View Full Version : Hooked it up with....

April 7th, 2007, 08:53 AM
Last night we hooked it up with DarkKnight and Tony last night for a little Pubbing with our crew and the OTH regulars, Good Times!! We went out and PWND up on some of the Sniper Group peeps (Remind them of the scrim results) and had a good time... Looking forward to more I/O tonight..

Couple of Screenies from the action... There I'm not Checking the Oil.. Dead from the Hanger Rape... In the next one you can see the F-18 in bound with more ordnance for the Hanger, But our GOD friends (knife) and DarkKnight are doing the dirty work!

It's amazing how some Clans and players will all flock to the side of the map with an Uncap, then proceed to RAPE, Bomb and pulverize the other sides cap-able airfield... then the minute the round is over, and the sides are to switch they RUN off like little BIOTCH'S (You hear me Sniper group??) We lost as MEC at Kubra by 20 tickets, barely able to get our rides in the air. When the map switched, they ran knowing what was coming... We won as US by 226. Eat it...

Like I said.. Good times with the Greatest FPS ever made!
