes my 5200+ AM2 socket dual core look feable and pricey. Ahhh.

April 10th, 2007, 08:58 AM
however, if you are one that has to have the latest and greatest, you may want to wait for about 3 weeks. AMD is set to release the Barcelona core in May. this is supposed to out perform the top Core2Duo pretty easily. (although a few months later, Intel is coming out with a new Pyrian -sp? core that will be even better than AMD's barcelona)
AMD is just dropping prices to clear out stock in prep for the new CPU in a few weeks. AMD will also drop the prices 1 more time on the current CPU's when the Barcelona actually retails.

Also, the intel Core2Duo E6600 still out performs the AMD X2 6000+.
Currently the C2D6600 is priced at $308, but intel is dropping pricing on all their cpu's April 22. The C2D6600 will be $215 roughly. Or you can get a quad core C2D6600 for $530.

Also, the C2D series also seems to be the easiest and highest overclocking CPU ever. Alot of people have been getting an extra 500 - 600mhz with the stock air cooling and a simple change in the bios. Get a better HSF, like the Tuniq tower, and you can go alot higher. The C2D6600 is stock at 2.4ghz and most people overclocking easily run it at 3.0-3.2ghz, some people using water cooling get it to 3.9ghz.

April 10th, 2007, 09:02 AM
Thanks for the update Berk. I know who to consult on my next update. Between you, Toby, and Darren, how can I go wrong.

April 10th, 2007, 04:57 PM
Between you, Toby, and Darren, how can I go wrong.

?how can I go wrong?

Well... you just said it.. dont ask a question like that that when the answer is right before the question.. :stick

Sorry guys I had to do it...

I know you fellas is uber leet...

Oh and BTW... WOOT!! on the price wars!

April 11th, 2007, 07:58 AM
Damn, you can get some sweet CPU's for cheap cheap right now.

April 11th, 2007, 10:29 AM
yep. too bad the friggin motherboard prices are all jacked up...
