View Full Version : LA_MERC Server ....

April 3rd, 2007, 03:02 PM
After a successful first month of existence the LA_MERC server is open for business RIGHT NOW as Vanilla BF2 I/O!!! Maps in the rotation are Jalalabad, Karkand, Sharqi, and a 32 player sized Oman!

Thanks to all who are playing and supporting the server, if you have any special request’s or idea’s lets hear them.

April 4th, 2007, 09:21 PM
yeah it has been fun throwin down on our own server. I'll try to be on some time soon. Schedule is pretty full right now.

April 4th, 2007, 10:43 PM
Hey!! 25 in there tonight!! Oman at size 32 Rocks!! Consider doing that to others...

April 5th, 2007, 06:27 AM
While commanding on Oman last night, I was beginning to feel like a target at a carnival shooting gallery. Run to this location (sniped), run to that location (sniped), but it was fun none the less. I know Wetzny got me a few times. It seemed like there was more than just LA_Merc and OTH showing up. So that was good.

April 5th, 2007, 06:32 AM
While commanding on Oman last night, I was beginning to feel like a target at a carnival shooting gallery. Run to this location (sniped), run to that location (sniped), but it was fun none the less. I know Wetzny got me a few times. It seemed like there was more than just LA_Merc and OTH showing up. So that was good.

HA! You 'feel' safe over on the construction site, but with the L96A1 your just a ripe target ready to be eliminated. Plus I (and some others) have played that map for hours in a sniper only server, so its not hard to figure out where the enemy 'safe' area's are. And once you've got the drop calculated it's just point and click. If I could stick the RPK in Johns ear I would, he's got that thing down pat! Good times last night!!

BTW we need MORE LA_MERC in the SERVER!!! Those of us there last night defended our turf well, with the help of our OTH friends, but in the end another clan showed in numbers and squeaked out a 3-0 win!! The sad thing was we had them down 20-3 at the end, they rushed the Olive Hill killed our SL and capped the flag with about 10 guys, to earn the win... Really fun times!

Hat tip to all involved and especially Goose for choosing that map and size it was fun!

April 5th, 2007, 07:23 AM
Although a 3-0 loss is tough to take, it was a lot of fun with it being a close game. That's the first time that I've played I/O on Oman. Not too bad at all. A little less distance between the flags would be nice. Overall, the fun factor was definitely there.

I think we would have done a little better with a different guy as the SL. That guy was playing way too much like Rambo. Oh wait... that was me.

April 5th, 2007, 10:03 AM
I think I hid behind every wall I could think off in that construction site, and somebody would always still get a shot on me (even when I thought I was out of the line of sight from all of the red dots).

I finally did find a little bit of a safe haven, where I was able to remain unmolested for a good portion of the end of the round, but my commanding did not bring a win for our team :(

I will say that I'm usually not too crazy about Oman either, but it was pretty fun last night. I wish I could have stayed on longer last night when DocSparky and Fragfood showed up.
